How many of you guys talk to yourselves?

How many of you guys talk to yourselves?

I’ve been living alone for many years and have full on hypothetical conversations with people in my life

I don’t think I’m crazy, am I?

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Embrace your crazy.

I do. The sad part is I have better conversations with myself than I do with most people.

IDK man, I do it too. I don't think I'm crazy, I'm a relatively functional adult.

I literally can't talk to my wife anymore. She thinks I'm some kind of crazy white maniac from all the feminist propaganda she's been ingesting. The concepts in working on are too complex at this point and she just goes nuts when faced with the possibility that she's not as clever as she thinks she is. It's actually a really sad situation feels bad man.

Completely normal

It's normal and sign of intelligence.

lol I do the same
Sometimes I also act our conversations I have with people to prepare for specific reactions in the conversation

I usually never talk to anyone nor do I even have thoughts unless I'm trying to work on something. I can go weeks without really thinking about anything. God bless Adderall

Do you talk to yourself or do you talk to the voices?

Talking to yourself and mumbling is a sign of genius, user.
Don't believe the hype.

Your Amazon Alexa Echo is probably recording everything you say and keeping it forever.

I do, but the conversation is a debate between conflicting ideas of my own, no other presence.

a-are you me?

Pre gaming anticipated debate resposes. Preparation, covering multiple angles.

Your a bit crazy, but as long as you know that you should be fine.(Dont ever take any drugs.) Try playing chess to keep you mind sharp.

Attached: Okay buddy!.jpg (1436x2383, 461K)

y'all dont mean like actually vocalizing words right?

Just because you posted a frog doesn't make it political.

'To keep you mind sharp'

but there's a frog and a dragon and it's MSPaint! cha cha cha

This is what the degradation of the human race looks like.

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6:00am in the UK, give me a break! ;D

out loud or in your head?

Stop being a neet faggot and go outside

Literal npc

Aloud. I’ll laugh at my own jokes as well.

I do. Its only a problem if i do it driving and ppl see me. Same about it being mire stimulating than other people. Feels bad

Oh Christ I do it in the car too. Long drives 2+ hours it really kicks in

jesus christ the autism

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What do the voices tell you to do user?

I honestly thought this was something that everybody did, until some day the subject came up in a party and as I described that i had monologues in my head, everybody said they thought like this but that they never did anything like monologuing with themselves, thats when it hit me that many people just don`t think during most of the day

It's human, user. Proof you're not an NPC. It's a little embarrassing when you get caught doing it. But I just pretend I'm an actor rehearsing me lines.

When you finally stop caring that people are noticing you, it's a sign you have achieved a truly ascended power level.