The German economy is in free fall

That news just came in 12hrs after Italy confirmed it has entered a recession.

I have seen this before so many times. First tge stock market turned South, then politicians tried to deflect with all kinds of bs (Russia, Trump, Brexit) and now as the bad economic news starts to pile up, there is just sheer denial.

This will get ugly.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Surely you are in need of more immigrants, for the factories.

holy shit that guys face

So who bails out Germany? The IMF?

>This will get ugly.
it´s allready ugly

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Nobody, we just hurt, our factories deserted, our cars without fuel, our cities full of chaos and poverty, our politics in shambles.

Germans are very stubborn and it will require great suffering to convince them to go back to what works.

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It's almost as if you need to default on you debt and reparations, nationalize your bank with usury-free currency, and deport all non-Germans.

Good. I hope your faggot country collapses into civil war. Maybe then all of the cucked retards and niggers running around will finally get culled.

Is this when their factories switch to tanks production?

Maybe hard economic times will be the kick in th ass people need to do something about globalization and changing demographics

Hahaha nice. Don't forget you also have a million extra mouths to feed.

Why though?
Usually a recession has a trigger, so what triggered it?

>I have seen this before so many times. First tge stock market turned South, then politicians tried to deflect with all kinds of bs (Russia, Trump,
Same as the UK then

No deal brexit will be the killing blow, estimated to instantly kill 1,000,000+ jobs
Rest in piss germany

>so what triggered it?

White people

dudes face is too small for his head

>Mfw governments actually bought into infinite-growth-economies
>Then they imported cheap labour on (((dubious))) requests to try and sustain it
>Conveniently as manufacturing is being outsourced to third-world countries
>Conveniently as the jobs remaining are being slowly replaced by automation
>Thus creating jobs in the specific sectors that Fake-Degree Farms in India are catering to
>Meaning more "reasons" for immigrants
>Mfw every western country except some of the USA has swallowed this idea without thinking and is now falling into recession

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infinite economic growth is unsustainable, especially coupled with wages that have stagnated since 1995

>How will germany ever fix this?
More refugees.

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The German economy is doing very well.

Russian shills like OP should be summarily executed.

I am so tired of these people constantly spamming divisive propaganda.

Fucking liar.

Why do you do this?

Do you get paid?

2008 depression is still ongoing, we just bought more time with zero interest debt bubble. The crash will be huge when banks go under because people and nations cannot pay their debts back. Buy physical gold/silver, prices are being manipulated by creating paper gold/silver out of thin air which cannot be backed by physical bullion. High frequency trading manipulates stock markets constantly but it cannot stop real crash like in 1929.

(((Central bankers))) and those with money will buy everything with a dime when debt-sheeples default and lose everything.

Attached: 170919_Bubble_infographic_newfinal600.png (1000x3152, 1.54M)

If Germany goes into recession, all of the EU goes with her. I wonder how this'll impact brexit negotiations. Europe needs some economic turmoil to rile people up to the real problems.

>flood your countries with low IQ economic immigrants from non-white countries and eastern Europe
>costs for everything continue to rise, wages are either stagnant or declining
>cause population collapse from taxes and destroying the family unit for more growth
Every white and huwhite country needs an ethnarch to put all of these politicians and (((billionaires))) in camps.

Explain this picture. Do those companies actually sponsor CDU? Does the Swedish government through Vattenfall sponsor a political party in Germany? Is that even legal?

Economy is on the rise:
>Hey, let's remove all reliable energy sources, help all the shitholes, take all the nogs in, do more "green" stuff, who cares about country, we got the money
Economy starts going naturally down:
>oh...that was not expected, how are we going to feed all the nogs and green shit, REEE, more taxes more everything, more cuts in things that are needed for the state like streets, schools etc, we need to feed all those nogs and show an illusion to people that everything is still okay
Can't wait to see when economy reaches it's lowest point where there will be nothing to take. Once they got the money they thought they can just throw it away instead of securing it for the future, and once money starts going away they try to take more and more from people to hide the reality, which will break at some point.
People can afford nogs and green energy only when they still have some money left. Nobody is going to be able to afford the "Kohleausstieg" when electricity reaches 30+c/kwh, we will get the Venezuela levels.

The sooner Golemy dies the better.

Oh no no no no


Hypothetically, if the EU falls into a recession, how would the US fair?

My understanding is that interest rates in the US could be decreased to help ease the blow but here in the EU, interest rates are already so low that they'd have to go negative.

As well as having a nationalist president and large economy, I would think that the US would be more self-sustaining than the EU when the next recession comes.

>Usually a recession has a trigger, so what triggered it?

Working age population decline, bureaucracy, stubbornness, Brexit, Trump trade policies, China slowdown, ... generally though, we are just running out of ideas and our gibs to foreigners are way too high.

>No deal brexit will be the killing blow, estimated to instantly kill 1,000,000+ jobs
>Rest in piss germany

No deal Brexit is forecasted to lead to a massive downturn across Europe including the UK. And then China and the world. It's going to be real ugly.

>The German economy is doing very well.

Thanks, Mr. Wilders. Very good, Mr. Wilders. Everything is fine, Mr. Wilders. We are all doing super good, Mr. Wilders.

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I'm sorry Hans, because I know for a fact that there are good germans out there, but we will never wake up from this nightmare until german economy explodes.
It will be ugly, very ugly indeed for all of us, but it's the necessary first step. We'll never wake up otherwise.


We will recover, we have the world's best economics

Thats what you get for bringing in so many doctors and engineers, they dont work in factories.

Also my unemployment rate jumped to 9.4% since now a huge number of venezuelans are looking for a job. Why did you lie to me Germany you told me bringing in a million people wouldnt affect the economy of a country in a negative way.

Oh no

There won't be a collapse, spaghetti.

Don't be so sure, Hans. They'll (german government, EU institutions, rating agencies) do (of course) everything in their power to stop things from going down, but it's not so sure it will be enough.
Euro was a mistake.

>germans not poor
Maybe you are just as poor you fucking fake toothpaste thats why you dont notice

oh dear oh dear
but weren't the refugees supposed to sustain german manufacturing?
I hope every last german dies a horrible death so whites around the world wake up
no germans and white ethnonationalism
a win-win


>There won't be a collapse
Mit dem Angriffs Steiners wird das alles wieder in Ordnung kommen...

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Germany is a different caliber socially, culturally and economically. We can defy global trends. The Euro will remain and proliferate. The EU will go into the complete opposite of a collapse - federalization.

only a meant to be a distraction from baldness and probably a manlet to boot

No you don't. You systematically follow things to plan like autists and any deviation or shock fucks you.

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Enjoy the future fast track adoption of EU laws directly into Dixie heartlands

We are the shining example of how a nation should be built and maintained.

You just need more immigrants.

>but weren't the refugees supposed to sustain german manufacturing?

why? 90% of Germans said the migration crisis was the biggest problem since the Battle of Berlin in April 1945

>I hope every last german dies a horrible death so whites around the world wake up
Thanks, it sure will teach everyone 'to wake up' if you kill the majority of the white human population that is left

>no germans and white ethnonationalism
No you said what you think, you just hate white people

>a win-win
how is it a win win if the whole world becomes Asian African Muslim because of American policies?

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Don't you have some futile drama queen protest to attend to?

That's the plan without a doubt. But many things changed since the DDR, people are not that stupid. Who's behind it is projecting german mentality on all european people, but it's not like that. We question who's in power. You rushed it too much, if it was a slower porcess you could have pulled it off. But entirely razing Greece while convering your back with other countries money? It was dumb. As was dumb killing off internal demands of all countries to favour your export. If you destroy all the post war richness in 20 years, people will notice. And they did.


I remember

If it's in Europe, we can go there and put our Kraut fingerprints all over it. Feel free to get a one way ticket to New Jersey if you don't like the house rules.

>Do those companies actually sponsor CDU

yes and vattenfall is pretty big here

You can call this shit a lot of things, but "drama queen protest" is not one of them.

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Right-o. Just let me know how that increase in funding towards the eu goes when we leave. Maybe France will help...... never mind. Or the Italians? Oh.

It is. They don't even have political goals. They can't even organize leadership.

See? German mentality. Follow the rules as if they're heavenly, or get out as a heretic.
Instead, we will vote you to extinction this May, and if it won't be enough, we will just defy your rule. You're accustomed of dealing with Ciampi, Prodi, Monti, even Renzi... those days are over. You'll see, my friend, in due time.

cry more

What is the story behind that .webm, please?

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Also, so blatantly giving it away: house rules. This project is unification of germany 2.0. We're a founding member, Hans, and we'll bring it down.
May you like it or not.

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If they put this much effort in maybe they should just do some actual fucking work instead of protesting again or voting in shit governments again. Cried about the socialist, cried about the conservative and now crying about the neo-liberal.

France and Italy will continue to buy German goods and services, not British ones however. Thanks for handing over Airbus on a plate, I hope they decide to increase their stake in Germany.

You don't understand. I live in the richest part of Germany. Our economy is pivoted around military vehicles and medical tech. Our prosperity is invulnerable. You can't halt our plans without total violence.

Keep importing more engineers and doctors from Syria and Afghanistan, Hans

>My understanding is that interest rates in the US could be decreased to help ease the blow but here in the EU
You think FED gives a chickenshit on what happens here?

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Good. Every factory job that the rest of the world loses, the US and Mexico will pick up

Yes, unification is what's to be done and all the smart Italians will fight for it rather than against.

What makes you so sure that that's a good idea?

No way. I was told refugees would jump start a second miracle economy.

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Can't you feel he's some autist high schooler?
Only a child can be capable of such reasoning.
Don't take it personal from him

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>waa waa tyranny

If you want to have guns and generally be a corrupt fiscally irresponsible cockbag, why is migrating to the US such a bad idea?

You don't have services. You manufacture. Cars being the biggest export. France and Italy have big car companies Hans. We however are a big market for you. And for italy and france and belgium and Netherlands. We import a lot. We are a services country. And when we no longer have to stick to EU tax and competition laws, who wins?

>Ever buying anything made in either

Nothing in my house is, nor can I think of anything anyone I know that does

Can you give some data for the recession?
All I know is that Bayer is reducing costs / employees.
NORD / LB is about to get privatized and trimmed down.
Car industry says goodbye to Diesel production.

I want to see some actual red numbers user
I'm sorry Hans, I can't really take this conversaiton seriously anymore
You blew it
>german goods and services
lol'd irl

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Let the German talk smack. His country is about to see the worst depression of this generation.

Im german am 100% in the italian side, love you guys, va bene, grazie mille, snd so on.

The leftist, collectivist, blindly obedient extremist belief in the state like a god or something sickens me to death.

I like freedom, free thinking, family, business, so i'll never be german.

Germany will be fine, this is nothing but the waxing and waning part of the business cycle.

The level of delusion and disconnect from the world and reality is mindboggling

It sucks, but there's no other choice. France and Italy want to dramatically increase their GDP to debt ratio like foolish Japanese and Americans. The only way we can allow that is if it results in a ton of business in Germany and a massive structure fund for East Europe with zeor tax increase in both those places. German citizens can't foot the bill for any of that shit, so the only way it can happen is fiscal union, including a real European Federal administration.

How is that remotely legal

>mfw Commiefornia and Jew York are going to end up dragging us down to the Stygian abyss no matter how hard the rest of us fight back.

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>In free fall

We have only begun

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Only fire will save the west sorry friend. Until you realize that you have no future


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>Hurr durr
Fuck your 70 IQ retarded ass muzlet comments. All of this shit is about to effect the US and you need to respect our brethren. You are 15 years old and don't know what this usually means

A recession here would hit the urban areas hard. People with giant student loan payments, two grand a month rent and seven dollar a cup caffeine addictions will be fucked. These children will react really poorly.

nice blogpost faggot

Looks like his face is trying to hide away in his head

>They'll (german government, EU institutions, rating agencies) do (of course) everything in their power to stop things from going down

No. Merkel and her other comminist subvertists do everything in their power TO make Germany collapse !
You have to understand that.
Merkel grew up in socialist/communist East Germany. She was an rising to elite socialist bussibody even in her youth.
She was highly promoted by the state and put in special programs.
In other words: she became a subversive spy.

Fast forward : she is now PRECISELY brunging to action all those progams subversive communist spies wer educated to collapse western 'capitalist' countries from within.

One of the biggedt is afaik called Levin plan ( afaik ) - it's to financially destroy a country from within , by completely overburdening it.