Can someone explain this martianmagazine comic

what happened? what is the swirls, water? time?

Attached: hard-choice-1.png (1000x955, 379K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>Woman demands right to make her own decision
>Is unable to make a decision
It's not hard you spastic

i think it's literally just because she's been protesting for women to be given the choice on abortion and now she is given the opportunity to choose a meal
if that's true then this is one garbage comic, probably his worst

It's way easier for women to decide if they want to murder their unborn child than it is for them to PICK A FUCKING PLACE TO EAT

this. thx OP for making me feel like less of a sperg

The right cant meme.

What do you want to eat?
"I don't know.."
How about (whatever)?
"no.. I don't feel like that.."
How about (another thing)?
"no.. not in the mood for it.."

No dinner.. ever..


>Why are meme flags on Jow Forums

It's unmansplainable.

Attached: Alfred Herrhausen.jpg (600x809, 97K)

why are you hiding your flag user?

It's not a meme, my gf literally has trouble picking a meal. When I pick something:

Gf 'I don't want that,'

Me 'okay babe what do you want?'

Gf 'How about you pick something else.'


Attached: 1549108431175.png (528x576, 216K)

It's another "Men who've never been with women vs men who hate women becuase they've spent time with them thread"


My gf does this too for sure, I don’t hate her for it but it does make not want to talk to her when she does that

Seems like she had a brain shock and died because she let a man decide for her.

actually, this meme represents more in 4 panels than any extremely long and autistic comic made by the left.

S o y

>Man holding "choice is mind" sign for pro-abortion protest (please be a fucking man...)

>Her fucking nose

Heh, you adorably sexless incel autist. It's a commentary on women's general inability to make a quick decision on simple shit in life, like where to eat lunch.
Mine does the same damn thing. Then if you make a decision they often don't like it.

Point being women should be led. Simple shit that comes to you in a flash, that just flows into your plans for the day rolling into your own groove per se such as making a snap decision in you head of "I'm hungry... hmmm where to eat, Y no Z no, hey, X comes to mind, X sounds nice, yes X confirmed I'm going to eat at X" without even giving it a lot of though most times... these things don't work that way when women are involved and you give them any license.

They innately need and want to be led at a very deep and subconscious level. At the same time they want to put up little shit tests of passively insisting for authority in meager matters, because that's evolution's way of developing a woman's ability to see if her man is a pussy or not. And maybe I am a pussy because I Don't want to spend the mental and emotional energy fucking around with this bitch in my headspace deciding where to eat when it basically happens when they don't exist in the situation as surely as spinning around blindfolded and pointing in a random direction and eating at the first place in said direction. Having women around is kind of annoying oftentimes. So much draining petty bullshit.

Any news on that depressed whitknight?

>Having women around is kind of annoying oftentimes. So much draining petty bullshit.

Good post with a perfectly summarized final line. I grew up in a house full of women and every day a new reason to be annoyed by their nature appeared.

>landwhale with aposematic hair
Oh leaf...

The comic is incomplete. Look at the left corner. You can see part of another panel. It doesn't make sense because it has been cropped.

Literally every single good meme is a very right wing meme

>They innately need and want to be led at a very deep and subconscious level. At the same time they want to put up little shit tests of passively insisting for authority in meager matters, because that's evolution's way of developing a woman's ability to see if her man is a pussy or not. And maybe I am a pussy because I Don't want to spend the mental and emotional energy fucking around with this bitch in my headspace deciding where to eat when it basically happens when they don't exist in the situation as surely as spinning around blindfolded and pointing in a random direction and eating at the first place in said direction. Having women around is kind of annoying oftentimes. So much draining petty bullshit.
The trick is to find a woman who accepts your authority when you call out bullshit like the where do you want to eat game
>true alpha

can't disagree

Implying feminists can get chads

The problem with the joke is you might not understand it if you have never spoken to a woman before.

ah. i thought chad knocked her the fuck out, hence the drooling

>continues to prove that all the left does is copy right wing memes

Attached: the-soy-slide.png (1000x1893, 520K)

Nah, look closer, the bottom is a continuation of the panel above, it was just covered by the white frame.

I think it's more like
>woman demands right to make her own decision concerning her body
>let chad decide what goes into her body

first three panels are her fantasizing
last panel shows she is actually an ugly freak tripping out

i think cats just have an innate need for order and will fuck you up if you disturb it. like in this vid where everyone thinks the cat is defending the child from the pit

Why are all basedaboyas bald or balding?
Do they not take care of themselves?

>demands choice
>defers to Chad

She's in the limbo of self doubt and mental gymnastic

I thought it the same moment i saw that blue bear.

>comparing voluntary motherhood with eating out
>somehow these are equivalent
Honestly, I’ve seen better.

Male pattern baldness tends to kick in when you're in your late teens, early 20s. The notion that it happens when you're late 30s or some shit is myth created by media.
I have heard lack of sunshine or poor posture can cause baldness but my baldness happened at about the same rate as my father who worked a physical job outside. His dad was bald. His granddad was bald.
So it could just be bias on my part but I am reluctant to believe any of these soi guys are suffering a premature or avoidable kind of baldness.

I dunno about that, every cat I ever met was a sweetheart, even the ones that the owner told me was an asshole.

I think cats are just independent animals, and won't pretend to like you for being a loud pokey faggot.

This happens with a lot of the right wing comic guys like Wormwood and Stonetoss.

They'll do whole comics based on a meme or presenting something they disagree with as a punchline.

All right, let me fill you fags in on the last panel.
Women are notoriously bad at making decisions and hate the responsibility. The stereotypical expression of this truth is when your girlfriend or wife can't make up her mind about what she wants to eat.
In the comic Chad gives her a choice of what to eat and the responsibility and demand placed on her is causing her to freak out.

Attached: the-straight-dope-logo-1.png (525x120, 32K)

>Having women around is kind of annoying oftentimes.
This, I often think that if they were made aware of how stupid really are things would be easier. Or if you could just slap them in the face when they misbehave (I've done it, it works like a charm)


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Getting railed from behind by the black challenger of peace.

Nose is best feature on the drawing lol, filth

>Women should have to decide over life and death
>Too stupid to decide where to eat tonight.

Also she decided to get pregnant because the lack of protection.

that's not even the problem there, it's normal to make a point with a comic
but here it's just really unfunny, i'm not saying it's offensive it's just dull as hell whether you agree with abortion or not

I dunno why the point of the comic comes off as so stupid to you, many people here understood right away how vapidly retarded women are when they demand choice over life and death and can't even decide where to eat on any given day.

i dont get htis one either

Attached: Error-in-the-Court.png (1000x958, 404K)


It's making fun of loopholes in criminal law created to protect kikes.

Absolute kek

She is looking at God

5G effects on your brain

Found the idiot

This. It's unfathomable how stressed they become at the mere IDEA of having to decide anything.
Mine calls me on the phone to fucking ask where would she eat today.

It means she doesn’t know how to choose.

So it's not just American women?

>So it's not just American women?

Attached: triggered.webm (362x480, 2.89M)

She is American.


Attached: roid rage.webm (800x433, 2.04M)

She realized that she forgot to dominate the conversation.

>based taken from lil B
>redpilled taken from the matrix
>pepe from matt furie
>gondola from spurdo from pedobear from safety bear
>wojak from krautchan
>NPC from Jow Forums
>polandball from Jow Forums
>mutts from Jow Forums
>ebin nazi minions
>moonman from Mac tonight
>forced attempts to reappropriate gritty which it seems nobody here actually wants
Does Jow Forums create anything?

>You didn't build that
>-t. Communist bait flag, who would have been murdred by Stalin had it lived at the time

Never let a woman make a decision. Ever. They will resent you forever if they make a bad decision because you let them.

It's more a jab of how a spelling error supposedly invalidates an entire ideology, opinion or anything of that sort.
If you for instance talk about intelligence and genes, and you write intelilgence instead your entire document, post, text and base opinion is invalidated and can easily be ignored.

That's another way to look at it, but the first thing that stuck out in my mind was some child raping kike walking becuase the police didn't read him his rights before stomping his head in.

had a stroke because of her birth control (btw its a real thing)
>inb4 its about her inability to actually make choices

The irony in the comic is that she is violently protesting for her 'right' to choose -yet she doesnt know how and so she is 'lost' -the lines symbolize mental fog. Women arent good at making decisions. It hurts their brain and if they were capable of reflecting honestly, they would see that they dont even want to choose; would rather a man- a 'chad' choose for them.

Maybe go outside and try asking a woman to make a decision
They neeed hours to get dressed for example just because they aren't even able to decide what they want to wear.

This is actually a test of how many places you know.

I have never talked to a girl in my life: the thread

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You get the rake last.

no it's a combination of women's natural inability to make decisions and a shit test to see if you'll let her give you the run around instead of being authoritative. how many options does one even have in Ukraine, bread line or turnip wagon?

Actually the alpha thing is to be able to make your woman accept your authority. This is done by righteously explaining to her how shes wrong, you're better than her, and you love her but you will leave if she doesn't realize how she is acting on her own horseshit.

The different color and structure of the voice bubble is to indicate that the text in panel 3 is Chad speaking through the phone.
Anyone who has had a girlfriend instantly understands this comic. Ask a woman to actually make a decision and you get instant panic, followed by the insistence that someone else that she thinks is qualified tell her what to choose.
"Women's Choice" pretty much means "subversive third party's choice".

A billion times this.

then she declines everything you suggest.

"It's a shit test to see if you'll starve yourself to death"

-Person still trying to understand women

Dobson gave me a real insight on the nature of incels.

Incels are linked to the right, but I think that's wrong. I think incels, in terms of ideas, are linked to the left. The reason they become so bitter is because they come from a pseudo-leftist world view where women are these intelligent, kind, wonderful creatures who have a strong moral code and are at least as good as men. So these guys, who don't have much experience with real women, take that view of women being these superhuman paragons of virtue as a starting point and put all the women in their lives on a pedestal, and then they get frustrated and weird when women don't repay their creepy overly enthusiastic praise with social attention or sex.

You know who understands women? Women, and they all hate each other.

My fiance does this too haha.

Nah.. I don't think they idealize them in that sense. They put them on a pedestal because they ARE on a pedestal realistically cause of their relative sexual power imbalance over 90% of men but most don't have any illusions about them outside of hard cases of onetitis
The reality is that if you're a Chad there's no reason to be drawn to counter culture movements like the right - why fuck things up when you're benefiting? That's why most are either nominally liberal or keep their opinions to themselves. Only the losers of societies want change even if their critiques are valid. Let's be honest a lot of this is a LARP and distraction from the reality of life with this culture wars shit and if people woke up as Chad's tomorrow they would value sex and socializing and enjoying the little amount of time we have on this planet over arguing with strangers online

>most don't have any illusions about them outside of hard cases of onetitis
Dunno. I know a few incels, and they all have obsessions with women. They're the biggest white knights you'll ever meet, always the first to say "tone it down" when a group of guys goes to shit on a woman who did something stupid. It's the exact same thing you see from Dobson's self-insert in his cartoons. Somehow, they still haven't figured out that it's useless to defend women's honor, because at the end of the day the guys who can joke about crazy women without getting fussy over m'lady's honor are the ones who get laid regularly.

Okay, but anyone who actually identifies as an incel online or even knows the word and isn't getting laid is bitter, red pilled on looks and SMV, and shits on WKs

Women are notorious for wanting to go out to eat but not knowing where.

Underrated. Have a Duterte.

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Duterte is my spirit animal

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People who argue online think that correcting typos means they win the argument

I love these.

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>t. never had a girlfriend
It's a real life meme. Get a gf and ask her what she wants to eat for dinner. Stand back and prepare to be amazed.

You guys just have shitty gfs. Mine doesn't care where we eat but she never complains about what I inevitably end up picking.

You're dating down