It is literally a fuckfest for the white man
Why don’t you come to Japan ?
Other urls found in this thread:
I don't just care about getting my dick wet. I care about my country, the identity issues my children would have, ideals, morals, etc.
I'm fairly sure all the "japan needs immigrants" threads come from blokes that fell precisely for such a meme and turned bitter as a result when the land of milk and honey it was not.
Japanese are white though...
ok, let's say I'm a mechanical engineer, 28, out of job because brown shithole.
could I get a visa to work in Japan? does your country need mech engies?
Is it really? Or is that just a tourism gimmick?
With 100+ hot bitches fucked in a year I can assure you it’s no meme.
I was a virgin in the US
nice meme
me not speakering wapanese
Chinese girls are wife-tier. Japs are sluts that cheat.
>a guy on the internet claiming to have fucked tons of women
Shit man, I've literally never heard anyone claim such a thing.
Its a meme dude. Japs dont want to fuck you. They want to put your head on a spike
If the nipples ain't pink, they're probably a chink.
Chinese women are masculine af
Because you're a hedonist
How is it respectable at all to go on sex tourism trips?
A mindless degenerate obsessed with interracial pussy
As I said, it’s a fuckfest, but you should know well that you should fuck yellow and marry white
Not gonna lie I took the chink pill. My favorite thing to do is poke holes in condoms and meet some strange at an izakaya
I always wondered about something. are there gyms in Japan? are there buff dudes walking around
no homo
Holy shit is this real? I might just set myself a goal to marry a trad christian Korean waifu in the next two or five years.
> you not even being white
man you are doubly fucked
Of course there are gyms, and everybody’s in good shape.
it's only a fuckfest if you are white, skinny and blonde
Also true. Many wg are getting the bac pill.
Not politics
Not politics
Not politics
Not politics
>Many wg are getting the bac pill.
>in Japan several years
>not a fuckfest
what am I doing wrong
not ugly, 6', dress well, not poor, blue eyes, speak Japanese
I want a good wife, not just to fuck mindlessly
>what am I doing wrong
Falling for internet memes.
>It is literally a fuckfest for the white man
nobody wants to eat brown fish
Hilarious. Laughing my ass off right now.
good luck. Christians in Korea are like 1%
i heard they love niggers in Japan, is it true?
*checks flag*
The Falklands Are British!
>Holy shit is this real? I might just set myself a goal to marry a trad christian Korean waifu in the next two or five years.
how ironic to see a RUSSIAN falling for fake news
>yeah we did a (((survey))) of women and they all said they're virgins until marriage
Fuck off
Ken sama?
Also true but to a lesser extent
Their vags look like minecraft dude
absolutely not, niggers are shunned from society. they only exist as a fetish for the most degenerate
I don't want Japanese people telling me I can't eat and walk at the same time.
Have you ever been out of the country? You will always find women that fetishize you, not just in Japan.
You guys should stop talking about cultures you don’t know.
enjoy your ugly manlet babys. plastic surgery can't change garbage genes
He could have gone with a beard/bald head and have completely changed people's perception of him. Bald guys who own it are always taken seriously by other men.
Ah, it happens.
Some of them will always look down on you, whatever you do, just for being a foreigner.
You just don't want any competition english teacher.
you don't own japan my dude
If you have autism now. You will still have autism in Japan.
WTF is it with leftist women? Proud enough of her abortion to put it on a fucking t-shirt. I'm fucking dumbfounded.
nah bro, Japan is probably the only country in Asia along with Philippines maybe where they love negro’s. it’s strange to say the least.
>I was a virgin in the US
And now I know you're lying.
Either that or utterly pathetic. If you have to resort to sex tourism to loose your virginity, you are scum.
I don't a reason why not. You are part Asian anyway.
How many gfs with feet are there waiting for the WBC (White Big Cock)?
Who's the latest God you worship?
Why would you encourage the white man to be degenerate and ruin Japanese women like they have already ruined their own. Find a nice Nip woman and make babies Kaito chan
they're no getting my precious bodily fluids
What is rural Hokkaido like? I always wanted to check it out. Seems like it would be the coolest part of Japan. Off the beaten path.
Go home english teacher
He actually did it, he fell for the memes
I'm blonde boy with hazel eyes, 35% of people I know are blonde slavs. Russia is like 85% slav. Russian is a citizenship not a race, just like American. Us being not wite is a biggest jewish trick out there. Fucking stop citing it you fucking faggot.
Now I'm interested.
If I am a virgin here, I will be virgin everywhere.
Enjoy no children at all, roastoid.
the southern japanese are browner than the northerners
hairier than thou, niggerson
I just want a pure wholesome Jap wife to marry and be the mother of my children.
Is that possible?
85% slav means that all of those people speak russian because it's a slavic language. Take a dna test and see it for yourself how much of a mutt you really are.
I dunno, Singapore turned out to be a fuckfest for me. Jow Forums told me about Asian girls' lust for white chocolate and Jow Forums was right. I have no reason to believe Japan would be different.
*Checks flag*
The British isles are Muslim
My ancestors were from Ukraine, Poland, Russia. All slavs, all white. Who's really a mutt here rabbi?
That's the kind of healthy optimism that will protect you throughout your life.
Just like here.
Okay, you've got to remember this.
I meant
>I will remember this
You have the hottest bitches. I'd go there but I'd probably have my kidneys stolen by the mafia.
I don't like gooks
> Amerimutt
Too old now but if I was just graduating from college I would definitely go
Im tall, in shape, and handsome. My whole life has been a fuckfest. I can get on tinder or bumble any time and pull asian sluts.
That's an extremely ugly asian woman and the kid looks asian and also ugly I hope this isn't you
>It is literally a fuckfest for the white man
Same here. I don't have to leave the country because I'm not a piece of garbage dork.
Ocasio-Cortez has a Chinese doppelganger?
>Literally says Japnese Youth Research Institute at the bottom
Fuck off with your shitty edit chink shill. Japs are the master race.
put the money in my account and Ill go
I would walk all the way to China and swim from the coast o China to Japan for the girl in OP's pic
peak cognitive dissonance
I'm standing around tokyo square right now and no one is sucking me dick, wtf you lying for OP
>It is literally a fuckfest for the white man
Sure mate
It’s mostly horseshit Japanese women are picky you need to be presentable, speak conversational Japanese and not be a manga obsessed weeb. White guys have an allure for the girls but they’re not going to take any old idiot especially the attractive girls
It's sad how enveloped in evil she is that she's commercializing the death of her own child
So many jealous roasties in this thread.
Jewtube "how much do japanese cheat."
like any country, you need some game + looks to get girls. but in Asia white guys can usually get a girl 2-3 points above their own.
>be me
>always here the 'asian chicks like white guys' meme
>buddy says he wants to go to japan
>he does
>comes back
>ask him if the meme had any truth
>he says nope
>he said the only chicks that showed him any sort of attention where other foreigners like white chicks, an italian chick, and a half black half white chick
>ended up fucking the italian chick like 5 times
>he said all the japanese chicks he tried to talk to even with just idle chitchat acted like he was putting them out and were very short and kinda rude when talking with him
Its the censorship and cost of living