The truth

Pol is based off of this. Without the outrage of this feeling pol wouldn’t exist

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Privilege is something one does not earn. This has nothing to do with white people.

Based and redpilled, but why don't most feminists acknowledge this fact?

niggers have not earned equality

neither have women


People here should acknowledge it. They feel opressed because losing privilege not because opressed

White people have not earned privilege

Yes, feminists should.

How the fuck do you even measure equality? I just wish they would make a list of things that they want, and fucking stick with it. But as soon as you start giving them what they want, they want more. Then they'll want more after that, and after that. I mean holy shit, do they just want white people living in rags and working 15 hours a day to pay niggers to eat lobsters and steak while staying at home? That probably wouldn't even be enough. We'd be privileged because we're allowed to have shoes while walking 20 miles to work and back but lil' Jamal wasn't able to purchase Jordans with his EBT.

the irony

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Women are gaining more privilege they don’t feel this.

I work 12 hours and the boss' son works 4. We both do the same job. At the end of the day, we get paid the same. I've just done 8 hours of work with no reward. That is oppression. Even though we are "equal" in salary we are not equally compensated.

There are 10 spots at a university. 100 people from group A apply and 20 people from group B apply. 5 are selected from each group. Even though both groups are "equally" represented, their rates of acceptance are not equal (5% vs 25%).

When you adjust one metric for equality, you skew another. In cases of equal opportunity vs equal outcome, you skew meritocratic selection in favor of ideological selection. When you see who shapes the ideology in our society, it becomes obvious that this is a bad idea.

Just remember, minorities don't want equality, they want your wealth. They collectively use racism as a tool to get jobs and positions in corporations they, didnt earn. Everybody here who works in corporate america already knows that if youre a nigger or a spic that you are first choice for ANY job available.

Think about it. A black guy in America who follows the rules and gets a decent career complains about white privilege because he wants more. If he sees ANY white colleague ahead of him, he will blame it on white privilege. He wants what he doesnt have.

You are a outrage culture dumbass

Completely false. People much rather hire a clean cut white dude than a spic or a black guy.

Working class whites are not privileged. Only white capitalists.

Yes they are

>Everyone not your race gets a hiring preference.
>everyone not your race gets a college admission preference
>everyone not your race is allowed to talk about race
>everyone not your race gets more social welfare advantages.
>every race but yours gets to exclude other races and preserve homogenity.
Ya dude just because they call it equality doesn't mean that's what it is. The PATRIOT Act wasn't really an act about patriotism, retard.

strawman threads should be banned on sight honestly, your pic means absolutely nothing

>First worlders are accustomed to privilege, so everything feels like oppression

In my small town of 2000 95% white people, why are all the hotels and gas stations owned by people of middle eastern descent?

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>You are privileged to work for Muhammed who came from Iran to be a baron in your small rural town.

If a Nigger says that then it is true

Whites sustain the other races through welfare. Minorities are the privileged class but they are such shit people they can't even act remotely human.

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We earned our privilege, equality is theft.

Fuck you nigger I'm white and grew up on section 8 and food stamps.
Still hate em.

Agreed. It’s time for the Jews to give up their privilege and give the land back to the palestinians.

Otherwise, Israel simply won’t survive.

I heard they're excite about the draft requirement

Yes, it's the "correct" path to bring the race on top down to below everyone else's level, rather than bring the rest up to theirs.
That's the "right" way. That's how you get to the fucking stars.
>We went extinct but at least we weren't racist shitlords


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When you're accustomed to gibs, work feels like oppression.

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Why would you hate it if it gave you an opportunity? That’s idiotic.

Where would your family have been without that?

Where does the white privilege go in an all white town?

What fucking privilege?
Come and tell me to my face that I'm privileged and I'll use everything I learned during my "privileged life" to beat you so close to death you'll wish I'd finished the job.

You want privilege? Talk the fucking jews, or women - the most privileged class in history.

Our ancestors were better than yours. Get over it. We owe you nothing.

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No answer to this?

Seconding this

that actually makes sense considering how the minority will still be disadvantaged. The abolishing of jim crow laws is an excellent example of this. Just because the institutionalized inequality is removed, the effects remain. This is why black americans are much poorer than whites on average - they're still recovering from slavery, in fact, all of america is still working with getting rid of the racism which was a foundation of US society for over 200 years.

Blacks don't want to change because the goddamn Democrats have babied them with gibs and now that's all they know and it's fucking easy mode.

Why does none of this apply to the Irish, who we treated about the same, native americans that we pushed onto reservatiobs, or to the Asians, who we rounded up and put in camps during wartime? Why is every other group that we've mistreated besides blacks able to function and succeed in society whereas blacks simply cannot?

all blacks are not unemployed criminals, the overwhelming majority is hard working Americans

>Why does none of this apply to the Irish
were the irish enslaved too? suppose they forgot to mention that in the history books...

>native americans
not enslaved either, although they are also victims of the same racist system. But yes, they deserve an advantage too.

>Asians, who we rounded up and put in camps during wartime
Asians were never slaves either, although they were mistreated, just like the native Americans and the Irish.

The minorities that have managed to free themselves from the shackles of history does obviously not need the same benefits as blacks. But its quite unfair to compare the asians, the irish, the native americans or even the spaniards to blacks seeing as none of them were as heavily discriminated as the american black population.

the world is not black and white. You're not either mistreated or not mistreated, there's a huge gray area.

Privilege isn’t real, it’s a made-up concept by shitskins to explain away their failure. There’s a reason why affirmative action has to exist, shitskins and women can’t compete with white males on an even playing field

They have no decency and will never strive to achieve anything greater because all they have to do is have kids out of marriage, receive food stamps, and work a job and they can live a better life than I have now.

there are americans of german heritage that are like that, just fewer

and the minority of black americans that are like that are not that different from their white counterparts

That’s jus silly sausage talk.
>Stinky poo blah blah hoochy couch
Reply to that steaming pile and I’ll reply to yours.

how did you earn being white?

So the attitudes and political cartoons that compared Irish to apes just like buggers didn't exist? Discriminatory hiring practices didn't exist? Indentured servitude that could be extended indefinitely wasn't slavery? We know you love the BBC Sven, but you don't need to lie to defend them, they'll still fuck you just to get into a first world country.

Fucking autocorrect, niggers not buggers.

white countries are the only countries where minorities have ever enjoyed any added privilage.
Whites however never had any privilage. Privilage is something granted to someone that can be taken away. Whites simply have rights.

Too late. You faggots made actual laws that discriminate against white because we were doing too well. FUCK YOU AND EVERYTHING YOUR PARTY STANDS FOR

they sure do. theyre now first class citizens and men are second class citizens.

white privilege is completely unrelated to wealth, which is why it's not called "rich privilege".

you need to work on your English skills you meme Russian hacker

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I don't get what you mean. Where does privilege go? What?

>So the attitudes and political cartoons that compared Irish to apes just like buggers didn't exist?
I have never claimed that. Like I said earlier, the Irish has been mistreated too, except not to the same degree as the blacks who were enslaved.

>Discriminatory hiring practices didn't exist?
Never claimed this either.

>Indentured servitude that could be extended indefinitely wasn't slavery?
It's a form of slavery, but its not something your born into like the blacks were.

"An indentured servant or indentured laborer is an employee (indenturee) within a system of unfree labor who is bound by a signed or forced contract (indenture) to work for a particular employer for a fixed time." - Wikiped, Indentured Servitude

It's true. Whites were accustomed to owning what they earned and created. Now that they have 40% of what they earn taken away and given to people who dont work, they get all upset.

Equality can only be acquired between white men in white countries.
Everyone else in white countries can't acquire equality by themselves.
All the rights, privileges etc. are given by white men from white men's pockets.
None of these parasites deserve equality when they can't have it by them own.

The racists would have you believe that the color of your skin is a privilege.

It also has the convenient side effect of giving rich minorities a moral pass to shit on poor whites without a hint of irony

They actually have.
By putting a bullet between each others heads often enough.

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Equity is for parasites who won't do the heavy lifting.

doesn't mean it doesn't exist or isn't a problem

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Hence why feminists think they're oppressed.

>doesnt mean it doesnt exist

Just because it exists in the mind of ennui afflicted white leftists and minorities who see it as an IRL cheat code to pacify those same white leftists doesnt mean it objectively exists in the real world, or that I have to give a single fuck about it

It's not our fault we weren't born with shit genes.

If we all spent all day 'making it better kiss kiss' for the shit-tier people then we'd never get anything done.

no, the fact that it objectively exists means it exists. Especially in the US

If you live in an all white community, how is white privilege applicable if there's no minorities to discriminate against or exploit?

So a forced contact you didn't sign but have enforced by the courts isn't slavery? Seems indistinguishable to me, seeing as they could force the contracts without consent.

Well if its objective, it must be quantifiable. Prove it.

>leftist OP post
>one line responses that don't go beyond ad hominem
Why is this a thing now? Been seeing a lot of threads following this exact pattern on /v/ as well. Is this an invasion from twitter? Even redditors don't behave like this.

Special rules for certain groups is the opposite of equality. Privledge literally means private law. Hillary not being held to the law is an example of privledge. Muslim rapists not being held to the law is privledge. Special public rules for certain groups create classes and contradict the whole statement as well, as different groups now have different rights. A nigger can legally murder you if you say nigger to him, but a white can't if you call him cracker or redneck. Sage for a gay thread.

Privilege is only applicable if you have something to compare it to. An all-white community might be the result of that privilege (homeowners legally refusing black tenants, for exemple) but you're right, it wouldn't exist within that particular community once established, as privilege is getting something while somebody else doesn't get it.

Imagine 2 people, one black and one white, in an open-carry state. They are both upstanding citizens, never been in jail, with the exact same level of socio-economics standards and intelligence. Literally their only difference is their skin color. What happens to these men if they go separately on the street with their AR15? White gets a polite conversation with the police to make sure nothing's wrong and goes his way, black risks his life, is put on the ground, handcuffed and may be arrested on bullshit charges. I'm not pulling this out of my ass, there are videos of this and that's privilege. As I said, it's not related to wealth and therefore isn't quantifiable, doesn't mean it's not there.

But what privileges are Jow Forums accustomed too?

So then the answer to get rid of white privilege is to get rid of non whites.

Lol, you don't watch enough open carry videos then, plenty of whites get harassed by ignorant cops that don't know the law and don't care.

>imagine this
Liberal fever dreams arent "objective", "quantified" evidence of anything but your own retardation.

Or of whites.

whatever dumb created these meme doesn't know what Equality is.

Equality is NOT equal outcomes, it's equal OPPORTUNITY.

Using her fucked logic she should be required to fuck all types of men (not just the wealthy chads) to prove how much she promotes equality.

These cunts aren't even worth an erection.

harassed, yes, sure, I saw it too and you're right. Very rarely do they get police guns drawn on them or handcuffed on the floor though.

>This is why black americans are much poorer than whites on average

Blacks have an average of 80 IQ in USA (because of white admixture) and 60 IQ in Africa. Even wealthy blacks (with an income of over 100k/year) do worse on tests than poor whites (with an income of less than 30k/year) so that throws out the "socioeconomic factors" bullshit that leftists always fall back on. The genes responsible for high IQ and propensity for criminal violence have been identified by geneticists. Guess which races have which.

educate yourself, knowledge is actually good, american

By the way, 80 IQ is considered borderline retarded. 60 IQ is considered clinically retarded.

Imagine a whole continent filled with people, half of which are dumber than a person with Down's Syndrome. That is Africa.

I'm accustomed to being a few inches taller than average. If someone shrunk my legs I would certainly feel oppressed.

Bullshit, I saw two separate fucking white veterans get disarmed and arrested at gunpoint for open carrying in places where OC is legal.

Look up Open Carry Texas and look what the cops did to that vet.

Maybe stop locking minorities out of opportunities to move up then. Social mobility is garbage in this country.

you're nitpicking over anecdotal evidence which I'm not denying. White open-carriers don't get harassed or arrested on the same scale as blacks do, at least the ones that even dare do it in the first place knowing they risk their lives. Not to mention it's just one aspect amongst others of white privilege, many such exemples.

"When you're accustomed to having things (privilege), someone taking things from you (equality) feels like oppression (theft)."

>educate yourself
Kek how, watching Contrapoints videos or something?

>Maybe stop locking minorities out of opportunities to move up then. Social mobility is garbage in this country.
Their IQ's are what's locking them out of opportunities to move up.

>inherit home built by your ancestors, your property now
>rent a room to a bunch of people
>they call the rent opression and your ownership of the house "privilege"
>demand equality in ownership of the house
>they win because egalitarianism is state religion and the law


Some privilege is legitimate. Something the ruling idelogy cant comprehend. When you are forced to be equal with unequal people this is opression, especially when its literally forced by the state

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Just fucking kill yourself.

Nobody is locked out of opportunities due to race. They really aren't. In fact, there is a lot of push to help people DUE to their race -- hint: it's not whites.

What you're misinterpreting as systematic is, in actuality, their own choices.

Why is your evidence not anecdotal when we're comparing videos we've seen you disingenuous shitbag?


IQ has jack shit to do with this and you know it. Case in point: The glass/bamboo ceiling for Asians in professional fields.

I just said its a form of slavery, although not as severe as the form of slavery in which there's an institutionalized slave caste