People here after posting for one year are not the same person that they were before. This place changes you for the worse. Then you proceed to watch people reccomended to you here and follow their content. Making your beliefs more focused and strong. Eventually you develop your own new echo chamber that you never imagined being a part of without ever even realizing how much you’ve changed.
Radicalization happens here
Other urls found in this thread:
Bitch I was posting redpills on Godlike Productions 15 years ago.
Quite an echochamber this is if you are able to post this without repercussion.
>freedom to say whatever you want
>echo chamber
We're not radicals, society has become radical.
Ok Moishe
Reminder girl in OP's post fucked this guy
Another Joan post. I have more free time now. I might just do some non stop anti Joan posting for a few days.
She’s a lot uglier on streams.
Without a doubt, she looks like a rat; suitable for the shekel goblin dick tho
I got radical to the max
this isn't an echo chamber. echo chambers allow false information to go unopposed. here people are allowed to question and make valid points of reason derived from many sources if an user takes the time to do so.
>spend a year doing something and you are a changed person
breaking news
>1 year
Here’s the gayest douchiest rock I’ve heard for ages but it’s soooo gay & sooo bad it’s kind of good. Like cheese in an aerosol can.
Really? My friends IRL find this place to be briddy gud enderdainmunt. Why so serious??
>OP is a faggot
The reason people change is because previously they were being effected by globalist 24/7 psy op abuse;
And we do alright considering we are so heavily out gunned because we are only selling truth and the price is for free, if it costs you something afterwards you need to take that up with source of the corruption that’s out there.
Been watching YouTube vids. Here’s a good video for /pol feels. Young Guns clips to Blaze of Glory.
I used to listen to Bill Cooper and read morals and dogma when you were sucking your mommys dick faggot.
You know whats radical?
Luciferians are running the world and normies like you posting israeli whores without a clue about whats going on.
looks like a kike
shut the fuck up you autistic freak
what motivates you to make this low effort thread?
it's not radicalization it's waking up to the reality of the world
radicalization goes hand in hand with orthodoxy, but on Jow Forums there's every type of ideology from constitutional monarchy to national bolshevism
>This place changes you for the worse
>for the worse
That's fine. Would rather be a based Jow Forumsack than a nigger hugging discord tranny any day. Understand Jow Forums is always right and the opinion posted here is not controversial. This is a board of peace.
Imagine believing this website is the holy grail of truth lol. Please get help brother.
Just imagine if speech irl was like it was on Jow Forums
Everyone would be based and redpilled
extremely gay and fagpilled
Imagine the diameter of your butt plug.
When you aren't radicalized this is hot.
cry harder kike
you can't deny the truth that you have seen on here. There is no going back you can only go deeper.
I also very much like to perk to spot jews
Amazing bible study MOTIVATIONAL
Racism debunked, are you an accelerationist ? Wanna see the Vile people defeated?
Live coverage special of the 200th millionth post! God spoke again!!
Sam Hyde Gillete commercial supercut
Jason dalton MKultra uber driver
Top 100 happenings and memory holes of 2018
NPC Meme theory VIDEO 1, very first video on subject and part 1 of 3 mini series
The Great Meme Iconoclasm and Article 13
Get comfy and expand your almond activators
Bellagio Sampler's training is almost complete and his power level is rising rapidly.,..
>to my Legion
Your General returns
>to Our Enemies
The crusade begins soon, God's warriors are coming and ALL you shills will bow down and kiss our feet and declare JESUS IS LORD!,,,,... ,,,,
I’ve lost weight, quit drugs and alcohol, devoted my life to an honorable career and and got engaged to a trad conservative scandi-burger since I found this place. Also joining local clubs and getting involved with my neighbors and I think my lead has actually inspired my parents to stay together and appreciate the love they have. Fuck off you liberal pussy
i agree that guy is talking out of his ass if not he sounds like a stupid normie that enjoys being a normiefag with a boring life
>one year
lurk for two years before you post faggot
Nigger I was posting back in the days Jow Forums had a news board and that faggot moot deleted it for turnong racist. You know what turned /news/men racist? It wasnt the board. It was reading the fucking world news every day.
The facts don't lie.
I was red pilled and white nat 2014-2017 but since 2017 I’ve been drifting left and now back to a non-racist moderate social liberal. I feel like most of you will follow my path after getting married and having kids and generally just being happy again.
That’s a comfortable lie you tell yourself. That’s the media did it you. That you have no fault.
What a child.
>after one year are not the same person that they were before
if you haven't learned, developed and grown in a years time.... fuck me user what a dull, unimaginative and limited view of the world do you have?
Awesome. Good for you friend
You’ll be back once you realize what you need to protect your kids and their future from
When you write stuff this it makes you sound like you aren't even self-aware.
Do you really think you can drift in and out of stuff like racism?
I've never lived in a black neighborhood the post.
Shut the fuck up kike
No thats what unfiltered uncensored discussion of current global events woth your peers does.
You're a faggot.
is the blind man “at fault” for being cured of his blindness?
is the leper “at fault” when his sores miraculously heal?
what's wrong with wanting stability? If you want to get ass-raped by dildos or fantasize about hentai waifu's be my guest. However, do not disparage others life-styles if you have nothing positive to contribute.
Now I am sorry for taking a second of your precious time, please proceed with your cock-munching
100% I did and probably many others have, racism is just another ideology like socialism or liberalism or conservatism. People change their views over time.
If your attitudes were born out of negativity and edginess, rather than of cherishing your people, their culture, and their future, then you were not nat-soc, you were a neo-nazi.
You'll change your tune once your daughter starts getting noticed by the muslim predators in your neighborhood or your son gets bullied for being white.
But you probably married a fugly paki yourself judging by your flag. Post your disgusting indian wife for us to judge.
In what way were you “racist” and what are your current views on the matter in contrast with your former ones?
>bullied for being white
I’ll take things that don’t happen outside of pol for 500 please
i actually became more of a feminist and a socialist from comming here, mainly because i realized from watching the sentiments here that they are needed, direly so.
I get it. You're living in a fantasy land.
If white are the majority it doesn't happen. As soon as you reach that tipping point and whites are the minority they get bullied.
Even non-whites who become friends with the one white kid get bullied just for associating with the white kid.
for $500:
“When OP makes a titty pic thread pretending to endorse a certain POV but argues for it so badly that we realize he’s just a faggot being a faggot.”
What is “Poor Quality LARPing?”
I live in a 80% black city in America and I’m white. It dosent happen outside of pol dude.
Dumbass I’m not endorsing anything. My post is facts
$500 to the heavily armed man with child slaves but no access to a road
I'm afraid whining to us about an echo chamber is deeply dishonest.
I'm only here because I was banned from everywhere else for simply asking questions.
Sorry, you forgot to phrase that in the form of a question.
>simply asking questions.
based and truthpilled
wanting to protect your own race isn't racism.
Almost nobody on here is racist, its just obvious that the world would be a better place when every race has its own country.
You are Dumbass? Yes you are
That word again. I used to be so liberal I almost went to liberal protests back in the day. Now that I'm firmly blackpilled I know the truth, I'm less likely to join a leftist uprising. I'm less radicalized if anything. Don't think you realize how many left wing radicals there are who are being brought to the middle over here.
I thought non white birth rates would outpace us and the English would go extinct in a few decades so we’d have to ethnically cleanse or sterilise those already here and stop further immigration from non Anglos. Realised that there birth rates are going down like ours as well and after 3 gens it’s the same and that even if they do become the majority I don’t care because I get along with non white Londoners better than the white chavs back in my hometown. Culture is more important than race. As long as integration continues like this I’m cool.
>almost nobody on here is racist
You are a huge dumbass. At least 70% of pol is racist.
It’s the truth. I’m in the deep south
the mainstream media changes everyone for the worse and they are everywhere and force fed. consider it a blessing to discover other sources.
you don't know shit nigger
US Army PSYOP Soldier here.
there is a reason for this OP. In the PSYOP community we have a saying, "the truth wont set you free, it eill just piss you off."
The only thing Jow Forums or rather red pills do is introduce people to the truth, usually without a rose colored filter.
>Im mad I was sent to Iraq to advance a Jewish supremecy agenda
>meh some truth to welfarequeen as a Soldier
>irritated that people thank me for my service, because I now see why I was sent over seas
>fuck nato
>fuck Bush
>fuck clinton
Logical fallacy
>This place changes you for the worse
That, like, your opinion, man. It didn't so much change me as it confirmed all of my previously-held notions
Two more fallacies
>then you were not nat-soc
there are other ways to cherish your culture and your people though. Culture and tradition are not a binaries, where you only can be conservative vs. progressive.
Dumbass is angry
Your location though may be, is not what I am claiming bullshit on.
I’m sorry but you also forgot to choose a category and a monetary value, and also you’ve already used up all your money and can’t continue to the next round. Perhaps you’d have more success on that show where you spin the big wheel around and guess random letters.
Being bullied for being white is only talked about and sensationalized on forums like this. It dosent happen.
Damn is that Kamiya posting
Not everyone believes into the fishy anti-Semitic propaganda pushed by Muslims and extremists here. Not everyone here so pliant as you may think.
Lots of people are here simply because of the leftist witch hunt on the normie social media.
This is a board of peace. I’ve been more peaceful and been exposed to extremely high IQ people from around the world , some with great senses of humor. Also fuck niggers.
post a source that 70% of all posters here are unironically racist.
I came here a Christian-Conservative and now I'm an Atheist-Liberal. Good job guys, maybe keep out the inbred rednecks and Israeli shills next time.
No source needed dumbass
>This place changes you for the worse.
This place changes you for the better!
>I do not know shit but I'm right
White women never get raped by non whites. Non-whites never cheat or scam whites. A white person has never been robbed or murdered by a nonwhite.
The proof of this is your geographic location.
To be honest it sounds like you’re someone who went from being an angry, disaffected teenager to someone in their early 20’s who has just moved to the city and become enamoured with the new experiences.
You may very much find your perspective changing in a few years.