she tweeted: >“If ‘the wage gap is a myth’ as some allege, then workplaces should have no problem with workers disclosing our salaries with one another,” she tweeted to her 2.7 million followers Wednesday.
one twitter user replied: >“I work in HR. In our case I can say this is totally not the reason we don't want you to share salary info,” she wrote. “We 100% don't want you to know that we are paying new hires three times what we're paying our incumbents due to a stingy pay increase structure. Pretty common in corporate.”
she is going to single-handedly disrupt American economic stability and start a revolution. SLAY QUEEN!!!
California state employees have made their incomes public. Nobody likes it because everyone now feels underpaid.
Joshua Roberts
>>“I work in HR. In our case I can say this is totally not the reason we don't want you to share salary info,” she wrote. “We 100% don't want you to know that we are paying new hires three times what we're paying our incumbents due to a stingy pay increase structure. Pretty common in corporate.”
Funny and true
Levi Parker
Wow, she is actually a pretty good socialist. Her goal is to disrupt things. And she is accomplishing it. 3D Chess
Isaac Thomas
>a white country L0Lno fgt pls
Jaxson King
Carson Nguyen
sage all lefty/pol tranny discord threads It's so easy to tell that you're all edgelord teens with absolutely no life experience or self control. >hence the rampant drug use and pedophilia among you idiots Just stop, we can see right through your gay op posting.
lurk more What I really wonder tho, is how quickly you're losing users as opposed to how quickly you're gaining users. I can only imagine the most autistic of you are the only ones who stick around once they realize how fucking cancer you are.
>workplaces should have no problem with workers disclosing our salaries with one another "If you've nothing to hide, you've nothing to fear." Go be authoritarian somewhere else, Commie.
Jordan Nguyen
Then the men found out the useless women were out-earning them.
Jose Sullivan
found the newfag
Jace Wright
lol, it's not gyppo. Tell me how that jewish goblin finances jidf.
Ian Perez
Not supporting her so she throws hand genades into the system with her shitty policies
Blake Jones
this, i actually like 1/10th of what she says
Cameron Ramirez
hello tranny discord freak nobody cares about your AOC shilling. kys nigger.
Anthony Hernandez
>she is going to single-handedly disrupt American economic stability If it wouldn't affect American Jews and good American goyim, I don't care because the others are not humans.
She's got a nice zany countenance. I'd prefer to see her photographs on Jow Forums instead of merchants with anti-Semitic/Muslim toxic venom.
Jaxon Ross
Isaiah Allen
phound the phonephag
Nolan Peterson
It's painfully obvious this woman has never worked a day in her life Bartending does not count
Jaxson Reyes
so according to the left all these rich billionares dont want to pay their workers a fair wage but also they go out and than pay man more because?
Liam Moore
>Bartending does not count as a job GTFO jobfag
Jayden Cooper
It's one of the good reasons to keep moving every few years until you've reached a level where you can cruise along or upwards without worrying about your salary too much. I'm almost there, hopefully one more job hop will do it.
Kevin Hall
>Handing someone a beer is work
Nicholas Bell
Nobody is asking you to stop shoving things up your ass or to stop jerking it to underaged girls, just stop posting on Jow Forums with your low tier bait threads. Most people here can see right through this bullshit.
Eli Gomez
>paying new hires triple imagine believing this
Dylan Bailey
If worker salaries are made public, their hours worked and amount/type of work they do should also be public. Men earn more because they work harder and aren't a liability to their employers.
Christopher Wright
lmao you guys have to bump these threads up yourselves because literally everyone is saging
Sounds to me like you never worked a hard day, like the boomers hillary, biden and trump. You worthless silverspoon boomer cock sucker.
Are you retarded? What you just said makes no sense. I dont think theirs a pay gap but to say "oh the rich do pay cause greg over there makes enough to barely survive! hur" You sound like a never worked hard silver spoon pussy, just shut the fuck up.
Try bartending for a week, then tell us all how it "does not count as a job", you asshole.
Asher Cox
Oy vey! We need to keep the Goyim in the dark about how badly we’re paying them. If they discussed salaries amongst themselves and other companies, the jig would be up!
Jose Gomez
Aiden Turner
Explain how handing someone a beer or a mixed drink is difficult
Camden Wright
Nathaniel Bennett
Dude is some silverspoon rich kid pussy. You can smell them, the ones who never worked a hard day but say "job this job that". Thats a silverspoon, like paris hilton, a worthless pile of flesh that will never ever be worth anything other than the money they have, no subtance no honor and no moral compass a silverspoon.
Get comfy and expand your almond activators CHN IS COMING BACK SOON Bellagio Sampler's training is almost complete and his power level is rising rapidly.,.. >to my Legion Your General returns >to Our Enemies The crusade begins soon, God's warriors are coming and ALL you shills will bow down and kiss our feet and declare JESUS IS LORD! >this terrifies kikes AOC is a political hemoroid
Isaac Parker
Lmao what autism is this. Is there a difficulty index for what a job is and isn’t?
Nathan Fisher
exactly, we know the boomers and their puppet masters at the top have destroyed america. Its time no one over 50 be elected. Its time to stop paying israel because a bunch of old boomers are being blackmailed because their evil corrupt fucks, like Hillary Bill Trump and Biden, Pelosi and Mconnel.
Jeremiah Martinez
hasselbacks are a meme
Eli Reed
i was just always taught that you don't talk about three things with people you don't know: money, religion, and politics.
Benjamin Wood
When I got hired onto my new job I was told not to tell anyone I was making more than them.
Doesn't that mean the pay gap that feminists scream about exists because of...women?
Juan Jones
Noticed ya didnt argue about being a worthless never worked silverspoon. I am always right, iI can smell it on you, the boomer manipulation to betray your generation to boomers and their masters. FYI about the job You do realize bartenders have to restock drinks, clean up dishes, move product in the back etc. When you work a job usually it comes with others things you have to do, its not just handing drinks. But you wouldnt know what a real job is, you never had to work to pay bills because silverspoons like you, well, like I said, traitors to your own kind, a cuck pussy who supports boomers that fucked up the family unit and sold our jobs to overseas shit holes.
...asks the faggot who has never stood behind a bar four hours at a time. GTFO
Elijah Wood
That picture fucking makes her look like the incest beast from the goonies.
Anyone wanna give her a BabyRuth and tell her to fuck off?
Chase Bailey
obvious tranny socialist pedophile banter
Jose Clark
Because it exposes the boomer lies and the boomers lies are their puppet masters lies. It exposes that the boomers like hillary, biden, trump, mconnel, they sold america down the river off the backs of younger generations and laughed to the bank as the destroyed our nations.
obvious silverspoon pussy closet tranny cock suckers who never worked a hard day and now spends 24/7 worried about what minorities and gay men do with their cocks. Your insults dont work if they arent truth silverspoon. Mine are truth, you know it, I know it. But dont worry you get no more replies for you leaf troll.
David Thomas
This, but unironically. I'm an accelerationist. Whatever comes will come regardless fo what we do, so we might as well get on with it and try to emerge on top when it's all over.
Levi Evans
We got disclosed pay - or rather income and how much tax each one pays. You get to see who has checked yours now at least.
The outcome of this though, with the agenda of muh paygap is that men will seemingly earn more on average. When one would look at hours worked and overtime, it will be excused away how muh single mom, how it's unfair, how it's boring, how they need to date instead. But the argument will always return to comparing two numbers without looking into it more.
Grayson Cox
gladiator sandals are trash. t. footfag
Lucas Johnson
Logan Stewart
Michael malice guaranteed question to discern if someone is a leftist: > do you believe that some people are better than others? It never fails.
Cameron Jones
said the silverspoon shill swinging on boomer nuts controlled by bankers. lol times a ticking parasite, boomer dropping dead like flies, losing that voter demographic. by 2024-2028 you wont see anymore of your kind. No "day uh muh rope" n nothing. You are a little closet sissy cock sucker and gonna have to deal with losing once your boomer masters drop dead of old age. tick tock silverspoon, tick tock.
So far everyone in this thread has been dead wrong about me lmao, but you're revealing plenty about yourselves.
Jose Lewis
>If ‘the wage gap is a myth’ as some allege ...and women are equal to men in terms of workplace performance, then why not found a company and hire only women to undercut your competitors' prices and drive them all out of business?
Julian Brown
>Doesn't that mean the pay gap that feminists scream about exists because of...women? Women do dumb shit that blows up in their faces, then afterwards wonder why it happened.
James Wilson
I'd recommend going back to the drawing board for you guys but I can only imagine how futile anything you mental midgets produce is going to be. Have fun with your mental roadblock.
Justin Diaz
She's a horseface airhead. All of her policies is stale Marxist shit from the.1970s.
Michael Stewart
reminder to sage all lefty/pol tranny discord threads
Noah Stewart
Except she isn't doing shit that yields results intentionally, at least results aren't intentional.
Ryan Jackson
Bong understands. The only way to really get a significant pay raise is to change jobs. Sales and commission jobs are different and income depends a lot on you. I actually left a job because I came in a little low and they froze pay increases. It took a couple of years then I left. They hired someone to replace me and paid them 20% more than what I was making. Company kept to their policy of no raises though. Anyway, she couldn’t handle the job and they had to let them go. I contracted out to help them get through some situations too.
>everyone in this thread has been dead wrong about me No, not me, MedBoy.
Angel Barnes
I work for a company that gets your HR folk to send every employee's salary, then we average it out and sell it back to them for tens of thousands of dollars. Basically Glassdoor or LinkedinSalary, but the boomer, corporate version.
Jacob Young
Bartending is no doubt work and can be quiet lucrative. I think the poster really meant to say she hadn’t worked in the wage slave corporate environment where salaries are kept secret. If salaries are disclosed there will be a lot of pissed off people.
Josiah Hernandez
You don't have to tell me that you think you're never wrong, it's already heavily implied.
Brayden Lee
I'm in this boat now, switched jobs two years ago with empty promises of pay raises, they've hired and fired 3 women for the positron since then and give other women raises, they're pretty much forcing me to jump jobs so I can afford to raise a fucking family.
Jace Moore
She honestly looks demonic.
Cameron Scott
You are so close to getting the point
Benjamin Phillips
UBI is coming to help you. Boomers are dropping good times incoming.
Blake Price
She would be very disappointed if she knew the truth about the wage gap. >tfw she realizes women make more than men right now
>then workplaces should have no problem with workers disclosing our salaries with one another That shouldn't be a fucking issue to begin with. Every employee has the right to discuss their wages with their fellow employees outside of the workplace. And companies should disclose the information anyway to their employees.
The fucking labor negotiation dynamics of the US is fucking mental.
Jacob Miller
don't be mad that i make popular threads goy ;)
Anthony Watson
God damn shut the fuck up already your tone is intolerable even to glance at for a second. You are absolutely a fucking failure in life, its probably been a minute since someone reminded you
Eli Hill
the difficult part is putting up with drunk faggots all night
Lucas Stewart
This actually isn't a dumb idea. It's something (((employers))) have used for ages to keep workers dumb and bickering idiotically among themselves.
Disclosure of employment compensation is even protected under Federal Law for this very reason.
Cameron Gomez
I believe only good things could come from everyone knowing exactly how much everyone else is paid. This could bring meaningful change.
Anthony Mitchell
she's in the states tho
Brayden Long
>make it okay to share salaries >already illegal to tell people they cant