I hear a lot of morons’ complaining about “Egalitarianism” as if they knew the meaning of any word beyond three syllables. Egalitarianism is simply the opportunity to get ahead in America, regardless of race, class, etc.
On the other hand, Anti-Egalitarianism serves both the Left and Right ruling class – in fact, there’s no real difference between them. The general direction on the Left has been “Horizontal Equality” or a kind of anti-socialism for most whites outside of the tiny minority of the Ruling Class, their white “managerial class” lackeys; all in the name of benefitting the tiny grievance class including (((the usual suspects))).
Trump will eventually fail to completely stop these scum, and the Republicans will quickly get back in cahoots with the Democrats to destroy Egalitarianism and continue to plunder the country. But the movement Trump started doesn’t have to end there. America needs a third party to restore “Vertical Equality”.
Meet Your New Masters
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Understand the holohoax psyop and what jews have done to the West post-WW2.
Read through this thread, it's all there...
Use this info to redpill others. Redpilling normies is the ONLY battle that matters now. Redpill them and the rest will work itself out.
We need to end welfare for the rich and restore "Vertical Equality" before they ethnically cleans us of White America
Egalitarian is pretence. It's pretending that people are equal. Like how everything in nature is different, it's the same with people. People aren't equal. Some are better than others and so an aristocracy of some sort will always form. It always has and always will. Pretending that a society can be egalitarian does only one thing: obscure who the ruling caste actually is, making them less accountable for their actions. It's a terrible idea and a terrible philosophy for babby tier moralists who live in religious/ideological delusions.
>Egalitarian is pretence.
This is the (((shill))) position. Thanks, asshole.
No problem. I'll shill for the truth all day long. You commies, christcucks and other egalitarians can suck a bullet for all I care. Good luck with your faith defending you. The only redeeming thing about you is how all your bullshit fades from your mind the moment someone stronger and smarter than you dominate you completely. In that moment you see things clearly for the first time in your delusional lives and your terror and salt is like candy to me.
Edgelord out.
embrace the realsolution
egalitarianism is a self-defeating concept because you will never be egalitarian enough. it's why america socially is IMPLODING.
>I'll shill for the truth all day long.
You'll suck your (((masters))) dick in hell, Shlomo.
>egalitarianism is a self-defeating
Exactly backward. America deserves to implode. You do know that anti-egalitarians are the (((Left)))?
Lets make a short list of egalitarian ideologies with some prevalence in the west:
1. Christcuckery. Made by Jews.
2. Humanism. Made by Jews.
3. Marxism. Made by Jews.
Huh, go figure.
All egalitarianism is like this. The Founding Father's didn't realize this when they made their egalitarian statements and now the new generation of Americans hates the Founding Fathers. You will NEVER be egalitarian enough and it leads right into ashes. If it wasn't money it would egalitarian on race or fitness or intelligence or dress or vocabulary - it simply never ends. Inequality and non-egalitarianism defines our very existence, it's going against the grain of consciousness itself.
>2. Humanism. Made by Jews.
Called a (((shill))) doesn't deny.
Fuck your inept self. Egalitarianism is an easy way to tell someone is an unskilled eater with no understanding of actual work.
I accuse you of being a deranged christcuck. Will you deny it?
So a tiny (((rich))) minority should rule everybody?
Not necessarily, the most capable should lead and this simply goes against the concept of egalitarianism, which to me is just some kind of childish jealousy aimed at people who are more successful or arbitraily powerful than they are. The problem with these idiots like Sanders and AOC is they are hyper materialists, their entire world view is based on materialism. Meanwhile, America is in social free fall and it's only getting worse and worse. They are completely detached from reality or even add fuel to the fire. They offer no solution, just deception.
That is inevitable.
also your Founders essentially believed an element of this. They wanted only landed, literate men to be able to participate in the Republic and that obviously collapsed due to the nature of egalitarianism. You simply cannot base a political platform off egalitarianism because it always leads to decline, unrest, and then eventually devouring of the nation itself.
So why do you post these two idiots? They talk more about forgiving student loans than creating programs to help smart poor people get ahead.
They have a hatred for rich and want to take their money instead of create ways for these greedy fucks to make more money when they help poor or hire more workers. The problem with both of them is that, they don't actually want to help people. They want the poor people to vote for them and to get back at the rich. Use the rich to help the determined poor to get ahead.
constiutionalism is dead. only time Leftists even used the Constitution is as a weapon against stability and liberty. You need to understand this quickly.
>the most capable should lead
Well they don't - the rich already rule. You think that there is some meritocratic even playing field somewhere?
>The problem with both of them is that, they don't actually want to help people.
They want to help anyone who isn't white. The article called it anti-socialism.
>you’re equal to everyone
>you’re equal to retards, gays, niggers and jews
>You = retards, gays, niggers and jews
>You’re a retarded faggot nigger jew
They rule because they are the most capable. You might not like that might is right, but that doesn't change the fact that they've taken the power for themselves. You are free to rebel, that is your peasant right, and they are free to try and kill you for it.
Not right now but it is possible to achieve and bring about an archeofuturism for the next generation. But it will require a total rejection of modern values and I think the coming social collapse is the prime time for this.
lol okay...
>>you’re equal to everyone
>>you’re equal to retards, gays, niggers and jews
>>You = retards, gays, niggers and jews
>>You’re a retarded faggot nigger jew
This is the point: All of the above are MORE equal than whites.
Checked. You're still a retard.
>They rule because they are the most capable.
This is why the USA working class is forever bailing Europe out of wars - the upper class can't rule worth a shit.
That's all according to plan. It's not beneficial for the US peasant class, but then again the plans of rulers seldom are.
arachnid futurismo?
Cant get my head around that wrinkly old kike using that nice young girl as a cum dumpster. Fucking females will degrade themselves for the tiniest step up the ladder.
Hate to break it to you, but that's a dude.
Is it true that Swedes are just sober Norwegians?
No. Is it true that Americans are just drunk britbongs?
Jews always vote 75% liberal, which makes them structurally the political OPPOSITE of Whites (over 60% conservative).
The rest of Jews are Israel-loyal Zionists, not conservatives.