Alt-Right Regrets

Who here regrets ever subscribing to the right wing?

No, this is not a troll thread, nor am I a shill. I've been on this board since 2012, probably longer than most of you, and I can prove it if you ask me about board history from then.

Anyway, I am a 20 year old man, spending a lot of my formative years with my brain being littered with trash from Jow Forums and the rest of the right wing internet.

Here are some truths that truly hard to swallow.
>Hollywood, TV, companies, etc. etc. are full of liberals and "politically correct" people because to be a successful actor or engineer, you have to be TALENTED, MOTIVATED and SOCIALLY WELL-ADJUSTED. Therefore, you are not bitter about everyone, and carry moderate, logical views.
>In contrast, extreme Jow Forumstards or SJWs are bitter about their lack of achievement, and rationalise the only way they can claim superiority to the liberal masses- by claiming that they know the truth and the masses are deluded, and do all sorts of mental gymnastics to come up with intricate alternative world views.
>Jews do not control the world or brainwash the media. This is a tired myth. Yes, they are over-represented in congress, because they make good candidates and Americans vote for them, despite America generally being a racist country. They are the top of many industries also, like the media, because they are one of the highest IQ groups, with stable families, cultural respect for education and hard work, etc. etc. and growing up on a sideline of a white christian nation, they appreciate what it is like to diverge from the norm, an appreciation that is important for creative work.
>Jow Forums uses many old anti-semitic tropes, like jews exploiting the holocaust, considering themselves better than others. Whats really tragic is you use the past persecution of jews as proof that they really are bad, when each one of those persecutions quoted previous ones to justify theirs.


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Other urls found in this thread:

uniroincally kill yourself faggot

i didnt even read this faggot diary shit but i agree with you.

Pft...watever Muhammad. I've been here since 9/11/2001. Gas yourself faggot.

you probably shouldn't have been on the internet besides educational purposes at the age of 13-14

a thread died for this

Wrong on everything geeze what a shit post. In every sense of that word.

Only thing the alt right gets wrong is ignoring the threat from within the white race. Liberalism is a cancer. First we will conquer the weakness within us and then we will conquer the world

You wanna know how i can tell you are fake and gay?

>>Therefore, you are not bitter about everyone, and carry moderate, logical views.
>The right wing is not filled with love for God and praise logic as one of his prime creations for man
You're a retard.

Designated shitposting thread?

Nice diary FAGGOT

You’re 20, you’re a fucking kid but don’t realize it yet calm down.

wow your right OP, these taste terrible

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>Racial IQ differences are real, but that doesn't warrant racial discrimination, and black IQ will increase if black living conditions are raised.
>America is a racist country. Black people have a hard time in white communities. That is why they're bitter and console themselves with rap and black insider culture.
>Homosexuality is not a choice. Gay men are bullied and abused by the straight majority, and their love for each other is genuine. Jow Forums hates them because they're insecure about the archetype of a weak man (a faggot) getting dominated by another, but domination and submission is inherently sexually arousing, and doesn't mean you want to be dominated in real life.
>Gender dysphoria is also, scientifically proven, not a choice, and it affects children as well as adults. There is nothing wrong with teaching children that it is possible to feel like you're the wrong gender, and it will help save many from a life of torment.
>Women are not evil or manipulative, even if your mother abused you. Men can get away with raping women very easily, and society / the legal system is likely to be biased towards men.
>Muslim migration to Europe brings problems of cultural differences, but 2nd generation muslims, as a rule, live European lifestyles and have children at the same rate as whites. More can be done to assimilate and prevent radicaliation, but it doesn't justify nationalistic attacks on muslim communities.
>Christian morality is dead. Nietzche is right when he says God is dead- acquiring morality from the supposed will of God stopped making sense and never will again. We need to find a new source of morality, and we are still searching.
>Toxic masculinity means believing that bullying and abuse is right because might makes right, leading you to be cruel to male friends, women, gays, and anyone different, and of course, yourself. It causes misery and unhappiness. Real manliness is standing up for the weak when all others are just idle bystanders.

A fucking kid.

fpbp, fuck you (((OP)))


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bumpidy bump

Lol how deluded. Keep fantasizing, Pedro

kys reddit nigger

I've never actually bought into all the autism discussed on here but it is funny how those who do destroy their lives and fry their minds with paranoia and think this is a good thing.

>Black people have a hard time in white communities. That is why they're bitter and console themselves with rap
I agree with you but this made me laugh

I've seen so many mental gymnastics to blame jews for everything it's just funny.

it defines me. it freed me from everything i hated about myself but was too much of an addict and too stuck in routine to recognize. it's fap free february and i feel great. also you are a shill and a kike.

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>Fry your mind with paranoia
Only weak minded faggots can't handle the red pill.

>Yes, they are over-represented in congress, because they make good candidates and Americans vote for them

Imagine actually believing this

>past persecution of jews as proof
You mean all those Jews in Hollywood and the judicial system don't exist?

WTF, I love Jews now! Thanks, fellow Jow Forums user™ (totally not a kike)! I see the error of my ways!

>Anyway, I am a 20 year old man, spending a lot of my formative years with my brain being littered with trash from Jow Forums and the rest of the right wing internet.


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>rwj references in 2019
The right is now hip, I see

You deserve the pain, Subject. The real truth is that you have never once been free. You were born into slavery, you do not own your own body.

The replies are rolling in and I will reply to them because I care and want to help other depressed young men on course to have their youth ruined.

This is my final word: look at the picture. Its the right that is becoming more extreme. Despite complaining about the left's intolerance, they are the ones really becoming intolerant to others' beliefs. We are all symptoms and causes of a bloating extremist right wing, while extremist leftism isn't growing. Look deep inside and think of all the past tragedies and abuses caused by mobs of nationalist, racist and emotionally blunted people. If you don't want a repeat of that, become honest with yourself and don't hide dark and edgy beliefs behind humour.

Most of you on this board are young. You are either hanging out with other kids who have no idea what they're talking about, or with hopeless older men, who are uneducated, working class and likely unironically neo-nazis. Watch American History X - a film from 1998, which encompasses Jow Forums perfectly. Right wing radicalism has happened many times in history and there is enough awareness about it to make an accurate film of it, made by "libcucks" who understand your psyche perfectly, while you only claim to understand theirs. The alt-right is not a novel new 3rd way, just the repeat of the mistakes of others.

My personal advice is focus on achieving something in life, whether its education sport or art, treat people in your life with respect and attempt to understand them even if they are radically different to you. Eventually you will see that you agree, but life took you on different turns. Your life will be much happier.

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this is like something a 17 year old girl would come up with if she was trying to think of arguments against the far right. you need far stronger shaming and far better more thorough arguments for what you're doing to work OP.

>I am a 20 year old man

Give it ten years.

>don't be bitter goy
>poster child for bitterness
NEETsche hahahhahahah what a fucking loser.

>Jews do not control the world or brainwash the media.

Then why do they BOAST about it?

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>This is my final word: look at the picture. Its the right that is becoming more extreme

>Bush & Obama era faggotry

>Who here regrets ever subscribing to the right wing?
You never did. And all the shit you typed in green is outright false. But I hope you had fun wasting your time faggot.

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>>Christian morality is dead.

Kike detected

>made by "libcucks"
Made by a jew.
You'd know this if you weren't a newtard.

>depressed young men
>they are the ones really becoming intolerant
>emo nazis are the real racists
Oh user™!

Also fixed your pic to reflect reality. :^)

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You are either extremely naive or a troll. Lurk moar

Nepotism, you fucking r-word.

>they are the ones really becoming intolerant to others' beliefs

Other's beliefs literally means legalized pedophili and straight up infanticide. They also want 100% tax and to kill granny when her medical bills get too high.

You are a shill and you can lick my hairy balls.


>Only been on this board since 2012
Shut the fuck up newfag

worst use of greentext ive ever seen. lurk 5 more years newfag you might get how it works. also your points are shit

Op at least make some effort to not sound like a kike
even the dumbest motherfucker here knows that there is no 'alt-right,' that that is a media buzzword designed to categorize and marginalize the anti-kike, anti-globalist people around the world
try to phrase your satanic filth in a way that would actually convince someone

these images are all terrible
we should post all the awful election memes that weren't really all that great after all
i mean look at this thing, what is it even supposed to be

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Dude, Jow Forums is a pretty decent, fun, place. You’re spending too much time here if the goofy negativity is getting to you this much. There are people from all over the political spectrum and even apolitical people here.

Jow Forums has and always will revel in being the single most socially offensive place on the internet, even before Jow Forums existed as a board. If you can’t handle that then gtfo you faggoty tourist.

I regret that pompous assholes like you can not be taught and that you succumb to cum and farts and leftist propaganda. you were always a lefty and can not be instructed. Young and stupid yoo is

You haven't been here since 2012 or you'd have one of these to show for it. Post proof you lying nigger.

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There's noting to fix. It specifically says it is measuring 'coalitions'. Those are cherry picked subsets and statistically meaningless. Pure sample bias. Graph is a meaningful as the swirl marks a cat makes in the litter box after taking a shit.

KYS kike.

Hail Hitler!

This is the only time I've ever actually agreed with a leaf...
>You will be last on DOTR

look at this awful thing
it's not engaging at all, just a blur really

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Amazing bible study MOTIVATIONAL

Racism debunked, are you an accelerationist ? Wanna see the Vile people defeated?

Live coverage special of the 200th millionth post! God spoke again!!

Sam Hyde Gillete commercial supercut


Jason dalton MKultra uber driver

Top 100 happenings and memory holes of 2018


NPC Meme theory VIDEO 1, very first video on subject and part 1 of 3 mini series

The Great Meme Iconoclasm and Article 13


Get comfy and expand your almond activators
Bellagio Sampler's training is almost complete and his power level is rising rapidly.,..
>to my Legion
Your General returns
>to Our Enemies
The crusade begins soon, God's warriors are coming and ALL you shills will bow down and kiss our feet and declare JESUS IS LORD!
>this terrifies kikes,.,.,.,.,.,

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hey I got one of those just the other day

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>No, this is not a troll thread, nor am I a shill. I've been on this board since 2012, probably longer than most of you, and I can prove it if you ask me about board history from then.
Hi tranny! When you get back to your discord board tell your other tranny friends to kill themselves and then kill yourself.

and this is just so sloppy
who draws with text anyway?

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I'd argue with you, but what's the point. I believed the same shit when I was 20. You'll grow up, you don't need my arguments, you'll find your own

Worth it if you ask me

>Taking anything posted on Jow Forums seriously....
OP is a newfag

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My biggest regret about becoming right wing was living for 40 years as a bedazzled, bluepilled normie. Then I read the Protocols of Zion, and discovered the other side of history.

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OP won't grow up because he is an already grown up Council on Foreign Relations ((((((consultant)))))) or some retarded shit like that. His posts are literal scripted.

>real masculinity is standing up for the weak when all others are bystanders

pol literally is the last voice of the common man, forming a multi-racial phalanx against the globalist forces trying to destroy the western people. all the people supposedly protecting the weak are deluded traitors who think they are stronger than they are.

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got a long way to go. HAHA!
need to start harvesting child energy on children sites.

someone made this flyer after the first time pepe was on cnn
it wasn't funny at all to have a cartoon frog misunderstood so badly by people who though they were important
I didn't laugh even a little

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I fell for it at the start but I'm actively working against it now. The left can't meme but we can meme for them if only to get rid of Blumpf.

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which reminds me, if I have to hear that shadilay song one more time I would hate it, I wouldn't get any good feels at all

>I'm not a troll
>Jow Forums is full of bitter losers who use tired antisemitic tropes
Is this your first shift ever? Because you need to go back to orientation.

Wow this is some cringey try hard shit, kike shill

There is a certain beauty in ignorance, something only those who realize what the world is can recall thinking about how everything was better if you just didn't know about the torrents of shit underneath.
The ignorant will continue to ignore the festering wounds in our planet, the accelerated decay of America pre1965, of UK colonialism, of France before they went full muslim, where we sat out to conquer the world but found only violence.
politically correct is a self fulfilling prophecy, it is a dogmatic attempt to marginalize every one and raise up the preachers of PC to an exulted status. It tears down everything we identify as, and tries to supplant with nonsensical identifiers no one gives a shit about in order to maintain some sort of false equality.
Equal doesn't mean equal my friend. I have an equal OPPORTUNITY to be a fireman, an astronaut, a football player, a loving father, a devoted husband, a crackhead, an antifa protester. We all have an opportunity to do these things, a potential for it. However if I choose not to work hard and pursue the training and knowledge that these things demand, I will simply never do these things. If I choose to take the easy way out, to do nothing and sit around on a couch, well, I reap what I sow.
This is the basis of why equality fails, and affirmative action is so reviled. These mongrels lie and cheat, and steal their way into these roles of social success without earning it, and without being better than those who are already there, and worse - they make programs that we have to pay for to do so. Niggers are niggers for a reason. They benefit from positive racism. They get easier scholarships, they benefit tremendously from affirmative action, and they get their own slice of culture without white people while at the same time white people are not allowed to have a culture free from niggers.
Until positive racism stops, I will thrive in and continue to advocate for negative racism. Shame on you for giving up

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>Gender dysphoria is also, scientifically proven, not a choice, and it affects children as well as adults. There is nothing wrong with teaching children that it is possible to feel like you're the wrong gender, and it will help save many from a life of torment.

Plenty of mental disorders are scientifically proven. But perhaps giving men who are afflicted testosterone is a better idea, instead of estrogen and encouraging them cut their dicks off.

This completely ignores whats happening all around you with population replacement and constant attacks.

then why are you still here? hmmmm....

Protocols of Zion is widely debunked ever since it was written, like 100 years ago.

Thats what I thought too, but then I met people who also grew up with the right wing internet. Despite being "goofy" and "fun" with their edgy humour, deep inside they hide actually awful beliefs. It makes me think - its funny now, but if a radical right wing regime ever comes and jews and minorities get persecuted again, would they stand up for them, or would they not take the persecution seriously, or by that point would they be convinced its the right thing?

Plus, there is no intellectual rigor on Jow Forums. Almost noone is widely read on any particular topic. Its just shitposting by 15 year olds who think they know it all. I know, I was one.

all religious morality is dead, but I know Jow Forums has lately been filled up with christian fascists who dont use religion for spirituality and improving their treatment of others, but just use it to justify nationalism and supremacy. I bought into it because I was unhappy with my life. Believing in fascist macho-ism found here and on Jow Forums only made me hate myself for being unhappy and consider it weakness, made me not stand up to 'friends' bullying me because I thought they were strong and teaching me how to be strong when they had no good intention in mind, and made me ignore other people's pain - for example, a female friend who claimed she was manipulated by a psycopath, which I didn't believe because I thought women are stupid and are attracted to strength.

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Nobody buys your story after having seen leftists publish similar ones daily for a very long time.

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>>Hollywood, TV, companies, etc. etc. are full of liberals and "politically correct" people because to be a successful actor or engineer, you have to be TALENTED, MOTIVATED and SOCIALLY WELL-ADJUSTED.
Okay fag, then explain the guy from empire that was "creating new math and geometry" or Jim Carey ditching a woman he infected with an STD, or Patton Oswald overdosing his wife. When you're talking about actors, for the most part you're talking about filthy Hollywood degenerates who clearly aren't well adjusted as demonstrated by their behavior. You are a shill, you're just here to sow dissent, and I hope you get raped by a pack of niggers.

>Jews do not control the world or brainwash the media. This is a tired myth. Yes, they are over-represented in congress, because they make good candidates

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if the aut-right has done one thing in it's useless existence, it's that they made anti-semitism rise. enough people are seeing a problem with jews that its beginning to become a problem for them.

anti-semitism is a reaction to semitism
>grows tall in a fields nigger

The amount of replies do a good job of relating how insecure the people here are. To have their beliefs questioned moves them to defend themselves through labeling you a kike and shill. It’s quite intriguing to see human nature displayed in such a format. Such strong commitment to these politics beliefs shows these posters insecurity. They have nothing else in life to give themselves validation, and so they latch onto the idea of “the alt right” and define themselves by being a part of it believing in its core beliefs and sharing good times with others that believe the same. This is a symptom of the failures that have brought people here, they seek validation and escape from the things that make them insecure. Is it wrong? I’d say it’s simply sad all these people are victims themselves of a society that doesn’t value people that fail. Insecurity unfortunately becomes anger and rage with no direction but other members of our societies. Fortunately this anger mostly stays contained behind a shield of anonymity as the majority of people are not so angry they want to see innocent people killed or forced to exist a certain way America was founded on the virtues of freedom and self determination and it will stay that way because those are things every man sound of mind can agree with.

>it must be a psychological thing

Low quality posts deserve low energy responses.

There is no need to dignify such trash with logical well reasoned arguments when he has claimed he has been here since 2012.

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The Protocols first court case ended as the document being called a forgery. Not inauthentic, but a forgery. Upon appeal, the court's decision was reversed. Try harder, or kys faggot. Do us all a favor and save yourself the red tape.
Protocols were the result of 100 years of planning after Russia nixed the plan for the first European Union after Napoleon's defeat.

those who are disenfranchised by a society are enviably those who change it

Yeah, hwndu pretty much clued us all in that we can't do anything even if we team up. It was a crushing defeat to our morale, as can be seen here in this short but somber clip:

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source on these policy proposals?

This post is the real red pill

Posters here are losing their shit reading this

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There is no globalist attack. The idea of a global conspiracy is also an ancient trope. And how is the West being destroyed? What you showed in the picture shows the endevours of real people vs imposed myths. Fascism claims to want to rescue people hurting themselves with "degeneracy" and to bring them to a better path, but in reality just means controlling people's behaviours, giving all the power and wealth to the elite group that rules the regime, and gaslights everyone else into believing they should follow them (e.g. you are a woman, you are stupid, you must do what we say or you are black, you are subhuman, you must be lead by the white man).

I appreciate the effortful reply. But you look at history with rose tinted glasses. There was always decay, degeneracy and immorality in the world. St James Park in London was a hotspot for orgies with strangers. Every european medieval town had brothers and prostitutes. People in the 60s were poorer as a whole than we are now, and had to rely on their families more, and not all families are good, and yet people were stuck relying on abusive parents.
Political correctness is a mix of politeness and guilt, because white europeans live so luxuriously now we can afford to look back on history and self review our mistakes and regret them. This is in principle a good thing. There is nothing good about Europeans committing slavery or colonialism, even if other races would have done the same if they could.
You are right about equal opportunity, but people do make mistakes such as try a drug they know nothing about out of curiosity and get hooked, and we need to forgive mistakes and aid people to get back on the path. Life also pushes you down with obstacles. It is not easy to grow up in dysfunctional black families and end up a non-bitter, hardworking man, because racism does end up psychologically torturing blacks.

It's another one of these threads. I applaud the updated script. Now go be a nigger somewhere else.

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What bullshit, honestly.

>planning the worlds history for 100 years
Do you even appreciate how hard that would be?

>Oy vey guys, I used to be an
Alt-Right™ too, but now I hate anything right wing and jews did nothing wrong and you are a conspiracy theorist.

Back to oven.

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Why respond to the thread at all but to try and convince yourself to dismiss it? Your posts only work to bump the thread and make it more likely to be seen and take up space other threads could be using. It’s a symptom of insecurity in not only the beliefs but in yourself as well. To post a single line reply such as “kike shill” is an obvious aggressive reaction to having your beliefs questioned from a perspective you deem relevant. Like wounded animals humans too lash out in defense when struck. If you were secure in yourself and your beliefs you would dismiss the thread in its entirety and simply continue looking through the catalog without posting. Perhaps posters find a certain satisfaction in posting a reply, but does the subconscious need to reply in your common defense not spawn from a deeper understanding that you ascribe to some questionable beliefs?

>self regret is a good thing
As Frederick of Prussia described Maria Theresa "she cries but she takes" in destroying Poland, this is what you say is a good thing when you say political correctness and societal decay is normal.

A few token gestures and political correctness is all that needs to be done to carry on as if you have absolved your sins and have the moral high ground.

You do not realise that this decay is destroying the intellectual foundation which has enabled progressive politics to flourish.

But of course if you really were here since 2012, you should have realised history is confirming this intellectual death.

"You didn't build that" and "We can do it" should ring some bells.

>Discord tranny pretending Jews are just supermen in attempt to explain their vast over representation
If you weren't an intellectually dishonest discord tranny you would at least ascribe it to nepotism. But that's what makes you discord tranny, well that, and your eventual suicide.

>Christian morality is dead. Nietzche is right when he says God is dead- acquiring morality from the supposed will of God stopped making sense and never will again. We need to find a new source of morality, and we are still searching.
Imagine not understanding Nietzsche.
>There is nothing wrong with teaching children that it is possible to feel like you're the wrong gender, and it will help save many from a life of torment.
Fucking bongs, man.