Climate Change

>Hurrrrrrrr Durrrrrrrrr its cold and snows in winter therefore climate change does not exist
Why are right wing retards like this?

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Its like with Holocaust denial. They just want to be contrarian.

Hurrrrrrrr Durrrrrrrrr

You have to be a fucking nigger to think otherwise...

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It’s a meme you dip

>Climate Change
>Climate doesn't actually change

It’s a Jewish hoax like most (((science)))

>these temperatures aren't normal!
>recorded history is only 140 years
>pretend like data that small is enough to create a pattern

Attached: The+Earth+has+been+in+an+ice+age+most+of+the+last+400,000+years.jpg (960x720, 84K)

Go. Fuck. Your. Self.

Hrrrrrr drrrr the earth has been around for billions of years and the amount of carbon footprint humans have had is .000000000001% and obviously the sun has nothing to do with anything. I’m also sure weather has never happened in the past and everything is out faults because spray cans.

Fuckin moron.

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static climate fags are the worst. why are liberals so afraid of change?

>Why are right wing retards like this?

Why do Left Wing retards believe everything the government tells them?

Climate Change is a hoax. Plain and simple. If the government gave out grants to prove Unicorn farts caused conservative thought you can bet there would be charts and graphs supporting it.

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Remember when it was “global warming”? Anyway why would you want to preserve industrial society lmao.

This thread has already been answered in full like 200 times.
It's a shill thread. Slide it.

Hi tranny! When you get back to your discord, tell your other tranny friends to kill themselves and then kill yourself.

>ClIMaTe ChAnGe WiLl KiLl ErRyOnE.

Couldn't possibly be the climate changes constantly. It's da ebil uumans! We need to shutdown western civilization to have a look and see if it stops nature!

I member when it was global cooling mate.

climategate hid the decline, you are fake news, discussions are over and will not take place again, its all bunk.

>1 post by this ID

let me get this straight
the abnormally warm summer was a direct effect of man made climate change but this abnormally cold winter is just an abnormality and should be expected to happen ever so often?

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because it's true, you can't have a global warming if you only take the days that you want. the average temperature isn't going as high as they pretend.

>hur dur it’s fucking cold let’s tell everyone it’s global warming
Literally everything is caused by climate change and there is no pattern of temperature and precipitation that could not be caused by climate change. Therefore it fails the falsifiability test and is a belief, not a scientific fact.