> Moscow's relation with IMF have been at their lowest over a number of issues , including Russia's annexation of Crimea as well as allegations of it meddling with presidential election in US and behind nerve agent attack in Britain
> "The American partners have declared that they suspend their participation in the deal , we suspend it as well, " Putin said during a televised meeting with foreign and defence ministers
> Putin said Russia will start work on creating new missiles , including hypersonic ones , and told ministers not to initiate disarmament talks with Washington , accusing the US of being slow to respond to such moves
Russia suspends INF nuclear deals with US
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it's whatever, really. Both countries were not interested in it.
nobody gives a crap about EU's opinion
Putin applying Cold War strategies. And we all know how that ended up, we nearly blew ourselves up at the bay of pigs.
Well the Russians have publically shown and tested their intermediate range missiles for a while now, this is just a formality.
>first broke contract
>"Putin applying Cold War strategies"
I wouldn't mind if russia and us nuked each other desu.
Well they broke it after years of lies about your short range range missiles that you claim are fine. And that conviniently showed up along all of your borders. And can carry nukes. And are aimed at a defenseless Europe that poses no threat to you. Yes. The next reasonable step is supersonic missiles and nuclear torpedoes. Reasonable.
Rockets that are fueled for 500 kilometers but can be fueled for 1000 if necessary, this is no big lie than their missile defense systems in Europe, which can quickly change the “protective” missiles for impact missiles.
You have been doing this for years now. You have enough nukes, subs, planes and silos to overwhelm any such defenses. And yet tou need more for some reason. Not convential defensive stuff but the absolute doomsday shit. Eventually when the US says fuck it and leave the EU will start to get more nukes of its own. And down the rabbit hole we go.
>You have enough nukes
>Creates a layered missile defense system
>Have enough nukes inside crumbling infrastructure to end the world several times over. Need more.
> Threatens military force
> Imposes sanctions
> Creates hostile alliances and impedes development
>"Dude, you don't need these rockets, just throw them away"
Fuck you, nigger
in other news, indians shit in their streets. more at 7
You spy, destablize and fuck everything up. Go fuck yourself vatnik.
Europe has been messing with Russia under American order since at least 2007 when France rejoined the NATO integrated command center.
Yeah, but if Russia looks as if it will go to war. You will just pull out of NATO like last time.
America is as much our enemy as the USSR was.
ahaha prepare to be turned into nuclear dust, amerikantsy
So that's yes, then.
Yes De Gaulle knew it and that's why he attempted to form a third position.
Dont worry theyll protect you and germany as part of the caliphate
Understandable. The Jews and commies in America are gunning for WW3 with Russia. With the kikes, both in America and Israel, targeting Syria actively and ruining Russian business and supply, this was bound to happen. Not to mention aggression from the NATO jew, which was trying to invade and place a base in Crimea, and with the EU jew targeting Ukraine, the kikes aren't even trying to hide it.
Who France? Not up on current events?
>Burgers put "defensive" nuclear capable missiles on Ruskie borders
>Ruskies are like wtf mate?
>Burgers are like Brah! Chill. This is against Iran or something.
>Burger face when Ruskies dont like it.
Shall we go down the memory hole how Cuba Missile issue started?
>US puts missiles in Turkey within reach of Moscow
>Moscow is like Brah... dafaq?
>Burger is like dude... imminent domain n shiiiiet. I do what i want..
>Moscow puts missiles within reach of US.
>Burger face when...
>The Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation declares that the modernization of the plant of the corporation Raytheon, which produces missile weapons and is in the top 10 defense companies of the world, began in the summer of 2017, when the issue of the US withdrawal from the INF Treaty had not yet been inserted into the public plane.
>In Washington, two years before the public unsubstantiated accusations of Russia, allegedly of violating the INF Treaty, they not only made a decision, but also began preparations for the production of banned medium-range and shorter-range missiles.
>Thus, according to irrefutable data available to the Russian Defense Ministry, as early as June 2017, the enterprise of the military-industrial corporation Raytheon in the city of Tucson in the state of Arizona launched a program to expand and modernize production facilities in order to create medium-range and shorter-range missiles prohibited by the INF Treaty. The plant is the largest multi-enterprise of the US rocket and space industry, producing practically all types of missile weapons, including medium and short-range cruise missiles.
>As a result, over the past two years, the plant area has increased by 44% - from 55 to 79 thousand square meters. At the same time, according to official statements, the number of employees of the enterprise should increase by almost two thousand people.
>Almost simultaneously with the beginning of the expansion of production capacity of the plant, the American Congress in November 2017 allocated to the Pentagon the first tranche of $ 58 million, directly indicating the goal - "to develop a medium-range ground-based missile."
>Thus, the nature and timing of the work carried out irrefutably indicate that the US administration decided to withdraw from the INF mode a few years before the unsubstantiated accusations were made against the public about the alleged violation of the contract.
>And are aimed at a defenseless Europe that poses no threat to you.
>Fuckton of NATO bases with strategic missiles
Fuck off.
He would have still lost the north of France irradiated when London copped it.
>Whole Skripal case existing
>Believing that intelligence agencies who are capable of suck fuckups are also destabilizing "anything"
This is your brain on neocon shit.
Ready to die in WW3 for merchant and diversity?
Stay in your country. Dont come here and we will be fine. Stop hacking everything. Stop spying.
They just uncovered the entire GRU based on their licence plates and their poorly disguised passports. Your jig is up.
The reason for the USA´s ending of the INF treaty is the KALIBR cruise missile, who is superior to American models. The USA needs at least a decade to create an analog.
Russia can fire cruise missiles from the smallest vassals on small ponds or rivers.
>America 1st
>no money for a wall or the infrastructure but for the MIC
You never managed to do anything by yourself, biggest joke of a country blown up by 300 years of propaganda, you're not even worth a nuke and were always an after thought for us, even when we tried to play nice you back stabbed us.
Fucking island of inbred traitors, I hope you get nuked by Russia for the heck of it.
Why don't you and your American masters show us an example first and stop doing all this and more?
Likewise. We see and we wait for what you do next. You are on notice.
The French have such big snauzzes because they're honorary jews. Fuck off you cowards, no one needs your pathetic military anyway
Honestly I defend Russia on this one. The US has bases all over Russia’s backyard. We sanction all these countries. We invade all these countries. I’m honestly waiting for the day this country falls apart economically so the shit skins won’t want to come here anymore
You make no sense
I've been reading this thread, and just wanted to say don't worry Europe. I know you guys are scared that mommy and daddy are fighting, but it'll be okay. We still love you. I know you are tough and powerful big boys, but Russia and the US will get this sorted out. Hey hey now, I know you like to try and talk adult with us sometimes sweetie, but just let the big people talk about stuff for once. Here's your juice box, England, France and whoever else.
Actually we just want you and your subversion to fuck off
Mother Russia uses feints and poor low IQ Nordshit like you living in ancestor's mudhuts fall for them
I know, I know it's tough. Sometimes you want to go live with daddy, and when things become rough you come back to mommy.
I know you're in your "rebellious stage", wearing yellow vests around the house now. You'll come around France, I love you.
It's literally the opposite your full retardation and spreading Marxism comes from the fact that you want to remove yourself from the historical shadow of Europe, but we don't give a shit about you, you're like the obese autistic kid that shits on his hands and puts it all over the walls of he living room, even if we wand to ignore it we can't because of the smell and when we try to clean it up. We get it all over our clothes.
>do shit fist
>expect anyone else to be good goyims
>when everyone else start doing the same, throw a hissy fit and demand to stop
>when they say to stop doing shit yourself first, get pissed off more and double down because you're "g*d chosen" and "exceptional"
>all your slaves in other countries happily bark in agreement whatever you do or say
There there. I know you're mad because the big people are fighting. Sometimes being a small guy feels like you're powerless. Hey, I've been there. But you're not ready to talk about big boy issues yet.
Let me dumb it down for you frenchie. Your country is a fucking joke. Even more so than mine, and that's saying a lot.
That's where you're wrong.
Actually red pilled.
They have money, but the Jews want it all for Israel and """diversity""".
Der (((Leaf)))
Sanitation coverage is pointless if people refuse to use them
What i dont understand is if the americans did have proof that russia was producing medium range ballistic missiles why didnt they come forward with it.
Whats up folks?
What's the point of going to war with Russia? I thought Trump wanted to make peace? quick rundown needed
hard mode: "Jews" is not an argument
Amazing bible study MOTIVATIONAL
Racism debunked, are you an accelerationist ? Wanna see the Vile people defeated?
Live coverage special of the 200th millionth post! God spoke again!!
Sam Hyde Gillete commercial supercut
Jason dalton MKultra uber driver
Top 100 happenings and memory holes of 2018
NPC Meme theory VIDEO 1, very first video on subject and part 1 of 3 mini series
The Great Meme Iconoclasm and Article 13
Get comfy and expand your almond activators
Bellagio Sampler's training is almost complete and his power level is rising rapidly.,..
>to my Legion
Your General returns
>to Our Enemies
The crusade begins soon, God's warriors are coming and ALL you shills will bow down and kiss our feet and declare JESUS IS LORD!
>this terrifies kikes
Fuck Mod, Jannies, Vietnamese , Chinks and commies
It's not war it is an arms race to preserve peace (blue polled answer)
Tensions are higher than we think and the cold War formated deep state is scared shirtless of the new Russian missiles (red pilled answer)
>Why did people in the 1700's of America wear bells in the forest?
>hard mode: "Bears" is not an argument
>What's 2+2? And don't give me that "4" bullshit!
i am glad that US will turn into ashes