88% of Dutchies would be comfortable with a Muslim neighbour. WTF toothpaste land?
88% of Dutchies would be comfortable with a Muslim neighbour. WTF toothpaste land?
>UK at 53%
wow thats alot lower than I thought it would be maybe they aren't doomed after all
I'm going to buy a CZ now
Western Europe surprises with largely not being 80+ and Eastern Europe surprises with not being 0-19%.
Meanwhile Scandinavia is exactly how it seems to be.
Not sure what to make of this.
15% is muzzie here
so of no mus pop (62/85) = 72% of belgians (still includes niggers/italians/chinks and so on)
based czech
a muslim qt would think she was being feminist by dating a local. the local would get the humble domestic instincts of the muslim qt's upbringing
ive got the feeling like they only polled randstad here wich is about 70% foreign..
>WTF toothpaste land?
protestantism is homosexual, did you miss the post-it note ?
>inb4 yes
>has a statistics
i guess it has nothing to do with pic related
I used to live in a very brown area. Had some old Muslim guy who lived next door with his daughter.
They were quiet and didn't really interact other than saying good morning. The house and garden were a mess though.
On the other side was a Sikh guy and his wife. He was a nob who filled the whole place with his many cars.
Opposite were an old Baba cult, Hindu couple who were really nice and neighbourly and he always cleared the road of snow.
Personally I would prefer not to have a Muslim neighbor because you never know if they will end up having their dodgy relatives move in. But same goes for living next door to a housing association house or a chav family.
nords the most cucked as usual...
can they be fixed?
No let them get cucked and then let the med race take over
Scandinavia is Cuck central.
Georgia kek, do they hate their neighbors that much?
Guess i'll have to try some lithuanian beer some day.
Wasnt asked although this country is going to hell anyways
fucking hell, nuke it. Just nuke it
??1?!1'1'? This is scientific fact and not even a controversial one why is a huge-ass majority answering no to it everywhere?
Puting ex Yugoslav republics there is kinda stupid and thats because whenever someone thinks off Muslims we think of retarded Bosnians not gay Arabs
based armenia
They've been sucking roach ass since you two had a falling out.
Yeah was thinking Muslim means something different in other countries
Most of you are missing the point. A lot of people who took this survey were probably afraid to give an honest answer. I guarantee you that in private a lot of these answers change.
Evidently not in the Baltics or CZ
Glad the deep racialism of Portugal still stands.
there is too much foreigners already, who are muslims themselves.
I've no prob with any "race" I judge individuals so I don't limit myself. I have had awesome moments with people of various "races". I was lucky enough to have a dad that works for NATO therefore we move around a lot. There are differences for sure and I am fascinated by how much different people can be depending on their birthplace, origins and culture. I hate how a lot of "progressives" negate the differences. I do think pretending that we are all the same is wrong. And out of all the places I've been to, Muslims were always the least engaging. I also saw how different black people from Africa are from the American ones. Asians(Japanese and Korean mostly) are the least like we are taught to believe they are. All of those that I know are wicked and are hilarious.
TL;DR: Muslims are very closed off
Nothing to gloat about. Luckily you have that Cristiano Ronaldo guy.
Where is the problem about accepting mooslem when you don't have any culture ? Nothing is losed
that fag is a retard
53%. i have muslim neighbors and its horrible
pls nuke us
Oh it really is about time I leave this place.
I don't follow soccer at all but he has to be somewhat good for him to be consistently in the top athletes. I've been hearing about him and Messi forever (I am 19). Is he a sodomite for real? Homosexuality is something I reject just like all the degeneracy (pedophilia, gender theories, feminism etc)
Nope, we’re doomed...