So people are flipping out that this guy wore blackface, but NOT the fact that he is literally supporting a Bill that allows for murdering your fucking newborn child in the delivery room?
Josiah Anderson
DEMS ARE SATAN!! If that passed in Virginia I would be dumbfounded
I really have no idea why they would make up such an obviously disprovable lie, at least make people work for it.
Juan Harris
because 80-90% of people are going to believe it and it wont ever be corrected in their minds and after the report is corrected no one will remember their lie for the most part.
Thats how the mind and propaganda works in this scenario
Hudson Stewart
The Governor went on radio to roll out too early the Democrats' end goal on abortion that proved too controversial and damaging for the Democratic party so they had no choice but to take him out or undermine him in order to distance themselves and protect the party.
Brody Brooks
found the booty blasted libcucks
Ayden Bailey
Im a trump supporting far right christian im just messing with you.
Nolan Butler
Ancestor Levi Jacob owned slaves... it all makes sense now.
Owen Garcia
This dosent matter because Trump is raciest AOC 1 Trump 0