2020 Election Thread:

You guys thought 2016 was nuts? The next election is going to be fucking insane. What are some predictions? What are some ways we are preparing? We need to start planning.

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>What are some predictions?

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I'm afraid there will definitely be violence, I just hope it doesn't blow out into full out Civil War or Guerilla Warfare. But this country has NEVER been so divided before like this...serious shit might go down.

>I just hope it doesn't blow out into full out Civil War or Guerilla Warfare

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Jesse Ventura for president

All I know is that its only Feb 2019, and I'm already sick of this election.

Fuck, almost 2 more years of this shit

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Ain't shit gonna happen until the gibs me dat payments run dry. Even dogs don't bite the hand that feeds.

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the left is going to get someone killed. and i don't mean how the right "got" someone killed - aka a woman was so morbidly obese she managed to die of a heart attack in her early 30s after a guy was being chased by antifa with baseball bats. the left is really going to kill someone.

I live in super liberal area unfortunately.

True and it'll spark outbreaks of battles. Like legit battles with guns and bombs.

True, but even a dog owner gets sick of their pet shitting on the rug after a while, and has to put the boots to it.

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Hate is your most powerful weapon

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I do? Then again I’m a whole different beast

>the country has never been so divided before
See: Civil War, the 60s-70s

checked, and yeah, threat of no welfare should suppress uprising imo

no there wont be lol.
get out of your room

Sure but something big is building up.

I'm usually out and I see more and more whites accepting Ethno-Nationalism, it's beautiful.

alsong as the democratic nominee isnt clinton, harris, or booker, the democratics are going to win 2020 house, senate, and presidency

Trump - Paul 2020

My prediction is that right wing opinions are going to suffer a major crackdown next year with mass censorship on all mainstream social media platforms. 'Unpersoning' will become commonplace.

We will not have the opportunity for Meme War III unforutnately.

Fuck off satannigger. It is not hate, but the love of our people, that is our most powerful weapon. We attack those that threaten our livelihood and those that get in our way, and no one else. Don't be der untermensch.

I think we're more divided than back then. We just don't go to war as easily. We disagree on way more and live way differently to each other now.

Good message, and true.
A little hate never hurts, as long as you don’t let it consume you.

Good, you will have plenty of targets

nope. we are the side of love. the left is hate.

This is different. The majority of people are in one of two political camps that disagree on DOZENS of major ideas, not just a few. The civil war was between democrats and Republicans back when the Republicans were just a spinoff of the dems.

>I live in super liberal area unfortunately.
I feel your pain. East coast is a liberal shothole

>This is different. The majority of people are in one of two political camps that disagree on DOZENS of major ideas, not just a few.
That is true. During the Civil War it was really a conflict of governments. The average American had mostly the same values, with the exception of disagreement on slavery.
Now however, you have two completely different cultures. Conservatism vs Socialism, Self Control vs Hedonism, Spend vs Save. ou can literally live in the same home as somebody and have completely different values. Its a very strange time indeed.