What are some total bro races/demographics/nationalities?
Koreans are the fucking best
T. American in Seoul
What are some total bro races/demographics/nationalities?
Koreans are the fucking best
T. American in Seoul
sikhs are pretty bro tier
Judging from the Korean movies I've seen, they seem more Westernized than chinks or Japanese.
100% meme tier
Ive never met a based one.
anglo power rankings:
aussies >>> yanks >>> welsh >>> scots >>> english >>> kiwi >>> irish >>> leafs
On what basis?
Every sikh ive met has great values
Rare Persians, Lebanese... rest are all pretty subhuman.
>posts roastie from worst korea instead of pure best korea waifu
Persians, Copts, Lebanese, and ex-Yugoslavs are pretty cool.
>based non-whites!
get the fuck off my board. I bet you think some jews are okay too
They're great people, but they smell like shit. We had a couple on my high school football team and they always smelled horribly.
Having American Military bases throughout the peninsula helps
>t. paki
Seriously though, I used to live near a lot of Sikhs and there was never any trouble with them.
Migration would not be as much of an issue if most migrants were like Sikhs and orientals.
That doesn't even begin to make sense you fucking stupid mutt
Can second.
I 'm a racist-lookin' white guy, and so people sometimes ask me "are you racist?"
I'm like "yeah, Sikh-Canadians outperform every other demographic group (even whites) in terms of both income AND charity/contribution to the community. If I was an employer, I'd hire the Sikh over someone with better qualifications, because I know the Sikh isn't a scumbag."
Koreans > Japanese > All
>muh based non-whites
As long as they're not in white countries I couldn't care less what your current miscegenation fetish is.
Migration of any group wouldn't be an issue if there wasn't so many pouring in and the native population had a healthy amount of kids.
I dont speak paki, Ahmed.
look at this fucking boomer
no you just worship them for some reason. There are no "based nonwhites", you civcuck niggers need to fuck off forever
>huge jaws
What did they mean by this?
Koreans are a strange group who tend towards despotism. South Korea was plagued by dictatorship until recently, and the daughter of one of those dictators was president until recently (until she got impeached for literally being a crazy occultist).
SK completely fake and propped up by the US for the sake of maintaining a beach head on mainland East Asia
>What are some total bro races/demographics/nationalities?
finns, i've never met one but i presume they bro tier
My collegue is korean. Married to a japanese woman. Chill guy
Dont get so mad, paki, you'll blow up.
Boomers don't read racial statistics. You don't either, apparently. Whites don't overperform over here. They do in fucked-up upsidedown-land US, but with proper immigration policies, you only get high IQ people.
>god damn pakis discouraging worhsip of shitskins amirite guise?
there's no way you're white
A proper immigration policy is "none", you fucking retard. Sikhs don't belong here anymore than I belong in India. You must be one yourself
The principles of Sikhs are based, they smell like any regular Indian though
Only if you are one of them.
i think our bros are Japan, Third Reich, Iceland, Denmark, Norway
I'm not arguing for or against immigration. The thread is about racial minorities you have ALREADY encountered.
And also I think you're wrong on a logical level. Governments in the 20's and 30's actually had legitimate reasons to wanna move people around. It should just be capped at like 5000 a year or something.
People forget that most european immigrants that came to America during the 19th and early 20th century, went back if they weren't successful. Over 70% of Italians that came to America, went back after not finding work. This is why whites in America overperform, and when you compare ethnic IQs with their native born counterparts, you can see why. Irish people in America have an IQ of over 105 compared to the 95 in Ireland. Our people are even taller than their counterparts, German American average height being over 6'0" compared to German natives of 5'10". The only exceptions in this overperformance are Anglo, Scots, French, and Dutch.
America's strongest allies are Australia, New Zealand, Great Britain, Norway, and Iceland
real life bros? Serbians, Australians, Finns, Estonians, South Africans (white), etc.
>If I was an employer, I'd hire the Sikh over someone with better qualifications, because I know the Sikh isn't a scumbag
You already said you prefer Sikhs to whites and strongly implied that all whites are scumbags. Try being more subtle you fucking streetshitter
If you weren't such an angry guy we would be friends, but I dont like foreigners with an attitude. You have to be my dog; if you bite, I'll put you down.
If you stop looking at what someone "strongly implies", and start looking at their argument, you might start using logic at some point.
Besides, I already told you I'm a 6'8 son of Odin.
japanese are cool, koreans are cool. some half white mutts, some latinos. some muslims can be really funny and cool (although literally every single muslim ive ever met in my life had anger issues lol.) i think there are some based mongolians. i think there are some nice pajeets too but alot of them are ghetto and try to take advantage of you.
and there is a very very very small amount of emo weaboo tier black people who are surprisingly friendly and loving.
Why are you posting a pic of you?
Agreed. Koreans are bros. Not as noble as the Japanese but still a good people.
>I already told you I'm a 6'8 son of Odin.
this is exactly what a pajeet would say
>start looking at their argument
>you might start using logic at some point.
your "argument" is that sikhs make slightly more productive employees therefore we should tolerate the replacements of "lazy scumbag" whites in any field possible, the logic being that now employers can have more money in their pocket at the expense of white Canadians. That is your "logic". consider helium therapy
>n-no u!!!
God damnit I hate boomers so fucking much
>God damnit I hate boomers so fucking much
Dont hate yourself. I understand you guys go boom, but why refer to yourself as "boomer"?
gooks are fucking ugly without plastic surgery and prodigious amounts of cosmetics in case you haven't noticed it yet, OP.
>so then I said no u again and laughed to myself. anyway where were we again? oh yeah shitskins are awesome
agreed on aussies being the 1st place
1. Some are very cute
2. Others recognize their deficiencies and try to integrate.
They care to belong
My argument was that Sikh-Canadians outperform whites in ALL federal statistics. Not just income, but as I said, charity, (lack of) use of welfare, assimilation into Canadian culture, etc.
Take your post, for example, It looks more American than Canadian. Sikh's seem to be inheriting old Canadian culture, while white kids seem to be inheriting black American culture.
true that
this is one of the stupidest things I have ever read on Jow Forums. I'm not sure if you're a shitskin yourself or just a disgusting traitorous boomer but either way I will personally rake you myself. God damn fucking leaf
in fact, I ran a business with one jew shortly when he needed help setting it up.
The thing about Koreans is the ones who idolize western culture and the women who would date anyone not Korean are the shit tier of their country. You do however have a strong conservative base in the country so you still get people who are proud of their mandatory military service and women who make good wives. It's just the men are pro Korean exclusively and those kinds of women wouldn't even think of dating or marrying foreigner. The way it should be.
>Yanks over Welsh.
Don't think so, boyo
Southern Brazilians, Lebaneses and Argentinians are the bests
You certainly have never lurked Jow Forums
All Boreans are alright
well reportedly there are three times as many "welsh" people in the US as there are in wales
Fuck you faggot
soz the only kiwi I know was a girl I fucked in college who went off the deep end, became a swinger, and left to go "find herself" in southeast asia
who is this fluid druid?
I honestly cannot fathom why americans identify themselves as German, Welsh or whatever. Last week a thot seriously told me she was Welsh even though she was raised in the US and had never ever been in the UK, let alone Wales.
You're not fucking Europeans, get over it.
every new zealander I've known is weird as fuck dude
There are something like 40,000 dog meat farms in Korea, to call these filthy barbarians equal to Europeans is an insult.
lmao how did you even find a heritage thot in the netherlands?
goddammit, why it's always SE Asia?
Koreans are also Christians but they're the crazy American Christians type. It's not a surprise that the U.S and S.K would get along so well.
they eat a lot of garlic that's why
Fucking international students mate. Ironically enough, her name was "Goldstein" and she could not shut up about how the nigger ghetto in Amsterdam wasn't that bad
Leafs? They're barely human.
What I'm saying IS traitorous if I said it about the Muslim population or something. And I don't WANNA say it, because I obviously want the best propaganda for my people, but unfortunately, I have to report statistics as I come to know them. I'm not about bias; that's how people get tricked.
>T. American in Seoul
You lying piece of shit gook.
Post pic of your big fat American dick as proof.
Because of a generation + ago famine it became a delicacy
We have roof Koreans.
This fucking meme always cracks me up
Yeah, I dun get it. We have millions of cow farms around here. Are dogs higher on some kind of racial hierarchy than cows? I thought cows were pretty legit.
God damn that’s a based as fuck pic. I was in junior high during those riots and my dad and I were cheering those gooks on. I wish I could have their autographs.
Austrians, Poles, Czech, Swiss, Russians from Kazakhstan, Zoroastrian Persians (yes they still exist), Spaniards (of the fascist variety even if they are rare now), Koptic Egyptians, Burmese, Vietnamese, Chileans.
>t. Croat who likes to travel
Beef is a Korean staple. You have to look for dog. Think of it like this if you had to choose between your egg producing chicken, your milk producing cow, or your bark producing dog... knowing you have no other viable options... which one would you choose?
I legitimately despise Koreans. They are worse than niggers.
>t. Croat who likes to travel
fuckin diaspora
I don't know, I was only pointing out the hypocrisy of Americans. They were tying morality into the fact that you're slaughtering animals they like, and I'm saying "but cows are pretty chill, too. Why kill cows?"
If by westernized you mean incredibly gay and bluepilled, which is correct, then yes. Koreans are the biggest cucks of asiaa
>hehe I LOVE to travel xD
But garlic is a staple of a traditional aryan diet. Garlic makes you a man and keeps vampires away from you.
wait, that nigga was Australian. Same shit.
Brazils are total bros. They are so congenial and modest with good humour, in here at least.
Indians and Israelis get a lot of shit, but their meme game is good.
you've never met a welsh cunt have you
I got my sorry ass drunk under the table by an 85 year old korean in 2009. Dude was half my size, and we finished a liter of whiskey in three hours. I went back downstairs to my apartment to pass out. Last I saw of him, crazy motherfucker had an acoustic guitar strumming it and playing mexican mariachi and trying to sing it while dancing on the roof of a four story building to a dozen other people. I never tried that shit with him again.
>Koreans are the fucking best
Cool, do you speak Korean?
You sure about Scots that high? I'd put them more with Albanians and similar shit-tiers. Probably about the same as Canadians.
anglo power rankings, revised edition:
aussies >>> leafs >>> welsh/scots >>> kiwis >>> bongs >>> yanks
In decending order of Anglo presence in their nation. How in the fuck you thought the Irish rated at all or that you would sit higher than anyone on the list despite your rampant bastard eurotrash origins is beyond me.
Not nearly well enough
Wat? The Irish have just been there forever, like a fuckin' nomadic tribe. What are you on?
Ew. No. Jews have been adopting and corrupting Koreans. That's why they have Megalia, the eight goddesses affair and all their pop culture is as degenerate and nigger influenced as ours.