idk about you guys but few things bring me greater joy than seeing normies, especially negro normies (negrormies), completely reject kike propaganda when they overplay their fucking hand
look at these based and redpilled responses: >If we dont support homosexuality then you shouldn't get mad! We at least tolerate it! Most of dont condone hate towards anyone's race or gender but you not going to force me change my moral compass or make me feel guilty for not supporting a lifestyle that goes against my culture >If it even happened at all I was told it was fake >As a straight black man, I would like to apologize ahead of time for using all the water on Mars and causing the end of life on that planet. >Because the story seems STAGED!!! This is a war tactic from the powers-that-be to open an attack on straight black men!!! >Grotesque how the exact same people who vocally demand to be accepted as they envision themselves & never stereotyped, want to stereotype&blame all straight men (namely black men and white men as monolithic entities) for every single action of any other straight man. >I ain’t even worried about it lol. I know where I stand as a man. No one can tell me who I am. >Ty.. baka, hidden agenda
they don't even (yet) realize Smollett was a pawn being used for Kamala Harris' 2020 election bid, but we're getting to the end of a Cycle now, and the negroes are finally getting wise to the long-nosed-man's tricks, on an instinctual level.
just wait til Kamala Harris makes an actual attempt at getting elected President, and it comes out that she's not really African-American at all. this will then be a wakeup call to niggers everywhere as they realize, guess what faggots, Obama wasn't African-American either. really makes a nigger think why these fake-ass Democrat clone-ass lookin motherfuckers they're always running as "black" never even resemble the "African-Americans" they claim to speak on behalf of on a hereditary level
God bless whoever put this together, it connects the dots I connected on my own in one perfect image. fukken saved
what's that one nigger Jow Forums equivalent website again? how're they taking all this shit? when niggers smell something fishy, that shit spreads like a virus. God I can't wait for the day it becomes commonplace for the negro to completely and openly distrust the kike
Ayden White
Leo Perry
>God bless whoever put this together Thanks fren.
Jonathan White
Now imagine how whites feel when they are bombarded by blame constantly every day
Daniel Clark
Even niggers know a dark skinned nigga got 0 chance to win a presidential election.
Zachary Myers
so you agree with the fact that black men dont really care about this and yet you still call them the n word?
you are human trash, you know the real redpill? that the arrogance of certain white people who think they are better then other races and paint them with a broad brush have dug their own holes they cant get out.
its ok to not like things about other races culture, but to paint them all as the same and villify them is ugly and its not true.
thats why white girls are going after black guys and growing trends of seeking asians and hispanics, enjoy your solitutde lashing out behind a wall on Jow Forums and cucking out in real life.
Michael Adams
We knew this day would come. The progressive stack isn't hard to telegraph.
Kamala Harris talking about lynching after my man Kavanaugh is disgusting. I hope when she gets elected or comes anywhere near it, she is sniped by some great american. If not, i'm flying over.
Connor Robinson
I bet you Mueller is gonna arrest her along with half or more of the other people running.
Henry Campbell
Is this the type of "Anti-Lynching" bill that says any white person who harms a black person in anyway goes to federal prison?
Josiah Jenkins
Who gives a fuck, these people dont even vote in the first place, they're literally withholding their votes waiting for reparations. Nobody fucking cares.
Isaac Reed
Try getting between niggers and nigresses, only people getting through there are other niggers or negresses.
Joshua Price
Luke Myers
HOLY FUCK. (6) Lynching prompted African Americans to form the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (referred to in this section as the “NAACP”) and prompted members of B'nai B'rith to found the Anti-Defamation League.
in order for this to happen the average negro needs to learn the difference between a kike and a white. this has been a long time coming but we're sadly not there yet.
it has nothing to do with darkness of skin, it has to do with the fact that these """black people""" literally have no connection to the average African-American except for a rough similarity in the shade of their skin
this: but unironically. look i'm not going to get into it but everything people write here isn't 100% sincere, newfag. want to hear something sincere? yes African-Americans "are less evolved" than whites due to obvious historical sexual pressures, but it would be foolish to categorically characterize any race as "superior." I mean look at whites: sure we're awesome at math and architecture and art and all that great shit, but despite it all? we're more prone than literally any other race to being overly self-critical, generous with out-groups to a fucking fault, to the point of self-sabotage. the kikes control both of our races pretty equally through generations upon generations of learning where our racial faults lie so they can develop entire textbooks of tricks against us that we fall for every fucking time.
ethnostate is the dream but working together in civic nationalism is necessary to get us through the current phase of the Kike Cycle, so we can unfuck our shit to the point where we can even bring up the concept that "races work better when mostly separated" without having a fucking long-nosed kikel standing over our shoulders rubbing his hands saying "BUT THAT'S RACIST, GOYS"
imagine if you were some NEET negro who listens to cannibal corpse and shitposts about jews and this old boomer cuck comes up to you and does this lmao
I'm gonna ask Jow Forums if they have any experiences like that
Evan Diaz
I would rather be a boomer than a kike. I just know when to adust a position to my advantage.
Holy shit. Kikes already made shitty art for this hoax? You people are degenerates.
Henry Long
God you have to give it to the fucking kikes though man, they way they turned this Kamala Harris propaganda piece into also a subtle ad for the failing Subway. I unironically want a Subway sandwich right fucking now and I haven't had one in years since I got sick of eating them every day at work.
Aaron Diaz
Absolutely Fucking Based Negros.
Also bonus points for not being poofters.
Eli Harris
>Eating recycled Jew foreskins in a 12 inch long
Cunt for fucks sake, eating subway is for literal faggots
Holy shit, I didn't think he was gonna know that shogun
Joseph Ward
if there were recycled Jew foreskins in there at least the sandwiches would have any objective value at all. I know, I know, they're terrible even from a basic materials standpoint, but when has that literally ever stopped an American appetite before?
Man I always feel bad for that kid, they just curl up and cover their eyes :/
Carter Scott
psyop to gauge current black opinion on gays
Ryder Russell
>Mr. Samuel Look, I don't know if everyone with a jewish name is actually jewish, but I'm tired of all these "coincidences"
Oliver Gutierrez
nah it's for Kamala's election bid, she had an "anti-lynching law" she's been trying to get through (despite lynching falling under the category of, uh, murder). the kikes are slipping so much that when they blast propaganda like this they forget fundamental kike axioms like "niggers hate faggots a billion times more than whites do"
Jacob Miller
Nah this hoax backfired hard you dumb kike and you know it.
Caleb Myers
45 and all his white-hooded cohorts are a national disgrace. And if you still support are you.
Ayden Moore
One thing niggers know....a fake ass nigger. Oh lots of dumb assed White people fall for this gay nigger's game....but other niggers....nope. They like "Oh no you don't go there gay assed nigga!"
Bentley Cox
shut the fuck up kike
Justin Nelson
>id "PoC" confirmed
true that but how the fuck did they fall for Obama for eight fucking years
lol nah fuck whites, until they handle their jew problem they can kick rocks. Killing all the gays would be a great start though!
Tyler Bailey
Just your standard home invasion by a nigger iirc
Kevin Powell
>it has nothing to do with darkness of skin It does to black people.
Adam Hall
You thinking of thecoli?
Jayden Long
hmm. i've always watched this in the context of the toll being paid.
Brody Kelly
We have to recalibrate our language, repopularizing the word 'nigger' as simply 'our word for them' is part of it. Niggers sit around and call us crackers casually, the jits call us goreh, the pakis call us kuffar and the slants call us gaijin - it's just their colloquialism. The most pathetic thing is how whites wring their hands over whether a word will offend the muds, they police their own language to appease them and that's psychologically damaging for a race. We must re-embrace the word nigger to promote a mindset of WHITES FIRST amongst whites - it's not that we so much want whites to go around screaming nigger at niggers, but that we want them to reclaim their right to have vulgar colloquialisms for other races just as other races have for us. We must reclaim our own minds and language
Anthony James
Niggers gonna nig.
Jordan Hall
Blacks dont call whites cracker. We call you Edomites.
Bentley Hernandez
I don't particularly care what you call us My point is the intent behind getting whites to say nigger without shame again isn't about HATRED for blacks, it's about CONTEMPT and DISREGARD for any other race - whites have to stop putting other race's feelings and wellbeing ahead of their own. It shouldn't even cross a white person's mind whether calling niggers niggers is upsetting to niggers, is my point - it's unhealthy for our race that many of us do. The pro-nigger anti-white conditioning must be broken
Brody Bailey
I dont read jew slave drivel, kneel to your handlers and die or do something about it.
Michael Nguyen
Are straight black men, dare I say, our guys?
Adrian Reyes
Are Niggers finally waking up from the jewish brainwash and finally becomming humans ?! > inb4: “>niggers >humans“
Need to remind them again, that 99% of all slaveships where owned by jews.
Only 0.3% of whites ever hat slaves.
But 40% of all jews held slaves.
The “whites had slaves“ is a 100% pure bullshit and noteably jewish invention.
Camden Walker
duh. anyone who wasn't think this upon reading OP is a retarded cuck along with OP.
Christian Butler
Black and White Unite, Unite And put some red on the bottom stripe