Why did we invade here?

I forgot.

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Ask Hillary

to move millions of niggers into italy

I forgot to op

Al Qaeda needed to borrow our air force to depose Gaddafi so Obama lent it to them.

because of a ((((youtube video)))

the regime was too effective at keeping nogs out of europe

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So it was just a practical joke really

Gaddafi refused to trade his oil with our petrodollar and even wanted to create his own currency.
That was unacceptable of course and we had to bomb the shit out of him.

Gaddafi wanting to have an african economical union, getting away from the petrodollar. Libya was already a pretty good/stable country and he was gonna make it even better.
That's basically it.

To destroy functioning countries on Europe's borders to give them a reason to join the EU via the Union of The Mediterranean for 'stability'

Gaddafi was africas only real voice on the global stage and warned of foreign interference in the continent. Obama killed him and moved out of the south china sea and so conveniently china begins neo colonization of Africa.

Just dont pay attention to all the Chinese spies in the dnc and obama admin

to weaken europe by creating a refugee crisis


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No boots on the ground isn't technically invading you're right, but air force and navy was involved and don't forget the drone strikes.

He was going to make Africa great again (actually for the first time).
Naturally, this couldn't be allowed.

Gold Dinar/ Oil/ Functioning direct democracy/ social nationalism state/ state owned central bank/ Sarkozy pushed mediterrean union/ Kalergi plan/ surely there's even more

To build an arms trafficking corridor into Syria as well as dethrone Gaddafi for trying to lift Africa out if poverty

Eurofag's standards are pretty pathetic, huh?

Cause he had a Trillion Dollars worth of Gold that he was going to use to get Africa off of the International Central Bankers' debt based currency.

One day, you and all the honorable men this evil world has slain will be vindicated

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He either wanted to make a gold backed currency or sell oil in euro's I always get Iraq and Libya confused in that matter. Libya was also one of a few countries that did not have a Rothschild owned central bank

Open the refugee floodgates to Europe so they can divide european populace and rule over the dumb masses.
Get Khaddaffi off Sarkozy's back who owed him 50 million euro for funding his presidential campaign.
Seize the 200 billion fortune Khaddafi had personally assembled by siphoning off Libya's huge oil wealth.
Keep Khaddafi from forming an african gold backed reserve currency.

Oh and because he oppressed his people and was a bad man whilst we are the good ones off course.

Democrats and jews wanted to destabilize the middle east, to floof europe with muslim refugees.

And the perk of flooding migrants into EU the was like windfall profits.

They were too pussies to face Chad in a battle, so they fought virgin Gaddafi instead.

You forgot both Sarkozy and Cameron need an electoral boost and there were rumours that the French wanted to break into Libya that had just signed contracts with Russia and China.


This the correct answer here. And Hillary helped plan this, just like syria

If you think we didn't have boots on the ground there, then you don't know how our laser guided bombs work.

They thought they'd get the lion of damascus as easily as Gaddafi.
Not so.

to kill that one gay goon. gj hillary.

Ben Ghazi, somethin about that guy

>Some sandnigger dictator and terrorist got buttfucked and executed
>Jow Forums jumps up and down to defends him


happy hannukah

sauce on image?

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Same as any other war. Two rich guys want the same real estate so they tell whichever government they have in their pockets to send a bunch of guys who think they're fighting for their country over to take it by force from a bunch of other dumbasses who think they're fighting for their country.

In the end there will be a bunch of dead heroes who died to keep their lord and master rich.

In this particular case the rich guys involved were The Federal Reserve who didn't want the sand-niggers in Libya to sell their oil for real money instead of the imaginary shit The Federal Reserve prints up.

I heard Gaddaffi had his fotune hidden in hotels, houses, and apartments all over Africa. Some organization found some kind of map or list with the addresses.

“Idun and the apples”- James Doyle Penrose

The same reason we invaded Iraq and took out Saddam. And for the same reason that we're currently chomping at the bit to topple Iran.

Gadhafi planned to quit selling oil in U.S. dollars and was going to start demanding payment in the form of gold-backed "dinars" (an Africa currency made out of gold) He was sitting on an estimated 150-200 tons of gold, and he was pushing other African and Middle Eastern governments to follow suit.

He had the potential to bring down the dollar and the entire world monetary system by extension.

An evil dictator killed the people revolting against him and we freed them

He was standing up to the Westerners and then started going batshit crazy so he had to go

He was 'killing his own people'
Just like Assad in Syria
Just like Maduro in Venezuela


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And all those (((freedom fighters))) with English slogans armed to the teeth fighting for freedom and democracy.

Gold dinar and petrodinar probably. Another reason is probably increasing immigration to Europe, which Gaddafi kept in check.

Also, after he died, the Rothschilds came in and took all of the gold for themselves. There are pictures out there of Nathaniel Rothschild in Ghadafi's vault posing with all of the gold bars.

thanks, it's really beautiful.

post pics and source pls I'm interested

Gaddaffi wanted a precious metals and petroleum backed basket currency and his country didn't have a central bank.

Once they went to the petro-metal dollar, they were going to do more trade with BRICS and cut France and Britain out of the equation, then America.

The real country that got us to fuck with Libya was France. They didn't want to lose business in North Africa to Gaddaffi's backed up basket currency.

"I'd like to go away from fiat currency, get other countries to do the same, do less business in U.S. dollars and not have a central bank"=Death sentence.

Gaddaffi said he was the only thing keep blacks and Muslims from flooding Europe, too. For a while that was a potent threat, then it was exactly what the European Union and Mutti Merkel wanted. It wasn't a bug anymore, it was a FEATURE.

Gaddaffi dead in Libya means all those people storming into Italy and the rest of Europe from staging zones like Lampedusa with "aid boats" and "refugee resettlement" groups and NGOs getting in on the swindle.

Finally, Libya was the "rat line" to give weapons to CIA/Mossad/MI5 front organizations that pass themselves off as organic Muslim terrorism, like ISIS. That's why those people got whacked at Benghazi, they were all gun runners and chemical weapons shitheads mobbed up with all the spook agencies.

Also interested in these pics.

What YouTube video are you referencing


That's what happens when you let your daughter rub near a niger and a chad.

I decided to source my answer
Bit tricky cause this site thinks it's spam

>Get Khaddaffi off Sarkozy's back who owed him 50 million euro for funding his presidential campaign.

>Keep Khaddafi from forming an african gold backed reserve currency.

Oh and there is a new one that I found.
Goldman Sachs appearantly lost 1.3 Billion of Khaddaffi's money. Whoopsie.

Hillary sure was pleased
Assange pinpointing that US involvement was pushed by Hillary:

>Open the refugee floodgates to Europe so they can divide european populace and rule over the dumb masses.
Khaddafi literally warned about this.
Libya undeniably became the center of illegal human trafficking into Europe. Those that cant pay for the crossing get sold as slaves.
Lots of money to be made in this business. So propaganda of Europe and the dream of being a football star is being sold.

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>Seize the 200 billion fortune Khaddafi had personally assembled by siphoning off Libya's huge oil wealth.
It's not known where the money went, neither Khaddafi's personal fortune nor the Libyan gold.

Well Said!

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> "We"
Nope, the goverment is not yours, its owned by the kikes

Gaddafi was also very anti-semitic, that's why we had to get rid of him of course.

>He rallied against Jews in many of his speeches, with Blundy and Lycett claiming that his anti-Semitism was "almost Hitlerian".

Oh and then completely unrelated the Benghazi bombing happened due to a hillary slip up. But hey, what difference at this point does it make?

more African refugees into Europe, 200 billion dollars in hard gold. Oil, spread Muslim extremism

>I forgot.
Because you need a near to Israel my dear faggot.


I heard water resources as well

He also wanted to irrigate northern africa. But mostly it was for not using using an IMF central bank, like you said.

Because it is in our beloved Marine Corps anthem you faggot

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Because Italian fags didn't dare to fight any niggers so they just found a country with unarmed niggers and invaded it