>MLK the wifebeater gets a wife beater

My university just had a ceremony dedicating this statue this afternoon so tonight I went over and did this. We’ll see if anything happens.

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kek. what state are you in?

You forgot the bleach and clothes line

Kansas. Hoping for a big fuss but tomorrow is Saturday so idk.

based and falseflagpilled

You will be caught and charged for the crime expelled from the school and your life will be ruined good job

Absolute madman

What crime

mad discord tranny

Why are Americans so insular? This coming from an Island Country, if your life is fucked up, move to South America. U.S. and the U.K are kiked to the max.

The Juden will find something to appease the feral masses.

You done goofed posting that shit here. Just a shot in the dark, did you also buy that wifebeater that same night with a credit card in a popular store with lots of cameras? Millions of ways this could come back to haunt you... better hope no one really makes anything of it

You will get a notable mention

This, Paraguay is the only option now.

Hope you're posting on a VPN or something.

Just reset the router.

Being a white political dissident.

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OP if you have half a brain cell you should head the fuck back out there and take that wifebeater off the statue before anyone makes anything of it in the morning

Should have written wife beater on it

Wrong think.

You need to be lynched

No, he'll get caught, I say take everything and move to South America.

>better hope no one really makes anything of it

What OP did is basically like pasting a poster of muhammed getting raped by a pig in the middle of Mecca.

This, the Chimpout would be amazing.

It's too late.

Race war has officially commenced.

KEK. legendary.

This is retarded, they gonna accuse everyone who bought wife beaters in the last month?

Honestly how many people will even know what it means

>Thinking they aren't going to do everything to prevent a chimpout.

>that same night

You forgot to tape a can of beer and a joint to where his arms were supposed to be. Oh, and the Make America great again hat.

that's not how it works user.

God bless you comrade.

Nice. You should have wrote "muh dick" on it with a sharpie.

fuck off niggerlover. freedom of expression.

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Works for me just fine.

I agree, but do you think its a good idea for young white men to risk their futures for a silly prank?

bumping to smear MLK

Include me in the screencap

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That’s an odd way of spelling saving the west

for the Grove nibba

>Believing the U.S. is the only country in the world.

What do you hope to obtain and or achieve from your protest?


Defacing a statue isn't protected free speech. Its trivial, and shouldn't matter to anyone who doesn't think it's funny, but you're kidding yourselves if you don't think the left could blow this up into a national story. Not worth it. This is impulsive teenage bullshit

They don't know after two shots.

Articles like that let me know it's afraid. And that's a good thing.

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this is wholesome and good optics for black history month

This is how we beat them. Been saying it for forever. FORCE them to mention uncomfortable truths. Whatever it takes. You should've covered it with stats about blacks or something.

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Too subtle for Millennials.

Based and redpilled

whites are being replaced and young white guys should worry about their future?? ohh no they won't be able to perpetuates a system that is destroying them.

I hope they put this on CNN, fuck jews, fuck niggers, and fuck jannies!!



it would be kind of funny if it started over something so shitpost-y. let's hope.

This is hilarious and anyone who says you shouldn’t have done it is a faggot.

You should put some feminist slogans on it, turn the feminists against the blacks.

You're glowing.

yes. I believe in the desecration of this faggot MLK.

Piss people off. Pour gas on a fire. At this point we don't even really care if the whole country is aflame.

CJ, is that you?

It'd be a shame if some drunk with a snowplow ran over that thing. A darn shame.


Where's the subway sandwich?

>destroying the West
>depicts non-whites

I don't understand.

Who is "we" sir?



If you don't know what that means, I suppose you should fuck off back to Plebbit.

Even in death the nigger receives free gibs from a white guy. God bless America.

the whole point of OP's intent is to cause a distruption


??? it should be legal to husband to beat his wife


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Get a bucket of KFC and put a belt around his neck kek

People like OP are fighting the good fight.

Put me on the screenshot CNN/MSNBC/ABC/CBS
Gas the kikes, race war now!

You probably would've offended more people if you put a banana next to the statue.

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Found the cuck. Kill yourself faggot

I wrote 13/50 on the back

not that it would surprise anyone, but google the (((author))) to see some real kikery. Open Society member, anti-anti-immigration author, etc. apparently his family was jewing up South Africa for some time.


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It needs a white woman-crow next to it, with a black eye and cuts on her face and runny mascara. Write "doesn't matter, had BBC" on her.

Pay no attention to this fucking faggot. Bring the king a bucket of KFC and a 40 ounce as well

God bless you, user.

based and 13/50pilled

Nah, this shit is funny and could have serious redpill potential if the retards chimp out.

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I still think balancing a brick on his head would have been funnier.

Because that's how he died.

This is hilarious. 10/10

Put half a watermelon on his head

I love you user :)

Now start plastering papers proving how Mutt Lucifer Coon plagiarized his speeches, even the "I have dream" one.

The west is for whites though

Give him a quarter machine chain

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KEK it's happening