Reasons why this country sucks

I just bought a brand new 2019 car.
i put 10k cash down on the car and still with that. i still have to pay $400 a month for the car.
and my insurance is $150 a month.
so $550 a month for a stupid car.
am i supposed to feel important for this ?
this country fucking sucks.
and i still live with my parents. i can't imagine how cucked people are that pay bills,house payments and cars. i mean. how hasn't anyone rebelled or killed themselves over this. this is terrible. fuck this country it sucks.

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is that way

Fuck that shit, OP
Sorry about your money

You should've bought a used cash car that you maintain well.

Buying a new car is a bad financial decision in general if you haven't moved out yet, especially if you can't really afford it.

>just bought a brand new 2019 car
Found your problem. WTF were you thinking?

You bought a new car while not having the means to afford a new car.

Congrats on being retarded. I bet you have student loans as well.

buys a new car before a house, what are you a niglet?

Been there done that. The real reason this country sucks is because I’m not running it

What car did you buy?

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>falling for the car loan meme
what a fucking retard, you're supposed to spend 8k max on an old car. easy maintinence, scratches and dents don't matter and it's dirt cheap

What kind of car did you buy that you're paying $400 a month? And why are paying $150 a month for insurance (probably a stipulation of the loan). Idiot

so we are just going to ignore the fact that everything is too expensive and also retarded and cucked and makes no is the biggest bullshit that exists it exists for pussies i have no need for insurance. what is this some plan to segregate rich people away from poor people ?
everything used has problems. you can't trust anyone. most people are retarded and abuse things. and hide things. everytime i seen someone with something used it always has problems that come out of it every soon.
i can afford the new car i am just one of those people that is standing up for what is right and saying this is bullshit.

and also, since you're 100% likely a wagie, no bank is going to let you get a mortgage when a good portion of your wage is already getting fucked by a car loan. goodbye house.

Don't buy a new car unless you can pay it off.

I'm about to go buy a Tacoma Pro :)

>I just bought a brand new 2019 car.
Found the problem. Retard.

It was YOUR choice to be a consumer.

Should have bought a van. At least you can live in it nigger

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you are all idiots. my last car was bought new and it lasted 20 years.

Should have bought a van for $20k, channelled the exhaust carbon monoxide into the back cabin and drive around picking up illegal immigrant construction workers and killing them on the way to a ficticious work site.
Instead you have a car with no ability to kill illegals. Sad!

>buying a house, nice meme

400$ a month for what? Tax or installment?

That's dumb, I bought a used bmw for less than that cash and have been driving it for like 5 years with pretty much zero issues. You're a dummy and you should feel bad. At least you're a good goy using credit though. So there's that.

>USA sucks because i have to pay for nice things.
thats you faggot

probably took 20 years to pay off too with insurance kek, fucking idiot

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lol you think 20 years is a lot?

i don't know what the fuck happend or how i got fucked over. do you think it had something to do with my dad ?
because i am 30 years old and never had payments or a credit card in my life. i had no credit record at all. and my first time buying this car. my dad was there with me and i know he is all fucked up with money and he signed the car with me. do you think its his fault why this is all fucked up ? they made him sign also because i have never done this before. and i know my dad has been in debt his whole life. maybe its his fault. i was trying to avoid all of this. but i bought a new car for something. reason. just because a new car was given to me for free 20 years ago. and it died so i got another new one because used things are trash.

You’re next

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of coarse it is.
lol no it was given to me after it was paid off so it was free and brand new given to me at 20k miles when it was paid off from after 2002.

sad part is, it will be worth less than what you still owe on it in 3 years.

what do you mean with never ends.

>most people are retarded
Like you, for buying a 2019 car in 2019. This country doesn't suck, and the fact it fucks over people like you makes me rest easy

i am not a dummy because in 3 years i wont have to pay anymore. and this car will last me 20 years.

it does not fuck me over. i am just wondering why all this shit is so expensive.

>lol no it was given to me after it was paid off
>so it was free

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I wonder what a 10 year old car that lasts 10 years costs?

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>30 and lives with his parents
>has no credit
>dad has bad credit
>still believes he needs to buy new

This retard is irredeemable.

I blame fucking Israel. Insurance company is probably run by Jews.

I hope this is bait

OP Fucks Up and is Too Retarded to Realise It: The Thread

>having a car payment
>he didn't pay cash for a used Acura
>he still lives with his parents

It's expensive for almost no reason, sure. But there's no point in "calling out the bullshit" because everyone with half a brain whose not on a 6 figure income will just buy a used car from a few years ago

its my aunts fault. they are older than my dad. they are like 80 and they kept buying brand new cars their whole lives and paying them off with like no miles on them and kept buying new cars over and over again. they gave me one of them and it lasts a long time . yea it was free for me. so its their fault. because i emulated what they did buy buying a brand new car for thinking it will last longer in the end for myself. maybe i will be right. because i always said to myself i will buy a used car. but i am not an expert mechanic so i think used things cause problems which they do.

its because my aunts are rich boomers where everything was easier.

How is buying a house a meme you fucking retard?

It is. Play along though

Look m8

>finish off paying your car in 2 years probably
>go to college study in something that pays well and is needed in your state/city etc.
>save up to get own place/mortgage
>dont stop, 401k n shit

Be patient and wise, faggot

im switching to a new insurance company soon. they just fucked me over. i dont even need insurance. ive never wrecked in my life. and if i do wreck. i dont have to tell anyone about it.

>gets a free car from the 80s, somehow thinks he needs a new car
>does no research and gets fucked in the ass by a dealership

no one's fault but yours

Only fags buy new cars.

Go get a fucking cheap jap beater you retard.

Why would anyone buy a brand new car?

Ok this is going a little overboard m8. Dial the ruse back

certified pre-owned.
you fucking retard.
a car is a liability not an asset. If you have to sell it say goodbye to 30% of what you paid plus the interest you're paying on financing.
I buy 3 or 4yr old cars.
and cars don't last 20 yrs anymore. especially if you live anywhere that salts the roads.
you just took on a fuckload of debt that will absolutely wreck your credit and whatever's left of your dad's if you miss payments. even late payments show up on your credit report

this country is evil. they are trying to fuck me over because i never paid for anything in my life and i am 30 and now when i want to buy my first things they fuck me over like this. what is this. i feel targeted.

Wait... Did you borrow money to buy a car?

The bank should never have loaned you that money, it's one reason inflation is so bad. Banks are able to create capital by lending.

Bank loans should be only for small businesses or things that will make the person money.

It's your own fault nigga, you don't derserve to live in a first world country.

Do some fucking research before buying any product that costs more than a month of work.

Then get the fuck out, nobody’s making you stay here.

This. Buy a used car... learn how to fix it yourself if it goes wrong. Only faggots and morons buy new cars and old cars are better... Before every automotive manufacturer started globalizing their vehicles to meet global standards. Now they all look the same and they're all loaded with garbage.

This. Fuck these people

Buying a new car with a loan is getting kiked. Why would you be so stupid.

actually being this fucking autistic with your money is what is wrong with this country you filthy scrumper

>buy brand new car
>bitch about it being expensive
Why not just buy a preowned? The depreciation on cars is insane. A car having 5 miles on it because someone drove it home brand new and died in their sleep would knock thousands off the price.

Kek Oh shit comments like this is why still come to this cluster fuck/pol/

I'm 33
I own my house and my car. I'm married with two kids.
Your parents fucking failed you. Don't get me wrong credit, loans and usury are Jew tricks but you've been so fucking sheltered you don't even know how to be a grown man.

>i feel targeted.
Its very hard to imagine you surviving a month on your own.

cheapest rent around my area is $650/mo, YUBitchin?

Finally someone on this shitty board who gets why america sucks

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Fucking idiot, you buy a used car with 3000-10000 on the clock.

no im just making payments. what do you mean ?
why would i put all of my money onto it
who does that
you mean some people actally pay 30k all at once. this is the problem all you retards have too much money and then dont do anything except think you are better than everyone.

>being a grown man means relying on others to loan money to you

Never fall for this.

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I buy used 1/4ton trucks for ~$1500 as my second vehicle. If I get three years out of it that's $500/yr. Means I got my money's worth

anything used is garbage and i dont trust how anyone treated something before me.
shut up you asshole Canadian idiot.
everything is much more easier in Canada
dont call me sheltered im sure ive done more hard things in my life than you have ever done.
how would be magically making more money to get my own house make me unsheltered ? lol at you.

how the fuck do you buy a house with shitty credit then? renting means paying someone elses mortgage.

What kind of vehicle are you financing, faggot?

>Buying a new car before buying a place to live.
>Buying a new car ever.

You are an idiot.

>everything is easier in Canada
Fuel costs more. Food costs more. We get tax-raped up the ass. Don't give me that shit.
I was referring to you not knowing the basic rule that buying new cars makes you a fool. You weren't taught how to fix things. You weren't taught to build credit. You weren't taught to be frugal and use your money wisely on actual investments rather than liabilities. That's what makes you sheltered. You don't know how the world works which is evident by the fact that you're 30 and still depend on your parents.

You fucked up BAD!

>buying new

this is the car

now to clear things up to all of you. my first car i ever got in my life while i was in my early 20s it was a year 2002 car bought by my aunts brand new. they gave it to me when i was in my early 20s with 20k miles on it and it was completely free to me cause they paid it off them gave it to me. so the car from 2002 lasted in my family until the end of 2018. so i did not know what to do so i went and bought this car.
so i never had to pay for anything until i was 30. which means i am doing better than most peoples.

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well then how come my aunts did it their whole lives are they rich or something and it doesn't bother them or are they trained to be good goys ?
also i said i am not a mechanic so i am not buying used trash.
my aunts lived with their parents their wholes lives and never got married and they always bought brand new cars too.

a car is an investment you idiot.

Kind of feel bad for you now because you seem naive and inexperienced still.

Yes insurance sucks and making payments sucks. I agree that being forced to have insurance is a total kike scam.

And you cannot be certain that the new car will be any more reliable than an old or a pre-owned one. I know people whose one or two-year-old cars had to be repaired for various emissions equipment and sensors and electronics that older cars do not even have.
Not to mention repair costs for newer vehicles are ridiculous. And I learned that having a nice car just sucks that much more when some undocumented spic woman hits it.

But if nothing else, hopefully you at least like the car that you bought.

do you not get how pathetic it is that you're a 30yr old man who doesn't know how to work on a car? Or that you're a 30yr old man who has never had to pay for shit? You're a manchild for fucks sake. these are not positive qualities.

No, an investment GAINS value. Cars LOSE value. Holy fuck you're retarded.

You are stupid OP. You don't make good decisions and you are bad with money. Cut out the meth and cigarettes and you will have the 550 a month to drive your Dodge Challenger Hellcat.

Holy shit. You're a bit of a fuck up aren't you? I was assuming you were in your late teens or early 20s. I'm 30 and have had 15 vehicles since my first one, live with my girlfriend and not in debt or making payments for a car that's literally a vagina on wheels.

>save up money in high school
>save up more money in college
>buy a vintage frog eye roadster for $5k
>no payment plan
>no debt
>niggers ask me for rides
>Sorry, I've only got two seats! One for me and one for my massive schlong. Take the bus, loser!
Buying a (((new car))) is fucking retarded. You can get an old one in pristine condition for pennies on the dollar.

*A Means of independent transportation is an investment

You dun goofed lad, but enjoy your car.


I was sitting in my car in front of my friends house waiting for him to come out and some dumb illegal bitch hit my car for behind. No insurance or anything, my poor Ford Ranger was fucked.

My daily driver is a 2004 Lexus IS300 5speed. Paid $6k for it with 87k miles on it. I work on it myself cause I'm not a poor excuse for a man at 30 years old.

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Fucking braindead moron npc kid.

You are still a kid in the head. If that problem isn't glaringly obvious to you, then you deserve your fate.

A bad investment loses value

yeah if you want to nitpick you can qualify it like that. you know exactly what I meant though.

Henlo groyp fren. I like you

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nothing gains value you dumbass.

God damn you are one entitled fuck, no one put a gun to your head to jump into a car loan. Could of bought an old car, the chiltons manual to it off ebay and a nice mechanics tool kit and not even spent half that 10k while having like no insurance payment. You're just a moron. t. guy who owns a 91 crx, 95 mr2 and a 2010 mk6.

Mother fucker, look at all the old muscle cars that sold for a few thousand dollars in the 60's that are now worth a hundred thousand dollars. You are a damn man child.

property for one thing. good stock portfolios. gold if it's going up.
you clearly know literally nothing about this shit.
tell you what, wire me all your money, I'll invest it for you. I super duper promise I'll quintuple it in a fortnight.

yea idiot only old rare things that hardly anyone has gains value so basically that means nothing.
also its only idiot human minds that are putting this values on nothing.

Look at this piece of shit. Just look at it.
Lasted me 13 years, paid 6 grand for it.
I only paid for oil changes and tyres.
Fucking jappers man.

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