Why Are Ashkenazi Jews So Smart?

>The extent of Jewish overachievement Lynn reports is sometimes astounding:
>Jews constituted 0.8% of Germany’s 1930s population and 24% of it’s Nobel laureates, 0.075% of Italy’s population and 24% of it’s, 2% of Russia’s and 70% of it’s, but also 10 of 14 Fields Prize or Wolf Prize winners for outstanding mathematical work, and 15 of the 33 Russian grandmasters.
>Perhaps nowhere is Jewish achievement better-highlighted than in America, where they’ve made up less than 3% of the 20th-century population but 62 of 200 Nobel Prize winners for science, literature, and economics, and 32% of Forbes’ 2009 400 richest Americans.

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>>why do people that constructed a test do better at said test?

Its called cheating.

look at how those prizes are awarded, dumbshit

>"significant figures"
Plot that graph along side the jewish control of media and you will see a coincidence

Jews invented every measure of intelligence?

Because they reward their own?

There are fucktons more amazing mathematicians, yet jews are the ones who get the awards. Look at the Fields Prize or the Wolf Prize. Shinichi Mochizuki has deserved one for years. Never even considered.

Same for physicists etc.

Jews only care for their tribe.

It's weird that only jews in developed white countries achieve that, while the rest are still no better than other semites.

The Ashkanazi high IQ myth has been debunked. You just need to look at their actual school results. They are not significantly better than those of whites. Even though they are not significantly higher than those of whites, Jews are vastly over represented in positions of power to the point where their test scores actually don’t support their over representation. The simple explanation is not “muh high IQ” but my “nepotism and manipulation”. Jews thrive in an open society because an open society has no checks and balances to fight against their tricks. Hence, the Jews since Roman times always cries for liberalism and rights.

I’m not sure but, how well would your son do on a quality of life determining test that you graded?

> taking a Jew created test used by Jews to evaluate Jewish intelligence. Not if srs rabbi.

Imagine being a Jew. Imagine having your dick mutilated right after you've finally calmed down from the whole traumatic experience of birth thing. Imagine a 50/50 chance the guy who mutilated you will immediately suck on your dick and taste your blood. Imagine being ugly, with an overbearing mother who coddles you to the point of making you neurotic, and a religion that says you are Chosen and better than everybody else. Better than the handsome athletic smart goyim, better than the pretty goyim girls that ignore and reject you. Imagine that insecurity and the manic emotions in response. Imagine that inferiority/superiority cognitive dissonance branded into your mind. Imagine being conditioned from birth to be a paranoid malignant narcissist. Imagine the passive aggressive hatred for the society around you. Imagine the joy you feel as your network of Chosen People elevate you to the heights of your career. Imagine the exhilaration as your network picks a goyim to destroy, and the feeling of triumph and community as you all profit from your successful hunt. Imagine that predation ever-expanding to encompass all that makes you feel inferior, and consuming the flesh to feed your feelings of superiority. Just as your flesh was torn from you as a baby, just as you were violated by a freak's mouth with your mother's betrayal, just as your blood was feasted upon. And so you do unto others as was done to you. Imagine being a Jew.

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>intermix with Europeans
>suddenly intelligent

Test results at Harvard by race

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Jewish over representation at Harvard when you consider actual academic results

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This. Non-Ashkenazi Jews (a.k.a. shitskins) are just as dopey as their Muslim brethren.

Sudden spike in Jewish students at Harvard over the years demonstrates who the future elite of America will be

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jesus fuck, no wonder everyone wants to fuck asian women. because of the subconscious desire that your children be higher IQ (it probably has nothing to do with looks)

Even ashkanazis are dopey. Look at the infographics I posted

Whites perform better though. I’m in asia now and I can tell you the high IQ Asian meme is just that a meme

You can subvert the government by controlling who the new elite is
At this point they are not even hiding it anymore

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What Jews think about what they are doing

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>I’m in asia now and I can tell you the high IQ Asian meme is just that a meme
I don't believe its due to racial superiority. I'm inclined to think its their work ethic and mental stability (probably due to meditation and buddhism)

I would deepthroat suck Netanyahu off so goddamn much. His Ashkenazi cock would be torn asunder with his cum splattering all around us from the kind of treatment I would subject it to with my thirsty, dexterous mouth. My gob would ravenously munch upon his gleaming cock's surface void of all its foreskin, rapaciously feasting upon his pubic hair and licking off his exfoliated cuticle off his dong glittering with his cum and my saliva. God, why are Jews so goddamn intelligent and attractive, whenever I see a Jew, my lips instantaneously get eblazened with the insurmountable desire to submit to the rule of the Big Jewish Cock. This man is my lord and my savior, may his cock guide my way of life hereafter.

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Ugh... most people don’t really meditate here. Hard work ethic? You will see tons of people just idly sleep on the street in chairs. All hotels must have security for some reason, seems theft is very high here. I just caught my security guard sleeping today. Also their empathy as a group seems to be much lower than average. And lastly, I confirmed with Vietnamese people, lots of them here have that empty vague nigger look in their eyes. When you do business with them you just sometimes question their rationality in some of their decisions. You are literally like, “really? Are you kidding me? You don’t see the obvious benefit of doing things another way?”

To be honest I’m not a huge fan of Vietnam.

>implying actual school results correspond at all with anything ever

I could go on... lying is rampant here. People will promise you the world to get you in their office but once you are there they cannot even deliver on the most basic or minimum standard requirement. I lose money just by having to travel around and get lied to, I.e waste of opportunity and travel time. Doing business in Asia will drive Europeans nuts, because Asians just can’t tell something directly, don’t want to help (low empathy) and generally are actually not as intelligent as you imagine them to be.

>Thinking the Ireland of Asia is representative of East Asians

>over represented in Harvard
>Oy goy, don’t look at their school test scores! They deserve to run our judiciary and government

Been to China. China is culturally very similar, especially south China, to Vietnam. If it wasn’t for their non-chinese writing and language I would think I was in China. The people can copy but they can’t invent, be original or honest

They aren't. Those kinds of awards are just mostly rigged.

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Cool thread. Subtle.

>Jews constituted 0.8% of Germany’s 1930s population

This would make the population of 1930's Germany over 600 million, by my estimates.

Read >>The 10000 Year Explosion



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Bellagio Sampler's training is almost complete and his power level is rising rapidly.,..
>to my Legion
Your General returns
>to Our Enemies
The crusade begins soon, God's warriors are coming and ALL you shills will bow down and kiss our feet and declare JESUS IS LORD!
>this terrifies kikes,.,.,.,

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I don’t think 200 years are enough to raise the IQ of a group of people so dramatically. It is easier to diminish iq through race mixing. Improving on the other hand is hard. Also check out my infographics. Seems jews are good at jewing.

They have to be smart I guess.

The first war the (((whos))) lose will be the last war they ever fight.

>The strong natural selection

That's an interesting way to describe massive disgusting inbreeding.

They constructed the test that they claim measures intelligence. Of course its biased silly bear, Now lets look at Jewish culture and art. This is where IQ truly reveals itself on a powerful intrinsic level. Davinici was brilliant. I dont need a test to confirm that. Some double talking jivn motherfucker is no Divinci. Mic drop nigga.

Probably some natural selection as well. The goyim killed off all the weak and stupid ones.

those tests dont measure other forms of intelligence such as social or empathical intelligence

It's not as complicated as anyone here says. Jews reward achievers. For some reason, the rest of the world rewards professional athletes.

If Jews were smart than they wouldn't get kicked out of every country they live in

>Jewish intellectual prominence is striking. As we have said, Ashkenazi Jews are vastly overrepresented in science. Their numbers among prominent scientists are roughly ten times greater than you’d expect from their share of the population in the United States and Europe. Over the past two generations they have won more than a quarter of all Nobel science prizes, although they make up less than one-six-hundredth of the world’s population.
>Although they represent less than 3 percent of the U.S.population,they won 27 percent of the U.S.Nobel Prizes in science during that period and 25 percent of the A. M. Turing Awards (given annually by the Association for Computing Machinery). Ashkenazi Jews account for half of twentieth-century world chess champions. American Jews are alsooverrepresented in other areas,such as business (wherethey account for about a fifth of CEOs) and academia (where they make up about 22 percent of Ivy League students).
>The statistics about Ashkenazi accomplishment may seem pretty dry, but they’re referring to people like Albert Einstein, who developed the special theory of relativity.This theory unified mechanics and electromagnetism and led to atomic energy. We’re talking about John von Neumann,who was one of the developers of game theory and who played an important part in the Manhattan Project and in the development of the hydrogen bomb; and about Richard Feynman, Julian Schwinger, and Murray Gell-Mann, who developed many of the most important ideas in particle physics

Just look at the arts fags. This thread doesnt need to go any further. Their shit is either "modern" where if you dont "get it" youre less than (sounds familiar) or pure theft (jazz) Show me something aesthetic that touches mankind.

Probably because all of the dumb ones are extinct. Survivors, like the celts, Scott’s, Slavs, Meds and other assorted “Uttermench”

>Jewish nepotism - they award their own kind prizes, while ignoring vastly more important scientific endeavors.

>le cultural bias
IQ tests are very reliable, rice nigger.

A fine 'mutt post if ever I saw one.

It's probably because the dumb ones stay in china

>what is nepotism

>You just need to look at their actual school results.

They have a abnormally high verbal intelligence but average spatial thinking - Molymeme

Sounds good. What have you ever made NPC? Keep writing tests for good goy points to better about yourself. I paint women naked.

Oldest Canaanite trick in the book

Ashkenazi Jews are not actual Jews, they are phoenicians or originally the canaanites who were drivin out of israel in 2,000 B.C. The last civilization the Canaanites built was Carthage

I see you, JIDF.

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I’m a potato nigger not a Sheckle snatcher; similar dogs however if your teeth weren’t so crooked from fucking your cousins on your dreary 1984 tier floating North Korea may have been funnier

Can confirm. People pickpocket in the public and everyone notices but no one is helping or shoutig "thief!" because they fear getting beaten up in the next corner. Police is inactive in everything and more of use for covering things up. There is only very low empathy and almost no group consciousness. They dont plan into the future, give a shit about the next generations. Everybody tries to get the best advantage for themselves no matter the consequences for others. Thats why "gutter oil" is a thing there, made of sewage from sewer drains and 40% of all booze is fake and possibly deadly. Probably because they starved for generations and never had to think about the next week or the next year. But this mindset is passed on and in addition to no government regulations for the well-being of society it will have some even worse consequences in the future