Was life better before the internet?

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No, jews existed back then, too


This is a picture of Hillary and Michelle taken at 7am on 9/11/01. Life comes at you fast.

No, the propaganda machine (TV, newspaper, mass media) had virtually no opposition. With the Internet, people can now at least seek out the truth on their own pretty readily. Sure, it helps spread and spew leftist propaganda - but on the flip side we probably have more red pilled people in the world than any other living populations in the past 70-80 years

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Yes and no. It was definitely a lot more easy going times, didn’t worry about shit all the time. Also seemed like communities knew each other back then aswell, also you would have to try and figure shit out for yourself a lot more than just being able to google it, so you could literally argue about a topic and who is right for weeks, maybe even years.

yes of course it was

yeah youtube.com/watch?v=RYbe-35_BaA


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Nice brapper sniffer


early internet sounds comfy

This also, early internet was comfy as fuck. So fun, now their is so much shit yet I find my self less entertained now then I was back then using early internet. I can remeber one of the first sites I visited back then, one was LEGO and it was this game you could vs other players in a connect 4 style game. Can remember how amazed I was knowing I was playing a game with someone I had no idea who they were. Other sites were early chatrooms, they were a big deal to I remember. Good times

Slightly yes in certain things.


Damn they really do look better from behind

This kind of killed it desu

Somehow when you show the full hand it just isn't as good.


Everybody says there is this RACE problem. Everybody says this RACE problem will be solved when the third world pours into EVERY white country and ONLY into white countries.

The Netherlands and Belgium are just as crowded as Japan or Taiwan, but nobody says Japan or Taiwan will solve this RACE problem by bringing in millions of third worlders and quote assimilating unquote with them.

Everybody says the final solution to this RACE problem is for EVERY white country and ONLY white countries to “assimilate,” i.e., intermarry, with all those non-whites.

What if I said there was this RACE problem and this RACE problem would be solved only if hundreds of millions of non-blacks were brought into EVERY black country and ONLY into black countries?

How long would it take anyone to realize I’m not talking about a RACE problem. I am talking about the final solution to the BLACK problem?

And how long would it take any sane black man to notice this and what kind of psycho black man wouldn’t object to this?

But if I tell that obvious truth about the ongoing program of genocide against my race, the white race, Liberals and respectable conservatives agree that I am a naziwhowantstokillsixmillionjews.

They say they are anti-racist. What they are is anti-white.

Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white.


Far less people had any interest in politics then. There were only fringe leftists and a handful of libertarians. Most people thought you were a weirdo if you cared about politics.

this, idiots have have always existed cf. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Philistines and exchange it for SJW and see if the text still makes sense


wrong link...


>Far less people had any interest in politics then
People generally gain interest in politics when they become aware of problems in the system. No one would be interested if the media simply just doesn't tell them in a pre-internet era.

imagine women without the internet
total sluts bro

Thats one of the few games from that era i have never played, even on an emulator

Wonder if the process can or will ever be reversed? Maybe it's a Pandora box type deal where we will indefinitely live in a hyper political world. Yikes

Pretty sure everything was the same but much slower and harder to find.

My heart is shattered

Ew. Old ladies (17+) are gross.

That may have been for the best.
If you don't care about politics then maybe you shouldn't vote. People who actually have to go out on their own to do things are definitely going to be more informed than people who do it because it's trendy or because propagandists keep telling them it's something they have to do. It's not a coincidence that they keep pushing for younger voters when younger voters are already indoctrinated to be both liberal and dumb as a sack of bricks. It's why most lefties cannot describe their political philosophy as anything other than orange man bad.

It wont be reversed. Its just gonna mutate into something worse. Cable TV was already damging to the brain and people attention span. The internet and smartphones made it exponentially worse. If you think about it life has gotten gradually worse decade by decade since the industrial revolution. Think about it would you rather ride a horse to work or drive a metal box and get stuck in traffic at 7am?


Since I'm an oldfag, YES, I can confirm life was epic before the late 90s, and that the Internet fucking destroyed the fucking world for sure.

Although the timing might seem suspicious it was not the internet that ruined everything. Frankfurt school Judeo-Marxism took hold of the universities in the 70's and the media in the 80's. The people who were fully indoctrinated in that ideology finally rose to power and prominence during the 90's while the "Old Guard" of true American patriots were beginning to either die off or retire. The rapid acceleration that you see now is the dying-off of the greatest generation who were pushing back on these forces(Republicans AND Democrats). The internet certainly sped up the process by a bit, but most of the problems with the world today is the end-result of the Judeo-Left's 'long march through the institutions.'



Why were there so many campaigns to encourage younger voters? MTV Votes, that was the first time I ever felt the propaganda coming through the tv. They were obviously pro Clinton during 1991-92. It felt so shady, trying to make voting cool and rebellious. Fuck it probably worked, millions of morons who don't know anything went out to vote for the best jew.

Good episode of Black Mirror.

Saying anything was better before the internet is as retarded as saying TV was better before cable and home recording, back when many areas had ABC NBC and CBS and later on PBS and a few unbelievably horrible UHF channels.

I don't know if it was better, I was in high school the late 80's and was stoned the entire time, partying in Juarez across the river. I don't remember but it was probably less hectic since no internet, no smart phones, no cell phones, people used to go over to each others houses and hang out, now that never happens. sad.

I was thinking about this the other day. I can't stand watching any tv made after 1990. It was still Hollywood and still run by jews but it wasn't nearly as bad as it is now. They weren't forcing diversity or basing a show entirely around a dramatic lesbian kiss. There were hardly any black people on shows during the 60s. And if there were they weren't fucking niggers.

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Old suckers who are currently on the brink of entering middle age crisis while gradually getting more and more bald by every single day will usually say yes.

They love to act smart such as
>b-but muh life was so much better, we were so much more based than you little shits

While the truth is they are just crying deep down inside for not being 20 years old and getting shitfaced every other day

yep agreed, I am sick of seeing niggers on tv and hate to hear their voices, the awful shit rap, awful hip hop degenerate garbage. sick of niggers.

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You are correct in this, but life kind of was better as well.
People seemed a lot less angry 30 years ago than they do now.

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I choose fucking 1999.
The millenium was such a disappointment culture wise. We need back arcades, analog synthesizers, and pre 2000 games.

fuck that's some deep thinking shit....
That fucking kike puppet gatekeeper stopped speaking truth in favor of jew sheckels.

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but the internet allows access to things I would not have dreamt possible.
So gratitude overweighs

In many ways yes, in other ways no.

Nowdays its like a evil fairy sucked out variety, originality and soul from life. People become more NPC and the art becomes more NPC too.
We need back raw, unchained life.

girls didn't play video games.

Also the internet stole away the sense of wonder for new things

It was for me but I was young. At least weed is legal now

Yes and no, the absolute best stage was early internet days, before most women and young girls found it. Social media and garage journalism has ruined the internet as well as gender relations



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life was definitely better before social media though

Unequivocally yes.

People were generally friendlier and more trusting, degeneracy wasn't as rampant, porn had to be bought in form of magazines or VHS tape, kids played outside and were more socialized, politics was nowhere near continuous as it is today.

The internet was the modern day forbidden fruit of knowledge. The moment we ate from it we lost our innocence.

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Real life social interaction caused people to be kind to each other.
On the internet, people are able to cultivate their hatred for each other without repercussions or fear of ostracization.
This hatred seethes into society and that which was supposed to connect us has done the opposite.

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The early internet actually had a lot of wonder to it. It was all made as a labor of love by people about whatever they cared for, you could find little niche sites and communities about any hobby, show, band, vidya, anime, whatever. There was a sense of danger too, shock sites, weird porn ads, viruses made for no reason than just to fuck your desktop up, fucked up and sometimes illegal shit hidden in plain sight. I remember reading creepypastas about spooky internet sites, internet urban legends etc and they actually had a little sense of believability because it was such an unexplored new frontier. Now it's literally lowest common denominator normalfag television 2.0, with a reply feature.

Jesus Christ they cannot stop themselves.

>before the internet
>posts a picture from after the internet

be more precise

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San junipero?

this just makes me sad

And most of all, our minds where young and impressionable back then. Now we know too much stuff. Also, the economic c and social realities doesnt allow real life jouneys anymore.
Pro tip: Why most games long for medieval situations? The (((backwater))) middle ages had essence and people thought they wete part of Gods plan. Now Satan makes the plans and people just play defence to that. No more revolutions, no more hope, and the Revelation seeming more true by the day.

Early world wide web days (mid 90's up until early 2000's) were the best. Once social media came along and low iq cunts started thinking the internet's whole purpose is posting asspics of themselves, that's when everything started going to shit and negative effects of the internet on society started to prevail.

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Very much yes, but no and somewhat slightly yes and mildly no. But mostly who cares since the damage has been done.

Spot on.

I'll add, being white was awesome in the '80s. It's still great now, but back then flaunting being straight and white was practically encouraged everywhere.

Internet was better, but between 2000-2008

the old geocities sites where people had their homepages, the net was more fun in the beginning days.

I used to go to library to read about new Star Wars movies around 1997ish with bro and few friends before I owned a pc, then the prequels sucked, dot com bubble collapsed, bro went to jail for murdering a pedofag and 9-11 bullshit happened. everything just got worse and worse and worse
Then we elected a retarded nigger
Not sure how I didn’t off myself
A whole generation’s hopes and dreams for a technological future that only gets better and better were crushed like nuts under high-heels

Once the (((like))) was introduced, many have fallen to this ill disease and started to value their social media image more than real life. PR is a religion.

Nowdays, choose to be a scientist, an artist, an engineer, a politician, a builder, a programmer, a doctor, and whatever else. Imagine that: you will be cucked professionally and you will need to bootlick the monetizing-whore boss so you can pay rent and food.

Where ia Bullfrog, where is Popcap, where is Blizzard, where is Roland, where is real progressive house, where is real architecture, where are modern classic literature, where is tasty flavorfoul and healthy food, where are modern monuments


This video perfectly encapsulates how things were before the internet. Try recording random people with your smart today and you'll likely get assaulted and/or sued.

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Basically MySpace era was the last time the internet was still enjoyable. It's gone to shit ever since

Yeah absolutely, the geocities/angelfire/tripod era was the best. The vbulletin forums afterwards were still comfy too but once social media was introduced and they told you it's a good thing to put your name and pictures out there for everybody to see it was dead to me.

Alex was not always a shill. But I think somewhere along the line they got to him and coerced him into playing the roll of the jesture.
When he came out after his rant video after being deplatformed he literally said it was happening because of the Chinese and that China owns Hollywood and the media.
>he was lowkey apologizing to the jews

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Perhaps that really is true; I used to be all big on demcocracy; now I see it as possibly a worse kind of dictatorship, because you don't even get to rightly blame your rulers for your own shitty situation.

If only people affected by and invested into a certain matter voted on it; they'd be more influenced by their own self-interest, possibly making them harder to control.

Instead you now have millions of sheep getting their political views spoon fed to them via twitter, etc. It's basically just the guy with the most expensive PR campaign wins.

Internet helped with a lot of things and still helps, but at times humans used it incorrectly and we still are at times. For things like gaming it was great, but social media was a mistake.
To answer your question, life is pretty much the same. Any benefit, while appreciated, is negated by something bad the internet provided. It really isn't a move forward.
It may end up resulting in steps back if corporations run the internet as a whole.
We can rally for or against net neutrality, but when people advocate for private businesses being allowed to do what they want like twitter that means allowing ISP's to do what they want.
Don't have an answer to that aside from we're probably fucked no matter what, but at least we can still view this:

jesus that redhead

I use to have two songs that I could only listen to on Realplayer for some reason

still haven't found them to this day

...eh, I've fapped to worse.

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Stick to shagging sheep, Bruce.


.rm was one of the worst sounding formats

This very much.
Social interaction and dating was much more better than post-internet.
Friendship bonding now hinges on how well you play vidya or some other hobby and nothing about real interactions and experiences.
Internet dating is most soulless robotic thing person can ever experience, especially with shit like Tinder. Persons value now only hinges on looks, quirks and physical attractiveness, not to make a long lasting relationship but simply as a fuck buddy or at very least mating partner.

Society basically went into the gutter and people who were left out, are left to troll and spew hatred on internet to either fill something empty in themselves or unleash rage stuck inside within, all just to valide their existance.

>Real life social interaction caused people to be kind to each other.
On what planet do you live? My entire life has taught m that real life social interaction causes people to be as vicious to one another as is possible.

Arcades were awesome. I had one a couple of blocks from my middle school and I would go there everyday. There was a great fighting game scene of Asians and a few black guys. Street Fighter Alpha 2 and MvC2 were like my final memories before it went out of business. Also, I could go to the park on any given day and play 5 on 5 basketball all day. Now whn it's 72 and sunny there's no one at the fuking park and they just renovted the courts.

And porn. People didn't eat assholes back then. It's fucking gross. Girls still had some hair on their pussies. There were very few interracial couples, an they were usually always older than teenagers, and never wm/bf. There was no faggot hit accepted.

People didnt care about politics, but despite what you may believe, you could still be "redpilled" back then. We had things called books. I learned that Hitler was right about a lot of shit an that Jews were evil 24 years ago. And Ralph Nader's books opened my eyes to the Clintons and the Fed an the corporate stranglehold on government. But no one gave a shit. I wore a German army jacket with Nazi patches all over it for like 13 years.No one very said anything to me besides "right on!"

God was not yet dead.A healthy number of people still went to church or at least had a Bible by the bedside or on the coffee table.

And people could count and knew how to communicate. I try to talk to teenagers and even the fucking girls sound autistic.

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It was just different.
What, you think before the internet the women were all falling at our feet? It was not some kind of utopia frolicking in loin cloths and shit. Oh sure, Apple uses a logo of an apple with a bite missing from it as a sigil for the fall from the Garden of Eden, and yes, that's PERFECT for the situation that social media wrought. But before the internet, women were just as fucked up anyway. It's just easier now.
You needed game then just like now. You need not to be a beta simp or neckbeard then just like now. Nothing really has changed, just the methods.
Now you have "Chad". Back then we had "guidos". Same shit.

yeahh the early chatrooms..
I remember this one time my mom caught me in a barbie chatroom and asked wtf was i doing there. My response was to get gf´s. I would say im a boy and wanted a gf and 14+ bitches would jump and type "me me". Good old times

When the leash on your dog starts slipping from your grasp, you tighten your grasp. That's what happened. The internet started to free us from the tyranny of controlled information and the media has tightened their grip.

Now it's obvious that we were on a leash to begin with. People didn't know it 30 years ago.

>the only way to redpill the masses is to appeal to their culture
>let's write and record the 2019 summer hit song
>I'll start

BLM in da mix
We all about racemix
This year we go blacked
White boi got no react

Off-white hoodie when I flex
Rape yo gyal and you are next
You call me homo
Lawsuit from schlomo

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it was a lot more boring to be a NEET or hermit

>People were generally friendlier and more trusting, degeneracy wasn't as rampant, porn had to be bought in form of magazines or VHS tape, kids played outside and were more socialized, politics was nowhere near continuous as it is today.

Is that because the media has less control over the flow of information today, or because the white population decreased from 90% to 70%, or both?

fuck I wanted to a new thread with this...

You're wrong. People say shit via text that they wouldn't have the courage to even say on the phone. And likewise, they say shit on the phone they wouldn't say face to face. Physical presence promotes empathy. It is far more difficult to be mean to someone face to face.

I don't know to be honest...
In one way, we're constantly exposed to bullshit/useless information that naturally distracts and pacifies us.
On the other hand, the internet has allowed more people than possibly ever to know information that powerful (((people))) would rather have hidden.

Before the internet was a household thing, I was being ordered to read Holocaust novels and write papers about those "poor Jews." I likely would've never even known about how evil Jews are without the internet unless because I never had to search for that information.

You're right that people are cowards when it comes to a perceived threat of physical retaliation. But you're wrong to think that face to face contact makes people any less vicious. Just look at how high school girls sabotage their friends, for instance.
