When did Toe Rogan sellout? Did (((they))) get to him?

Seriously, I used to like the guy, but he's swallowed the progressive pill hook line and sinker. Fuck this shill faggot. He's taken down this video because it got ratioed and the comment section is a dog dinner.


Rogan had the opportunity to hot Dorkskys feet to the fire, instead he licked his balls and asked for more


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Other urls found in this thread:


a long time ago

Just a small selection

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This guy called it first

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Oh no. /pol isn’t Rogan’s target audience you’re doing a great job tho man keep it up I’m sure he’ll get 0$ cuz of this thread

don't forget to dislike and leave an antisemitic comment

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he is a cia asset dude.

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This, he literally begged the CIA to approach him. Literally in the literal sense, not the millennial way

Look at the comments. Does it look like his “target audience” thinks he did nothing wrong to you?

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what a piece of shit!

joke slogan wont even address sandy hoax, fuck him.

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kill yourself you fucking retarded shill
this is an abject DISASTER for your fucking retarded boss and the world is

I wish this was real.

Imagine watching Rogan say the fucking moon landing was fake and not knowing immediately he was shilling. And fuck tha flat Earth spic Eddie Bravo too. Off with their fucking heads

People running away from war, imitating artwork of a General crossing a frozen winter on Christmas Eve to kill the soldiers of the most powerful Empire in the world at the time.

Get the fuck outta here. Absolutely ridiculous.

Never liked the guy. Not surprised he's a sellout. Anyone who's that much of an asshole is usually compensating for something.

>Imagine watching Rogan say the fucking moon landing was fake and not knowing immediately he was shilling. And fuck tha flat Earth spic Eddie Bravo too. Off with their fucking heads
The moon landing was fake and now he says it's real. Eddie bravo is right the Earth is flat. Nice reverse psychology you inbred kike you're not good at it.

>he’ll get 0$

No views

that's why he'll get 0$

Justin James Hooman
Justin James Hooman
49 minutes ago
if you check the source code. it was done through the back-end. Through the sourcecode itself. The video was scrubbed from the datacenter host.

We NORMALLY see [('event' player | "skeleton container" , hidden = "TRUE")] to hide the placeholder spot for the video itself. but currently skeleton container is set to hidden=false. so the blank box shows up. It is what this page's sourcecode reads. You require sysadmin privileges to be able to access a server like that to remove the video while still having a placeholder url like this present. It was done through youtube/google themselves. JRE team using the youtube editor tools cant do that kind of editing, so you can rule out them being the reason. If I had to hazard an educated guess, knowing about linecoding, Jack would be the one able to make those calls to do this type of thing.

he had david cole as his guest in older podcasts

hahahaha joe is getting ass blasted, i bet hes wiping all the comments and dislikes, locking up the video, i knew his mask was coming off sooner rather then later.

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i haven't seen it yet but to be fair he licks every guests balls. that's his style of interviewing, he isn't looking to ask hard questions or have a debate. its more about whatever the guest wants to talk about. its annoying at times but it makes the guests comfortable for the relaxed casual discussion angle he's going for.

that being said i havent seen the interview or how moist joe got jacks balls so i reserve judgement. and its not letting me watch the video now anyways, just a black screen.

Rogaine has always been a closeted weasel who rose to the top by giving blowjobs to all his guests

Wooden doors? I don't get it? You've never seen a gas chamber with wooden doors? Are you anti-semitic?

>The Earth is flat
What the fuck do you think you're doing?

cunts never made a dime off me anyways

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the only thing he really cares about is weed that its the only subject where he has a clear position and he defends that position. anyway his shows are really getting boring used to be way more fun a couple of years ago.

Soon as he started having “ex” CIA on his show (there’s no such thing) and once he started to become mainstream. Ultimately traded his soul for Netflix money

>Did the lsd laden, brain damaged, manlet faggot sell out to the highest bidder (((netflix)))?

How is this even a question again?

Bullshit, he went after Di Paolo hard. Its only leftist faggots he sucks off

Rogan just isn't a political guy, and that's okay. But he definitely has on more anti-SJW types than SJWs.

I remember there was a podcast or two after the one with Mel Gibson and the Stem Cell doctor and he was shitting all over Mel.

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to be honest i think it is round but i don't know for sure. flatheads sound pretty retarded though and i can usually dismiss most of their points. but im also not going to take everyones word for it that its round especially when most people who are certain its round cant actually prove it, they just believe it because everyone else believes it.

id be surprised if it actually was flat. but its not like ive personally done the measurements myself to prove roundness and the pics from space could be fake. so what the fuck do i know. what do you know?

Rogan is a smart guy for dumb people

When he ruined Carlos Mencia’s career for stealing jokes and gave Miss Piggy Schumer the benefit of the doubt for doing the exact, same thing.


right click on the logo on the right with the down arrow on the box and click save target as or save link as it's an mp3

get it before it gets memory holed

Surely you don't believe that.
I have watched him for the past few years and his political bias has turned severely and has shilled out and back-stabbed his friends because he got bought out.

rogan is aids. avoid it.

well it sends a message to the malevolent technocrats of the global oligarchy that the people hate them. even on the number one podcast with joe licking his balls he cant get less then 80% dislikes.

>Rogan just isn't a political guy, and that's okay. Censorship isn't a political issue. It's a human intellect issue, an evolutionary issue.

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Giving a (you) for more anons to read this


this, how many times does he parrot fake shit like kurt eichenwald(trump amphetamines) and other dumb shit knowingly. The sign of disinfo change agent. Joe is the newest gatekeeper.

Rogan can't say anything against the UFC since WME-IMG will replace him if they don't like him

>Listen close to joey diaz exposing joe rogan about working for CIA.

Joey brings it up and he just watched Rogan's reaction

there you go, thanks ameribro

Also, what did he do to his dog or whatever? Heard he abused them or some shit?

It's Joe Rogan's job to hold people's feet to the fire. He's just as curious as the rest of us, but he prioritizes a calm, rational discussion. I don't see the sellout aspect.

listing to this now /poltards wish me luck

based commie shilling post. 10/10 shilling

not "netflix money", "fuck you money"

nice flag shill

it's amazing to see people shilling for rogan, that's how we know he's controlled

Nice one

Dorksky, censorship... Surely they don't go in the same sentence

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>Instead of engaging the guy he retreated to the bathroom and told his friends he was running away with a text
This is the same type of cowardice that makes him not ask the good questions with his guests. He's too afraid to step on people's toes even if he disagrees with them. Truly spineless he is.

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I just pulled it from the comment section though, someone out there knew what's really good

I like his podcast, missed this one, will have to listen to it tomorrow. What's the big deal?
>Di Paolo
who's that? /s

The flag and this comment is the reason I posted this comment

Hahahaha holy shit

>Why was Alex Jones banned?
>I don't know

Are you fucking serious this is why people were watching and you give us an "I don't know"

You fucking asshole


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Is it normal for the livestream video to be taken down on Rogan's channel?

When Crowder streams on Thursday night, he deletes the livestream video then re-uploads on Friday night.

Something like that, or nah?

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But by who? The god fearing lizard people?

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Rogan is such a sniveling coward! Which ever way the wind blows! Fuck I despise those type people! FUCK YOU ROGAN....GO ALONG TO GET ALONG YOU NOTHING!

That freaked me out too.


In the final minute before being cut off the topic was about the disruptive nature of Bitcoin in relation to centralized institutions. “It’s certainly threatening to certain services behind banks and financial institutions, threatening to some governments as well”


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Rogan now hangs out with the Intellectual Darkweb kikes and he was bought off, paid to shill for civic nationalism, drug use, degenerate behavior. Rogan is a faggot manlet just like Ben Shapiro.

hey chief check out the comment from youtube
by who? nigga you know who you work for don't try to paint me as crazy with that lizard bullshit

>“The worst thing to call somebody is crazy. It's dismissive. "I don't understand this person. So they're crazy." That's bullshit. These people are not crazy. They strong people. Maybe their environment is a little sick.”

― dave chappelle

>copy&paste into porn folder
>bury hard drive in backyard

Not even a modern Communist would defend Twitter censorship and free speech. Come on, just show your bluebird flag from never never land island

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When did Rogan start glowing in the dark? He was never this much of a cuck until recently. I'm not even right wing or political but holy shit he's become so sterile and boring lately.

I think at this point, Dorsey is just afraid of the mob that is within his own userbase. I don't know why he would be such a pussy about it. What are people going to do? boycott? lol, not at this point.

Joprah is a fucking shill sellout

Daily reminder that he DELETED his roganboard forums without notice or warning. Even the mods were caught off guard. Nearly 20 years of threads, conversations, PMs, etc. gone because suddenly it was too hot to handle? The roganboard could very well be credited with getting his stupid podcast off the ground when he was doing fleshlight ads. I was banned years before the deletion but I can't ever forgive him for this. Total shill faggot who sold out his original hardcore fanbase

>I think at this point, Dorsey is just afraid of the mob that is within his own userbase. I don't know why he would be such a pussy about it. What are people going to do? boycott? lol, not at this point.

> lol
I swear you're gonna be shitting your pants when you realize humanity is coming to genocide zionists like you this year. Fucking kek you people are so stupid.

They're called drop bears. Seriously dont go camping if you come here these fuckers will eat you alive.

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About 3 or 4 years ago

literally right after alex jones

What did he do to his dog, I NEED TO KNOW

Alex Jones was right again

This, the kikes paid him a visit. Threw his friend of 2 decades to the wolves. Piece of shit.

Alex Jones was right. Joe Rogan sold out and is glowing bright.

i heard there were some nefarious implications on that board so it had to go.

Lots of no lifer virgins in here jealous of Rogan just admit it ya fucking autistic losers.

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You must a be Jordan Peterstein fan.

Jamie's here to white knight.

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yeah he kept talking shitty about alex after that show too, just kept at it

he said words like "crazy" see the Joey Diaz clip and what he says about Alex

Thats such a punchable face

Joe did the right thing and let dorsey hang himself with his own words

fuck off nigger

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Don't forget that prior to that the rebellion was literally on its last legs and people were defecting left and right.

So he lays everything on the line on a fucking crazy mission in the middle of the night. They plan to have 3 different groups cross the Delaware.

All but Washingtons group pussy out. They take all night ferrying men and cannons across and by 6am they are finally ready to make the march towards the Hessian mercenaries. At this point the rebellion is so ragged and ill equipped that their march towards the Hessians leaves bloody footprint in the snow.

They completely destroy the unprepared Hessians and the rebellion is saved. Tell me you don't get chills just thinking about the kind of man and men who marched barefoot through the snow to what they saw as an inevitable death for the ideas of liberty and freedom.

Hope to be like him one day.