I dont understand Jow Forums

I dont understand Jow Forums,

Why is there such a high proportion of young women that are only interested in casual relationships (riding that cock carousel) rather than a fulfilling partnership?

What is the appeal?

What lead to this?

Is it an addiction or symptom of mental illness?

Do they not love themselves?

Is this a symptom of a greater societal change?

Why do they insist on forming a friendship or loose emotional bond if they are only interested in something physical?

What does this mean in 10-20 years time when they decide to settle down and they're being outbid by younger models (probably more right wing too) by men their age?

Is this a result of feminism or have things always been this way, however, the means to do so was limited or medically unsafe?

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Cock carousel horse chad here

I am the appeal.


Women are just trying to attract the best possible mate, and they think men respect whores or something. They're not very bright.

Ive ridden it a bit but I dont get it. Why dont you want something more emotionally fulfilling?

Maybe im just too much of a big bitch. Probably that desu...

>why do women get lost of sex and free shit in their 20s
>and then also get to settle down in their 30s
Because they can? Why do men settle down with aging roasties is the real question.

Conditioning by (((MSM))), the (((school system))) etc.

Women hate responsibility.


You're probably right desu. I mean the numbers dont lie.

They probably just done want to date you....

No you're just a gay man and gay men enjoy the ring around.

Have you never experienced love, user?

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You sound like the Virgin I'm gonna stick up for the real based Aussie. Chad's stick together fuck off

You got me dude, im a virgin.

kys boomerjuden faggot australia, fucking rabbi scum, your hide on a rack and for great justice

your kike wife is a sack of shit

Fucking Socrates over here dripping in pussy

Hey dont call my wife a kike. Shes a lovely lady and her nose is only slightly hook shaped.

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that's right kike fathersucker
you should die immediately and stop wasting oxygen, right ?

its hormonal
brains not going to put out as much bonding hormones with your man when you are with a new man every couple months. they lose the ability to bond longterm with a partner at a biological level.

nobody ever told them this was a risk because of political correctness

Hey your english is actually not to bad for a transvestite raised in a country that is full of lazy, spinless apes that cannot manage an economy for shit - youre the worlds laughing stock.

try again chinkuo australopithecus

want I call you chankoro, it's all the same by now isn't it ?

>Why is there such a high proportion of young women that are only interested in casual relationships with chads
Not with your sorry ass.
They do it like playing the lottery thinking they'll get the winning ticket.
meanwhile they get ugly and their snatchole gets roasted.

Listen. My traditional Chinese name is 张伟 or Zhang Wei in your inferior dog language.

Don't even try he's raping you
Why don't you pull out the Mediterranean pubes that get stuck in your teeth because of all the dick you suck to sustain your malnourished greek body through all the German cum that's shoved down your throat.

Probably correct desu

meh, ive had a few 7 or 8s

Love is a sóygoy normie lie. If it wasn't for their wombs, we would have genocided women centuries ago. But unfortunately, we can't divide like amoebas.
Fuck God for creating Eve. Adam was more than enough. Didn't that idiot learn anything from Lilith's case? The dumb bitch went out to the desert and got happily gangbanged by demons until she became the succubus queen. Then God created another dumb whore, who got us kicked out from paradise.
Fuck women. I want my fucking rib back.

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Look dude, im just a virgin
Shame you boys cant satisfy your women over in your ruins of a civilisation, they have to come here for the good cock ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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Congrats your a virgin

American education system at its finest, gentlemen

Several committed 3 year+ relationships, 4 hymens.
I've had love, lust and loss.
Your OP is proof you're not a woman, surprisingly the vast majority want long term, monogamous relationships and will chase it hard.
It's only 20% riding the a different cock every weekend. And they're nearly all broken, serotonin syndrome, empty girls in their mid 20s who will never experience true love again.

Such is the Melbourne night life.

excellent nigger, but yellow

you and what source, prisonspawn?
>Shame you boys cant satisfy your women over in your ruins of a civilisation, they have to come here for the good cock ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
you got to be kidding, like a abbo scum digerichmney

that wojack/pepe is golden. have a (you), user

They prefer to be alone, and take the money that men trows at you when you spread your legs.
I mean, wouldn't you? Pleasure, money and power and no hard work if you stay single.
The problem is that once they arrive at 30 they kill themselves.

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Even I speak better american

Yea you definitely are one

woman here,

many of my friends can't be in a long term relationship, not because they really want to fuck around (maybe in their early 20s but not in their late 20s) but because they don't want to make compromises and always think they deserve better, they basically are confused all the time and think they find someone better, smarter, funnier next weekend, when they are in their mid 30s they finally realize that they have to compromise and that no relationship is perfect and that every relationship requires work on both sides

>that article
why would you even write an article like that?
there's nothing newsworthy about it
also reporting about suicide isn't a very bright idea if your goal isn't to convince more people to kill themselves

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Keep calling him a virgin dude it's working

Your also a virgin

>doesnt deny it, just throws the (who hurt you) card out there

has anyone considered the effects porn has on females? it seems we're only focusing on what it does to males.

Maybe porn puts unnatural expectations on females and they believe being a whore is a noble path.

It’s not just young women though most young dudes do it too. Why would I not fuck multiple attractive women if I have the opportunity to? I don’t have enough money to settle down yet and I’m not going to be fucking celibate while I wait. It’s only an issue if there’s race mixing or non heterosexual sex


>women fuck who they want to, men fuck who they can
>- roastie rose
She wasn’t wrong.

>implying women concern themselves with virtue or morals
Holy fuck you have a long path ahead of you buddy full of very difficult red pills.

>Men fuck who they can
Only the pathetic ones

gov't and diversity programs have fulfilled the provider role.
social media provides "company" and validation on demand.
social disapproval for promiscuity and spinsterdom/ single motherhood has vanished
all that's left to pursue is alpha fux


I wonder if the glorification of such lifestyles on social media also contributes to the situation.
Yeah good points there... But doesn't it just get boring and tedious?

Takes a good chunk of time and money to get these women into bed... Maybe 10/10s have it different though.

Not feminism per se, but this is the end result of consumer capitalism combined with the permissive society of the boomers. Everything is a commodity to be bought and sold, even people. People, especially women, are now socialised to the idea that 'happiness' is found by doing your own thing, and screw everybody else.

'Unhappy in your marriage or relationship? Dump him! Children do better with single mothers than they do if they see the parents fight!' Total bullshit of course, but that idea has been popular since the 1970s, while rates of aspergers, homosexuality, and other developmental issues skyrocket all around us, and society would rather medicate these kids than look at the obvious root of the problem.

Some French cunt wrote about this in his book 'Atomised'. He pointed out how society has broken down the family, from the extended family of the olden days being broken down by the industrial revolution, to the nuclear family of the 50s being broken down by the sexual revolution. Now consumer capitalism has destroyed even the bond between couples, and we are all 'Atomised': lost individuals, in a non-society of lonely atoms.

Because female phisiology
that's how it works
Women while they can be logical sometimes most of their times they act on gut feeling and instinct but they'll never admit to it
During sex women enjoy being spat on and slapped

you don't understand sexual release? women masteebate as much at men but doing it for real feels better. that's the basic explanation really.

OP, to what I think you're overall point is, I look around me (on the other side of world from you) and see a lot of the same shit.

I'm only nearing 30, but it seems like I have decades of competency over these women.

Whether it is a professional environment or even just grabbing a whiskey, I've concluded these "peers" (act more like Princesses) completely lack selfawareness.

My first conclusion was the lack of God. But I couldn't use it justify even the younger women that attend church because even they can be just as amoral and apathetic.


Well said.

Ill have to add that book to the list.


news flash they want more people to kill themselves

I'm not going to speculate as to why, but I will say that those 4-6/10 women that very occasionally bag a chad as a ONS or occasional fuckbuddy then get super inflated self esteem and end up thinking that those are the caliber of men that they can reasonably get for a long term relationship when they decide to 'settle down' so they end up thinking they're too good for men that are more realistically in their league, leading to spinster/furbaby/old cat lady/cool wine aunt syndromes.

Truth right here.

>broken, serotonin syndrome, empty girls in their mid 20s who will never experience true love again

(((Tinder))) in a nutshell

>but because they don't want to make compromises and always think they deserve better


Goddamn. The hypergamy is real.

“But let every man prove his own work, and then shall he have rejoicing in himself alone, and not in another.” Galatians 6:4

There is you're answer to fixing the women in your lives.

It's upon US, Gentlemen! To prove your own work, rejoice in yourself, then witness the women and your life fall into place.

>And they're nearly all broken, serotonin syndrome, empty girls in their mid 20s who will never experience true love again. Such is the Melbourne night life.

I don't know Melbourne myself, but it parallels Buckhead/N.Atlanta

>To prove your own work, rejoice in yourself, then witness the women and your life fall into place.

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basically the invention of the pill, changed the cultural/biological reality of women's life. No more "negative" long-term consequences from being a whore. Problem is, although it feels good in the short term, long term it leaves you meaningless and without a purpose, which pretty much lead to this >Feminism, open borders, political correctness etc. are all epi-phenomena of the invention of pharmaceutical birth-control

TL:DR female monkey's had the threat of pregnancy to keep the worst excesses of female behavior in line, w/o the threat of pregnancy degeneracy on a massive scale could unfold

This is unironically true. Most men are too sensitive and emotional, the real trick society puled on women is making the sensitive emotional man more appealing in terms of control. Deep down though, women dont like bitches, dont be a bitch.

Do you believe being a bitch (submissive) and being emotionally sensitive is mutually exclusive?

This is the answer.
I've cum in a woman thousands of times.
Maybe worn a condom a dozen times in my life if that.
Zero kids. All girls we're on birth control.

longer video providing a more detailed elaboration
