Is he right?
Is he right?
Churchill was a gigantic cunt man. I can't believe that fat bastard sold Britania for a few shekels
I wish
Churchill was owned by the jews, he did whatever he was told to do
Wtf I like Churchill now??
Churchill was based as fuck. He's one of the very few people whose very mention makes both modern liberals and unironic Jow Forums nazis seethe.
Yes very based. Ensured the fall of the British Empire and doomed Eastern Europe to a Communist hell for almost half a century.
Yeah cause some Russia-loving faggot is going to say anything nice about Chruchill
He's good for a few quotes
Church was a shill for kikes and a freemason. I like the fact that you faggit blame everything on Hitler with your "memes" without mentioning how FDR, Churchill, Stalin raped Europe
>butt buddies with Rothschild
>anti semitic
Sure, it would've been way more based to forget about the defense pact he just made with Poland and wait until after Hitler was done conquering Europe to start the war so he could get Britain's shit properly pushed in.
>Churchill was an antisemite
Fucking kek, dude was literally owned by Jewish bankers
i didn't say he was anti semitic quit being a shifty jew he was very philosemetic Mosley should've got elected but he put him jail for being a "traitor" true Anglo that I admire
>doomed Eastern Europe to a Communist hell for almost half a century
That was more our cripple's fault.
So you're okay with mongols invading Germany and raping everyone in sight? by the way are Jewish by any chance?
no, if he was those thing he would of let Hitler save civilization
>jew enabler
After someone invades America and kills off a fifth of our population and we finally push them back to their own capital after four years of brutal war in which we watched all our friends die and might not have homes to go back to after, we'll see how friendly you are with the locals.
he was an eternal anglo.
also pic related
>Winston Churchill
>Fascist sympathizer
Do you suppose he even knows what the word exponent means?
Dude I'd love to watch a movie about Nazis raping slav women. Especially if it's a porno.
my balls deep in your mom
Oh sure you haven't seen the movie uhum
There's a (((reason))) that many American public schools are named after a foreign leader.
Never heard of it. Is it some kind of Nazi porn?
so wheres the bad stuff?
Don't think so.
Churchill aided the kikes, he committed treason against Europeans