Do you consider Czech Republic to be first world or third world?

Do you consider Czech Republic to be first world or third world?

Attached: czech_republic_flag1.jpg (1181x788, 40K)

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I dunno. Prague was pretty cool when I visited. Also you guys are pretty cool.

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2nd world like the rest of EE

Czech Republic is not EE.

dunno, but czech 'em

That's what you want to be true.

Being ee is not about your place on the map you bum

It is you faggot. Central Europe is a myth purported by the wishful thinking of our educational system. Go ask anyone in Germany or Austria if they’ve ever heard of the term.

Grey as shit when I visited Prague.

Unfriendly people and terrible food.

Had a better time in Serbian than in Czech.

Atleast you are very organized and clean.

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I consider it to be rightful austrian clay desu

Neo-Habsburg Empire when

>Unfriendly people
That's because we don't like brown people

2nd world senpai. Absolutely loved Prague, easily my favourite European city, but walking around I noticed a lot of vagrants, mean people and Asian tourists are fucking everywhere. Most of your women are also gorgeous, no meme.

Ive lived there for two years, would consider prague first world and the outer villages / towns more third world. Nobody likes history because their country is basically a bastard child and they don't like to talk about it.

Heh I knew you would respond like that.

And no, I'm as pale as you.

>inbound noo u brown subhuman trash you ain't white.

They might have mistaken you for a gypsy. And nobody likes gypsies. Not even gypsy apologists and other gypsies like gypsies.

noo u brown subhuman trash you ain't white

May I ask you why?

t. international student

If Prague is a barometer of Czechia, then it's 1st world. I personally loved Prague and I liked the Czech people.

I don't even consider it a country

it is tho. in every imaginable aspect. therefore, 3rd world. sad!

third world

Possibly the most free country in Europe that still allows private concealed carry firearms, and a government that isn't too intrusive in the daily lives of people. Shame the EU will eventually take it away from them.

Can you get guns in Russia?

They are the niggers of Europe. Now when Europe have actual niggers that statement is kind of obsolete. They are uneducated, violent and involved in many different types of crime. They generally do not work (at least not legally) and abuse our social and welfare system. In public they are always loud and obnoxious and you never relax around them. Nobody that has ever had to deal with gypsies like them

second world

imagine the absolute stereotype of niggers
now double the unorganized crime, cowardice, annoyance to the public and filth they live in, but remove the guns

ukraine is third world

thats why the women are so desperate they even marry ugly chinamen.

you speak slavic, your EE, the german parts are western tho...

The Latin, Germanic, Nordic and Celtic speaking world is western Europe, (some include greeks as well).

gypsies are criminal, collect gibs and live in filth because they don't pay bills for garbage removal. pic related is a gypsy ghetto in Czechia

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I see. There aren't many gypsies in this town, but when I went to Ostrava I remember seeing a bunch of 'em loitering in the streets.

based slav traits + civilized german traits equal a pretty based country if you ask me

I'm this guy btw (). Different id due to phoneposting.

Slovak ghetto

Attached: Luník-IX.jpg (900x600, 190K)


Attached: stolipinovo ghetto.jpg (1024x683, 282K)

Yeah, I went on vacation and I loved it.

We are Western Europe without any possible doubt, all politically and economically and geographically.

Central Europe is appeasement, point is if you mark us central europe you have to geographically put there also Germany, Austria and Poland, so it makes no sense to use this jew lie.

We know our place, one of the oldest countries in the world with almost still the same borders as in time of creation of Bohemian kingdom and later seat of HRE.

Eastern Europe starts by geography kilometers past slovakian/Ukrainian borders ffs.

Romanian gypsy ghetto

Attached: ferentari.jpg (799x538, 150K)

It is more first world than Italy at this point

it's funny how it looks exactly the same in different countries

and they're trying to tell us genetics aren't real lol

3rd. You can get mail order brides from it.

Hungarians speak ugro-finnic and are slavs as well by their gene composition so?

Language is nothing, we are more Germanic than Austrians and Bavarians despite speaking Slavic language and even that language is based on German grammar, even Czech slang is just German language itself with Czech pronunciation.

mentally we're definitely east europe dude, don't lie to yourself or get out of your house once

slavs are subhumans though

communism played a role

I hate this defeatism attitude, that is why we have president and prime minister who we have.

Mitteleuropa u dumb pilsnigger

it's called honesty and not pretending to be something you're not


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That concept died after WWII

Such humility. You're in a better position than your other brethren. Own it.

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We are gradually getting pozzed by progressive shit from the US though. Couple of days ago, there was an interview on a major news site with a woman who does fucking GENDER AUDITS in companies, talking about the pay gap and how fucking gender quotas for managerial positions are necessary

>looking at that map you can easily tell where the west europe ends


Es lebt in unseren herzen

Eastern Europe is seen as the Slavic speaking world (including the Baltic people & eastern orthodox latins 'Romanians'), sure there are some more slavic speaking countries that have heavy Western influence, but again, that is because of Culture and Religion, look at Croatians for example, they are slav eastern euros but practice Roman Catholicism unlike their neighbors, well you have kinda the same thing going on, sense you were influenced by the Holy Roman Empire. But your country is heavily atheist now.

true and checked

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I am starting to think that you are Slovak, the jew of Slavs.
How do you plan to betray us this time jew?

I consider it not quite first world; somewhere in between first and second. I'd also consider it to be apart of western civilization given your history pre-iron curtain. You guys would have probably been better off if it wasn't for communism. Anyways, I'd love to visit someday.

Trumps gold digger wife is a slovak

>Do you consider Czech Republic to be first world or third world?

First, along with based Slovenia

Attached: bavarian-empire.jpg (2000x1970, 869K)

>burger in charge of geography

She was born in Zlin, back then called Gottwaldov


And she's not a gold digger afaik.




>creating another jugo
no, leave out switzerland, czech and italy. Tirol is fine tho

Based and dinarocelticpilled

>leave out switzerland, czech and italy

Fuck off, you piece of shit.

Italy would be pissed you took their land, but italians can't fight, so you're ok.

that would be poles

>former soviet union country
>western europe

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get fucked, its not gonna create anything but trouble

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>oooooh trouble scares me because im a little girl


Fucking kek.

That's like calling NZ a former Australian country.

we were never part of soviet union you brainlet

I am from South Spain and there are a lot of gypsyes here in my city, they live in a ghetto and are drugdealers, in addiction they are extremely violent and even though they speak Spanish, I don't understand nothing what they say. I don't know how they are in East Europe because I've never been there. Pic related

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>"hurr durr lets create a mixture of cultures because their food is the same"

Well you have a lot in common.
Your flag looks a bit american, you are only 65% czechs and you are mostly christian-atheist.

Way to much Italy. Have you not learned from the past.

>Pic related
I love how, does not matter where exactly they live, they always wear counterfeit gold crosses when they want to show off their """""wealth"""""

first world

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Gypsies are pieces of shit look up Lunik IX. At least the Slovak government has nearly demolished it now and shipped the residents off to live in shipping containers 30km away lol.

Czechia is comfy country, it really depends what you understand under first world. People buying new iphone every year, being in debt through whole life and calling for more faggots or white genocide? Not first world then.

Trying to beat burgers at ignorance?

> Kids all grown up
Roman Empires offspring
>You are welcome

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>being part of the eastern block

Attached: 800px-Europe-blocs-49-89x4.svg.png (800x501, 116K)

It's a third world shithole

chile go to bed

third-world xenophobic shithole


like, how can you say otherwise? they have everything you need to live a normal life.

>Go ask anyone in Germany or Austria if they’ve ever heard of the term.
Of course we see ourselves as Central Europe. Look at >pic related
That's how the Auswärtige Ausschuß of the Bundestag, ie. the official commitee of our parliament views Europe.

>We are Western Europe without any possible doubt, all politically and economically and geographically.
No you aren't. Western Europe is France and England and Ireland and so on.
We are Central Europe.

>Central Europe is appeasement
Who is getting appeased by whom?

> if you mark us central europe you have to geographically put there also Germany, Austria and Poland, so it makes no sense to use this jew lie.
Well, yeah. Again >pic related

>Eastern Europe starts by geography kilometers past slovakian/Ukrainian borders ffs.
You're right with that one.

Attached: Großgliederung Europas.png (987x1024, 948K)

Wage is pretty low compared to Sweden or even Germany.

You mean Western Europe. They are 10 years ahead of the US in "progressive" bullshit

lmao Keep telling that to yourself Pepik

Quit trying to drag them down

Mutt here, me and a friend of mine had one of the best drunken weeks of my life in Prague in 2006. I still think about that trip, it was great.
Beautiful girls, cheap plentiful beer and amazing scenery.
We also went to Karlstein castle and Kutna Hora ( bone church).

I'd love to live there, desu.

I dont know why everyone is getting butthurt because someone called us EE, everything that was commie behind "iron curtain" is called EE and it has nothing to do with geographical position. And answering your question, we are 2nd world a.k.a supply chain for West

Obviously not the first world country but I like them more than US, canada or germany.
Yes, for hunting.

French living in CZ. Pretty comfy, a little cold, good prices.
No I'm not brown nor BLACKED.