Well Jow Forums, after 2 years of confusion and depression stemming from your red-pilling, my qt trad chinese wife has filed for divorce.
When the papers come in, I can sign and walk away from the woman who married me a virgin, is degeneracy-free, and dreams only of starting our (hapa) family.
Or, I can reconcile, maybe get therapy, start pumping out those mixed kids, and I hope that I don't spend the rest of my life hating myself for it.
Raising non white kids is worse than pointless retard.
What are you doing.
Luis Powell
Wait, what happened? Were you shitting on your wife because of her race even though she married you as a virgin and is degeneracy free?
Loyality, virginity, and willingness to have children are more important than someone's race.
I'd prefer a white woman with all those traits, but it's a pain in the ass finding one who ticks every requirement, where as there are far more Asian girls that do.
I'd honestly take a clean, virgin, loyal black woman over a white woman with an broken hymen, however black women like that are far far far more rare than white women that have every trait as mentioned above.
The reason those traits surpass the desire not to race mix is because those qualities are basically a requirement for raising children in a stable marriage.
The problem isn't guys fucking asian women, the problem is white women not being good wife material.
Idiot. If shes nice stay married to her. Donate some sperm.
Owen Stewart
You fucking idiot save you family. Your parents and your wife are closest people in the world for you. Go to you wife and say you want to start over, have kids and live your life with her. Muh white woman is a meme.
Henry Barnes
So she is going to be single?
Nathan Johnson
>trad chinese wife has filed for divorce. >trad >filed for divorce. trad women don't fie for divorce you got a whore
Easton Hill
You fucking idiot really let a bunch of autistic faggots on the net influence your personal beliefs?
Jace Fisher
>Chinese Why did you pick the ugliest kind of Azn?
Jonathan Ortiz
>chinese user. i hate to break it to you but all chinese women are whores. you just found out way late.
Leo Johnson
yet white countries have the highest divorce rates in the world.
Ryan Phillips
>trad >marrying outside your own race what
Kevin Bell
What ae the best kinds of asian user?
Jack Morales
Jace Cook
You're clearly a jew so stay with the gook
Michael Long
west asians
Elijah Young
Gavin Campbell
Kayden Miller
If she's not giving him children then it's obvious why she would divorce. He is supposedly withholding pregnancy from her, that's why he's made his blog post.
Brandon Hall
Just do what makes you happy who gives af.
Matthew Hall
>mfw I fell for the gook meme >mfw they're literally empty husks with no emotions whatsoever >mfw even wh*te roasties make for better company in comparison
You're a dipshit, let her go so she can do better. Please don't breed with any woman as the world doesn't need your weak ass beta genes. Seriously your fucked up your relationship over how the retarded incels here influenced you? Docile, obedient women need dominant men to compliment them and form a proper couple for child rearing. KYS
Josiah Barnes
>I can sign and walk away from the woman who married me a virgin, is degeneracy-free bluepilled and gay
You are a retard OP, and very likely a fag too. As in an actual closetted homosexual that likes dick, otherwise a bunch of virgins on Jow Forums wouldn't make you break your commitment to a good woman.
Noah Stewart
>OP is a faggot How you gonna bring up shit you read on Jow Forums to your wife? >Subtle redpilling She must think your a paranoid schizophrenic This
Listen, once you take the redpill there is no going back, you can try to bluepill but once your kids act in a way that is foreign to you, you'll feel horrible. Chinese may have a civilization and work well amongst their own, but they are different, they don't have any faustian spirit or whatever you wanna call that we europeans have.
Embrace the struggle, dump your aznqtmemewife, join your brothers. Maybe you'll meet a good white wife, maybe not. Anyway it's better than having halfgook kids.
She's already filed, you have no kids, and you're two years in?
Let her go. It isn't going to get better and will only get harder and more expensive in the future. A friend once told me, once she wants a divorce, it isn't going to get better. He's right. Maybe you could save this relationship if she was threatening, trying to get attention. That isn't a fighting fair. But you've got papers already? Send her packing.
It's a bot post. OP never responded. And his picture is called "couple.jpg"
Eli Adams
This is what happens when you all argue in favor of the marriage meme in 2019.
Please, stop it.
Andrew Thomas
No hapas you fucking degenerate
Make white kids or fuck off
Wyatt Rodriguez
Oy vey shlomo
Jaxson Long
>The reason those traits surpass the desire not to race mix is because those qualities are basically a requirement for raising children in a stable marriage.
You mean raising white children. Otherwise it's pointless.
Kayden Ramirez
Theres nothing trad about racemixing.
Jayden Thompson
Go far enough west in Asia you end up in Western Europe.
Adrian Hernandez
I always thoght he looked like a white burn victim they spray painted black
Get comfy and expand your almond activators CHN IS COMING BACK SOON Bellagio Sampler's training is almost complete and his power level is rising rapidly.,.. >to my Legion Your General returns >to Our Enemies The crusade begins soon, God's warriors are coming and ALL you shills will bow down and kiss our feet and declare JESUS IS LORD!,,,,,,,'xx
You're a beta autist, OP. Send that qt3.14 to me and I'll breed her with my alpha Germanic genes. >letting yourself get meme'd out of your marriage by a racist basket-weaving board >imagine being OP
Kys, do the world a favor.
Benjamin Cruz
Things used to be fine, happy. But after getting redpilled I wasn't sure about mixing. That led to a mental impasse which turned into depression and everything that's led up to now. I do still trust her and I don't blame her for filing. She's been open to resolving, I love you, I miss you, etc., but couldn't wait forever. What do you think?
Michael Diaz
She’s wants to divorce your beta ass because you’re not having kids with her. She seems like a decent woman and if you’re not having children with your wife (YOUR WIFE) because of her race, that’s pathetic. If you didn’t want hapa kids, maybe you shouldn’t have married a fucking Asian.
Logan Stewart
Was in a similar position. Your kids will be nothing like you. They won't look like you. They won't act like you. They won't feel part of your history. If they have health problems they might struggle with organ donation. Stop thinking of yourself and how happy your wife is making you. Think of your children.
William Jones
what would yeshua say to you are you acting in accordance to his laws?
truly there is only one race and that is the christian race brother
nobody cares about you ever having kids because your probably a blue blooded nigger anyways
Dominic Stewart
>things that never happened number 64688543
Landon Allen
Still no tits and ass pics , sage all fields
Dominic Rivera
I grew up with a Chinese mother and a white father and came out to be just fine. I guess it’s just because my mom was able to understand that kikes are nation wrecking nigger lovers.
Andrew Perez
murican invader or local?
Jonathan Howard
This is a Destiny shill, the picture is a Destiny Twitch meme don’t trust him he’s a kike shill
Aiden Anderson
You are thinking only of yourself and not your future children, you inexperienced cunt.
Everybody says there is this RACE problem. Everybody says this RACE problem will be solved when the third world pours into EVERY white country and ONLY into white countries.
The Netherlands and Belgium are just as crowded as Japan or Taiwan, but nobody says Japan or Taiwan will solve this RACE problem by bringing in millions of third worlders and quote assimilating unquote with them.
Everybody says the final solution to this RACE problem is for EVERY white country and ONLY white countries to “assimilate,” i.e., intermarry, with all those non-whites.
What if I said there was this RACE problem and this RACE problem would be solved only if hundreds of millions of non-blacks were brought into EVERY black country and ONLY into black countries?
How long would it take anyone to realize I’m not talking about a RACE problem. I am talking about the final solution to the BLACK problem?
And how long would it take any sane black man to notice this and what kind of psycho black man wouldn’t object to this?
But if I tell that obvious truth about the ongoing program of genocide against my race, the white race, Liberals and respectable conservatives agree that I am a naziwhowantstokillsixmillionjews.
They say they are anti-racist. What they are is anti-white.
Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white.
John Roberts
Adam Walker
its pretty safe to say that you're a larping leftie faggot, who's just trollin for (you)s. S&H
Brody Hall
The Military rolled out armor and shut down the Border, and this is the top thread. You all deserve what is coming.
Austin Parker
If you are legit and not a larping faggot, try and reconcile with her. She seems to actually care. Women who care are a bit of a commodity these days.
Ryder Morales
You are all going to be thinking about something besides "muh dik, and "muh gash" very shortly.