Will Jow Forums become fedora tipping atheist lefty again when the right wing starts censoring speech and art again?

Will Jow Forums become fedora tipping atheist lefty again when the right wing starts censoring speech and art again?

Thoughts on the future of the right and Jow Forums?

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Jow Forums will come full circle and be a heavily Libertarian board with bits and pieces of /x/ thrown in (i.e. conspiracy theories n shit) like it was when it was /new/

The site was never like that, unless you're referring to containment areas like /lgbt/.



that's stupid. "the right" isn't going to censor anything because they're comparatively centrist, whereas the left has been actively advocating for censorship of things they don't like.

also, stop posing loaded questions, asswipe.

t. newfaggot who thinks /lgbt/ has been around forever

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The right is currently more centrist, yes, but that doesn’t mean it can’t ever happen again.

Jow Forums has only ever evolved in terms of political views. Reverting back into leftism would be an example of devolution.

A lot of us were liberals when we first discovered /b/, then we migrated to Jow Forums a short while later and became libertarians, then we became red-pilled on racial differences and realized that libertarianism wasn't feasible in a country with a rapidly growing non-white population, so we became white nationalists. At this point, most of us are just waiting for the opportunity to start gassing the kikes.

>Will Jow Forums become fedora tipping atheist lefty again
No. We're too far from that point. There will be civil war in America. Ruinning their economy and everything. All the American refugee will try to flee to Canada and with our open border policy we'll accept all of them and because of our socialistic programs we'll go through a depression.

Civil war is undeniable at this point. If you're smart, you'll move to Asian countries like Hong Kong, Singapore, Malaysia even China.

This. Red pilling is a one way function. Even the faggots ITT realize you can't have liberty with 65 IQ feral niggers.

Hi tranny! When you get back to your discord, tell your other tranny friends to kill themselves and then kill yourself.

>american refugees
>leave the US behind
Surely you mean all the niggers, muzzy rats and spic shits will come up and claim asylum in your shithole?

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> muh fedora tipping
You mad, NPC boi? They don't believe in little Jee-Jeebus? Are you hurt? Why do they think it is a jewish LARP? How could they? Your cult makes so much sense, doesn't it? It certainly doesn't look like sone poorly thought shit some jew wrote in a hurry, does it?

>implying Jow Forums was ever leftist

This place is a leftypol ahithole now

What’s wrong with censoring kikes, leftists, and degenerates?

If Jow Forums stops being (((christian))) and starts being atheistic, the average iq of the board will double.

The right never has censored speech ever.
That's something leftists and those who hate truth do, so, certainly not the right.


M8 a civil war would last a week, a bunch of nogunz dole bludgers vs cleetus and pals on top of the majority of the army. Theyll just keep on with the bullshit because they know a civil war is the worst case scenario for them

wish it would go back to 2014 we had strong left and right wing groups from ancaps to facs and nasocs

First, the current wave of alt-right nonsense will die down in the mainstream.
Second, because of that, the influx of alt-right children will cease.
Third, the alt-righters already here will grow up a bit and become more nuanced and mature in their views.
Fourth, the handful of stormfags and low IQ manchildren who remain stuck in their alt-right ways even despite the passage of time will unceasingly complain about how the cancer has killed Jow Forums.

It will take time, but Jow Forums will absorb the Trumpfags as it has absorbed newfags before.

The resting point for Jow Forums is an elitist, slightly leftist, cloistered academic who just wants to be left alone.

This. It's a board of hipsters who became nationalists. That's why there is constant debate on what it means to be a real authentic white man. Even to the point of which type of razor we need to shave our faces with to prove our whiteness.

Right wing never censored anything in the history if you look closely

All sorts of governments have censored things that they don't like. It is pretty dishonest to pretend all censorship is left-wing, when many on the right call for censorship of art and speech they do not like as well.

The way I see it, Jow Forums always has been the side of the cultural underdog, before Jow Forums was even around and the religious fundamentalists had a firm grip on the culture and society this site (hitler love nonwithstanding) overall was left leaning, and now with the changing of the guard it has switched sides, and I believe will do again if the right wins the culture war and decides to turn into what the left is now


>At this point, most of us are just waiting for the opportunity to start gassing the kikes.

Unironically this

It took me awhile but I've learned that the right only becomes censorious and fascistic when the left grows out of control. And that it's always the left that starts conflicts

>before Jow Forums was even around and the religious fundamentalists had a firm grip on the culture and society this site (hitler love nonwithstanding) overall was left leaning,

You're a fucking retard. You want to know what Jow Forums has always represented? I'll tell you, and listen very fucking carefully. WE ALWAYS TROLLED THE SHIT OUT OF FAGGOTS. The fucking kikes are merely our most recent lelcow. First it was GAIA ONLINE. Next, Abbo Otel. Then it was Hal Turner. Then scientology. After that it was anything an everything. Now it's the fucking inbred kikes. We slay sacred cattle. FREE SPEECH IS WAHT WE ALWAYS REREZENT

Leftists will disappear forever because they had cats and AIDS while the rest of the world had children.

I think you've always had more agnostics on Jow Forums that you ever had atheist's/homosexuals in denial on here.
The future of Jow Forums itself is bankruptcy. THe owner isn't making any $ since most users block all the ads.

I went from left wing to religious fundamentalist due to my stay here on this site.
I became disillusioned and realized how disgusting my life and the world around me was so I started trying to understand why things are the way they are. History is driven by the same actors time and time again and Christianity has a prophetic vision of how people can work together to create a perfect society. It also tells us how we're not going to be capable of following that vision and that we are going to need an actual God-King to bring peace to the world.

That's because Internet technologies are retarded and Advertisements only serve the purpose of espionage and computer virus infection.

Dumbass Canadian. America's split is between the minorities and lily white liberals in the cities vs the white people who live where all the resources are. Most in the military back the latter and the latter also have almost all the guns. Civil war would be devastating for the left and the country would ultimately come out of it stronger than before. You dumb leaves probably will get plenty of refugees from New England and the Northwest, IF your basedvernment actually allows white refugees. Otherwise have fun with a few million New Yorkers, Chicagoans, and Detroiters lol

>Internet technologies are retarded

They are literally systems of oppression.

The left lost their claim of defending free speech years ago.
>freedom of speech doesn't mean freedom from consequences
Expecting the right to abandon it is wishful thinking. Every right that a political ideology defends becomes a single issue voter source. It's like expecting demoshits to drop illegal immigrants.

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The irony is that we represent free speech, self determination, free will and every other endemic human right, as the left has literally become everything they hate, namely the new fascists and oppressors.

Yikes, man

You don´t even know what fascism is you faggot
Stop talking about things you know nothing about

>Bush mentions Jesus/prayer in speeches therefore USA == Christian Dominionist utopia
Who are all these deluded fucking posters?
The Left won the culture war in a rout back in the 90's before most of you were born.
>bb-but Obergefell
The only reason they held off as long as they did was because the Democrats were still had the LBJ/Jimmy Carter/Bill Clinton White, Christian, Southern Democrat Presidential sucess model. When the money got behind Obama, gay marraige went plaintiff shopping and the rest is unassailable Supreme Court precedent, you bitter clingers.
The dominance of right wing social mores is very much in your own imaginations unless you're unironic baby boomer scum.

That also has a lot to do with the overton window and as you've said, their willingness to adopt anything that is contrary to their perceived ideological opponents.
In my own lifetime I've gone from being called a hippy to a nazi. Now they have muslims, jews and anti-white racists at the helm. It's a glorious show.

I call them Bolsheviks but defining the left as totalitarian is accurate.

>Jow Forums is one person
>Jow Forums has consensus
>/new/ is where Jow Forums went after it got nuked for too many stormfags
Hey, rabbi, rewriting history again

/b and /new have always been right wing, I don’t think outside of video game censorship has this site ever been left wing

>Stop talking about things you know nothing about

Oh, you're right. Worshiping mindless dogma is certainly not fascism. Certainly.

we troll faggots. this is our essence.

This definition would make almost any religion, ideology or deeply held belief fascism you retard
>communists are fascists
pic related is you

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I'm half jew but this basically


NO, acktully the over-riding moral impetus toward anything defines fascism. Checkmate, non-cahotic nootral faggots

This definition is so fucking stupid that it somehow doesn´t even apply t all fascist govs of the past but does top non fascist regimes like in communist countries.

To some extent this site is counterculture, so if you want the site to start being lefty again you need a Bush-era media that's down with supporting the right wing overtly.


Stop acting like you were trolling/baiting
You were wrong and you know it and now you try to act like you were only pretenting to be retarded.
fuck off faggot

>fuck off faggot

ok. more seriously: I will not fuck off. The left as the current powers that be have demonstrated every single aspect of fascism: the enact dogma; they attack and defame the opposition. They hold this false ideal to be the incontrivertible truth: that diversity is some sort of strength. What about our self-determination? Are we, as the white race, to be denied the human right of choosing our own destiny? I shall await your response.

I remember watching daily show with Jon Stewart and believing used to like those edits with Fox news being hypocritical. I still don't like Fox except for the occasional Tucker because he is pretty fair.
Now it's more the media being hypocritical or illogical. Dunno how I feel about burning books that say gender is a social construct.

I never said communism equals fascism you incredibly stupid nigger. I said the left directly adopts anything it believes is the opposite of their perceived political opponents.
>I just make shit up and pretend I've won an argument
Leftists are the intellectual equivalent to children. No wonder pedophiles flock there.


That´s not fascism that´s authoritarian
Fascism is a world view that humans will always need warfare and will never stop doing war. It´s the belief that war is i requirement for human progress and a functional society. It´s the berlief that death on the battlefield is the best deatha man can wish for. In fascism war is an eternal and constant engine that pushed humans to evolve to greater hights.
All other effects like authoritarianism are consequesces of that but not requirements.
If you believe that you are in war you will most likely decalre marshal law. You will not have elections during war time, you will not allow political opposition during war time etc.
These are all normal thing for democratic countries to engage in during war time.
Now apply that to a mindset of eternal warfare.
And here comes to misconception that fascism is about censorship etc.
Fascism ius about war and human evolution.


Fascism is a form of radical authoritarian ultranationalism, characterized by dictatorial power, forcible suppression of opposition and control of industry and commerce,

Literally never been the case. Not even remotely.
t. 2005

>right wing starts censoring speech and art again?
when did this happen?

>Will Jow Forums become fedora tipping atheist lefty again when the right wing starts censoring speech and art again?


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nobody takes you seriously until blood is shed, lots of blood

He has an incredibly hard time with words. It's what happens when you spend half of your time in conversation trying to apply new definitions to words and half of your time engaged in pedantic bullshit. He's a straight up pilpulling kike.

according to that Mussolini wasn´t a fascist you retard
> characterized by dictatorial power, forcible suppression of opposition and control of industry and commerce,
Accoring this part churchill was a fascist, Stalin was a fascist, Mao was a faschist etc
You are wrong

>ctrl+f "sneed"
>phrase not found
I'm disappointed.

>MFW Human kind and intelligence already peaked
>What we are living through now is degeneration

>ok. more seriously: I will not fuck off. The left as the current powers that be have demonstrated every single aspect of fascism: the enact dogma; they attack and defame the opposition. They hold this false ideal to be the incontrivertible truth: that diversity is some sort of strength.

No, they are the OPPOSITE of fascists. Fascism is all about defending the nation while leftism is all about abolishing things that make the nation like borders and the uniqueness of it's people. You're basically letting the extreme far-left define fascism for you as something evil and negative, thus being an useful idiot for ANTIFA.

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That´s what you guys are doing, maybe read up on fascist thinkers and ask them what they said fascism was about instead of engaging in talmudry all the time

Which is why we need to genocide 95% of humanity.

I think I discombobulated his programming with the self-determination thing, which is as it should be.

>No, they are the OPPOSITE of fascists.

Not when you realize that it's controlled by zionists

4chins is what ever you make of it tard.

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based, prolly a mod

orielly calling it a "far left website" was a joke here because it wasnt

>when many on the right call for censorship of art

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orly gave us the best name ever

>the internet hate machine

>I call them Bolsheviks but defining the left as totalitarian is accurate.
Then after I point out your disingenuous and lying kike methods you accuse me of the same. Do JIDF diapers come with a reimbursement or do you have to pay out of pocket?
I can't wait for your people to be gone.

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Jow Forums is ours now!

kek just kek

>It´s the belief that war is i requirement for human progress and a functional society. It´s the berlief that death on the battlefield is the best deatha man can wish for
Only Mussolini believed this. Can't think of another fascist leader that wanted eternal war.
only if the industry is working not in favor of the volk
>Stalin was a fascist
actually Stalin was called a fascist. look up red fascism (obviously his regime wasn't in any way or form fascistic but his personal believes might have been - at least he was extremely anti Marxist)

Very true and that's if why a civil war where to break out it almost certainly has to start from the left.

fuck off kike

Time to reinstate the penalties for joining the Communist Party or affiliated.

read some books newfag.

i just love that

>when the right wing starts censoring speech and art again?
The right has only ever censored jewish agitprop and jewish degeneracy in all of recorded history. So, ideally yes.

This is actually quite interesting. Has Jow Forums become so insular that it's this detached from other boards' memes?

>stuff can happen
what a fucking retarded post, wtf are you 12?

we are our own animal.

Lefty, you suffer more in fantasy than you do in reality.

Not until the current leftist crazies have been sufficiently humiliated and laugh from the public square. They're actively censoring the public square, so I don't see that happening soon.

>fedora tipping atheist
We all know where the fedoras originated

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I think gay people should be censored and sterilized but beyond that, and I think sexualizing children is terrible but nothing much else

sup zoomer. You might not be aware but before fortnite existed the religious right used to be the ones attacking video games and art. Jow Forums culture started at the end of that era.


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>being unironically pro fag speech
lol, Jordan Peterson go clean your room