Is Trump responsible for the death of ISIS?

Attached: Goomba.webm (1024x576, 1.36M)

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lol is this supposed to be funny?

Mueller is going to arrest Israel

>orange jumpsuit

Where the fuck are they getting these supplies from? Who's manufacturing all these jumpsuits?


In the sense that he ordered the CIA to stop funding them? Yes.

Not trump himself, but the US was involved in training and aiding the kurdish forces operating in Syria, giving them control of large terretories.
US was also involved with Iraqi government forces in the defeat of ISIS in most of Iraq.
The rest was Assad and Russian military support.

ISIS? You mean the crisis actors?

Wow, somebody fucking gets it.

Love how they cut right when he gets run over

No, Syria and Russia are responsible. Trump cutting funding definitely helped.

running over soliders with tanks was commonplace in wwii on the eastern front. once tanks breached trenches sands turned red as tanks would just run over everything indiscriminately.

read about any tanker story here:

Is this a quick death?

The whole thing in msm about having defeated ISIS is just a matter of conflict of interests.
Turkey, US' NATO ally is a strong opposer of Kurdistan and that is the main reason US is pulling out of Syria.
When US is fully withdrawn there will be more ops like Olive Branch, aimed at culling the kurdish "rebellion".

I remember the story of one solider who crawled under a enemy tank to escape it and the tank just did doughnuts and ground him up.

No. Anyone paying attention knows it was already turning before Trump was even elected due to increased Russian presence. Hillary was threatening to shoot down Russian planes during the campaign because they were winning so hard and killing all of obongo's terrorist puppets.

Isis isn't fully dead until you kill the figurehead creator of it, Obama

You feel it all the way up to the head.

That mudslim should have dove in head first. Would have hurt less for .2 seconds.

No, ISIS was done over a year before Trump got elected.


Attached: Screenshot_20190202-013741~2.png (1080x1328, 1.4M)

Did he die?