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Cooper Baker
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James Martinez
Leo Martin
this was inevetible
Blake Perry
Kek what a mess.Can't wait to throw the fags and freaks back in the bog.
Cooper Adams
dumb frogposter
Brandon Torres
Might you have a link to this article, OP?
Anthony Diaz
>Try to cram extremely traditional right-wing Islamic culture with a complete opposite way of thinking to yours into a country while simultaneously pushing even more left-wing agendas
Who saw this coming?
Nathaniel Diaz
Where is this happening?
Matthew Howard
Enrichment is coming!
Elijah Hernandez
If the left is cancer then Islam is Chemo.
There is more common ground between the right and Islam than the modern left has. But, can an alliance be renegotiated?
Brody Taylor
Here, since OPs are universally growing more faggot than once thought scientifically possible:
Luke Martinez
Always reminded me friends in UK to get their kids off the kuffar system.
Samuel Hill
>Daily Mail
The place that deserves it the most; the UK.
Gavin Butler
Thank you.
Josiah Peterson
Yes! Let the games begin!
Charles Peterson
>United Kingdom of Arabs
They act a lot like another certain religious group that infests this board too
Anthony Collins
Alexander Brown
It's almost as if nobody in charge in the UK anymore has a fucking brain. Either that or it's an intentional agenda & the coming of this kind of shit was long foretold & part of the plan.
Wyatt Martin
Now we just need to form brotherhoods, prepare, and bide our time. Let the left eat themselves while their pets slaughter them, then we come in for the clean up.
Oliver Martin
they cant trigger the general public so they are trying to trigger the muzzies now.
civil war soon, it was predicted years ago.
not even interested in doing that myself, but if you give me no choice, I will fuck you up.
Lucas Nelson
>only muslims have balls
yeah whatever bring the caliphate on
Chase Bailey
Ehhhh most Muslims are like most Christians they will cuck to the government but this is good news yes very good
Luis Torres
Yet another reminder that whites converting Islam is the only way to save the west. Christianity has made you weak either adapt or collapse.
Evan Adams
The worst thing about this is if were christian parents they'd be labeled some bs, but since they're muslim the school will cave to the demands. When are you christ cucks going to start cutting off some heads. The world has lost it's fear of the christian.
Noah Evans
>No Outsiders In Our School
Charles Lewis
>desperate mudslime child rapist tries to justify his failing religion
Strict islam will die just like all the abrahamic faiths. They are destined to die.
Gavin Walker
We have made christianity weak to bend it to our post-women's-vote societies. Christian Fundamentalism is the more logical step than dropping it for the glorified paganism that is modern Islam/Judaism
Levi White
We convert to Islam they stop alahuakbaring us and they behead the left for us. Seems like a comfy deal. Perhaps we can create an enlightened version of Islam like protestantism was for Christianity.
Alexander Harris
It's like that infograph that floats around here... Mudslimes in USA are only like 1-2% and they pretend to be tolerant and peace loving while aligning up with liberal causes. Even those Muslim Congress women go on about homophobia, transphobia, women's right to choose etc.
As their proportions increase they no longer need to be considerate of the prevailing cultural norms and will fight for absolute control over the places they live
Anthony Bell
Owen Allen
daily mail? lol no
Adrian Kelly
One of the few non Muslims left in London.
Aaron King
Asher Rivera
cultists need to be purged
David Campbell
I can't believe I'm agreeing with memeflaggots, but, these.
There's little actual difference between what most here claim to "want" & the Muslim view of things. Delete the "wrong God", "muh age of consent", and the fact that they're overwhelmingly shitskin, and you have a soulmate kind of match between Islam & "typical" Jow Forums feelings about shit like the Day of the Rope.
Nolan Thomas
>religious fundementalism
Jeremiah Jones
Islam will save the west
Matthew Cook
Wait your turn fag we will get you soon enough.
Kevin Mitchell
>it was predicted years ago.
it was planned years ago, the invention of nukes threw a wrench in their plans. But they do need a civil war soon or they will have nothing to blame the economic collapse on. This is why you're seeing the push for division. I mean post term abortion? They need a civil war or it's going to be holocaust for real this time.
Bentley Gonzalez
Oliver Parker
Judeo christian religions are all the same, so it makes sense in that way. Christians are as much a "religion of peace" as islam.
Constant victimhood, always moving goalposts to keep the rest of society from outright banning their existence, intolerant of everyone else who doesnt follow them
Isaac Brown
Cum and take me muhammed
Luis Evans
I completely agree I hope to see the day when the entire European continent will be under the great crescent moon.
Charles Hall
As expected from a faggot flag.
Im talking actual fundamentalism and not the meme it is in the US that cares more about dead soldiers than it does the state of the entire country.
Luke Cooper
Who's higher up on the oppression totem pole, muslims or gays?
will the inevitable netflix show about the whole scandal retcon the muslims into white christian male rednecks?
James Reed
Fuck off AIDS zombie.
Samuel Nelson
Disgusting animal.
Henry Fisher
Julian Ramirez
William Sullivan
>Right wing Islamic
This person needs the get raped by a can of zylkon
Benjamin Morgan
Islam is alright but I find Halal meat pretty cruel.
Luis Lopez
I think you mean (((Christians)))
Jackson Williams
You're wrong, there is a huge difference. They will only give the appearance of cukcing. They are all biding their time until their population percentage is large enough to BE the government.
John Ross
>Muhammed would like to know your location
Caleb Russell
Yes I know what you mean, and either way, both are equally retarded. What should I expect from a bong flag who is probably a 15 year old pajeet though
Landon Cox
>Christians are as much a "religion of peace" as islam
Yeah, save for the whole "actively beheading people this decade & uploading the videos". Christians have largely been tamed & live under the boot now. Islam is having none of that shit.
Charles Bailey
Hello kaffir, I'll be honest as long as Christians pay jizya they will be fine but there is no room for a sodomites in the caliphate, so keep your hands off our kids!
Christian Davis
You fucking honky pussies always need real humans like us Muslims to shoe you the way. You've lost your spines, you are invertebrates and cu.cks, not human anymore.
We will take this country because it is currently mostly uninhabited by human life, brits are not human.
Jaxson Peterson
Considering gays are hated by most cultures and religions, while muslims have 100s if millions of their own, Id say gays.
Evan Price
Chase Russell
>t. Bong who is likely to end up becoming halal meat in the near future
Hunter Price
yeah its hard not to notice every country going off at once
as if france starting the show wasnt enough of a red flag.
Ayden Nelson
It's deliberate to fracture a once homogenous society. Britain died under Tony Blair.
Caleb Kelly
who cares, the UK is long dead anyway.
Dylan Martin
Based and jihadpilled
Isaac White
Go for it make sure once you conquer it to nuke Israel.
Jace Harris
>Christians are as much a "religion of peace" as islam.
look at this semen-addled fuckwit and laugh
Austin Taylor
Well you better lube up because fundamentals are going to sodomise you with Kalashnikovs whether you hate them or not
Noah Ortiz
>muh gays are pedos bs stat
More catholics and muslims diddle on the daily by a longshot bud
Adrian Rodriguez
Justin Collins
'Save' by making shit particles float in the air like your stagnant countries?
Tyler Rogers
kalegri plan
who cares earth is long dead anyway :^)
Oliver Bailey
Let them fight
Cameron Bell
Really is quite the situation, we really do live in intresting times.
Jack Nguyen
You're falling for a meme. Mudslime "cultures" are universally backwater and stagnant shitholes and Muslims are cowards who are incapable of any higher forms of consciousness. Whoa, some of them breed like rats and call faggots faggots. Bassseeeeddddd brown bulls
Carson Thompson
soo happy
Josiah Rivera
Youre to young to remember the 80s and the UK still having a strong Christian culture that would keep mainstream culture in check?
Moaning about the women's vote a hundred years before forgets that they used to be the most churchy up until everything went to utter shit in the 90s
Tyler Adams
Christians are the biggest fucking cry babies on earth. Just look at the tantrum over a fucking cake. If they werent subdued by the corporate overlords of america, they would be beheading like barbarians too.
What I mean to say is, the books are the same. Go read it if you havent, levticus has all the same shit people mock islam over. Including not making depictions of god
Luke Turner
why can't you except that sodomy and same sex couples are frowned upon in most rational societies that haven't been corrupted by the progressive liberal bullshit it doesn't matter if the society follows abrahamic religions or not . what you guys are doing is against basic biological nature
Asher Jackson
Sad; I used to actually have respect for Elizabeth & wouldn't think she would be down with shit like Kalergi.
Nathan Jackson
Our countrys where ruined by constant intervention by the west
Alexander Perez
>Christians are as much a "religion of peace" as islam.
You're a special kind of retard aren't you?
Michael Butler
Uh huh
Jonathan Edwards
>Just look at the tantrum over a fucking cake
From which side?
Because the side that REEEEEEEE'd about the fucking cake until the business was closed seems far more childish.
Joshua Gomez
I was speaking solely of their ideology; not its actual practitioners.
Jonathan Brown
I dont think she has any power beyond the stage show
Joseph Reed
You lie
Logan Thompson
Seriously though, based muslims
Thomas Robinson
We don't need to nuke it, we'll have more fun slitting kike necks with our hands like we used to in the old days and then watching their blood form rivers that run into the Mediterranean. Do we think we kill to achieve some political objective? No, my friend. Haha. No.
Allah told us in the Quran not to kill indiscriminately or for triviality, because the Almighty knew we love killing.
Camden Lewis
Not them the logic part of the brain never developed or was damaged somehow.
Juan Wright
The Earth is doing pretty well, in parts left untouched by humans lol
Leo Rodriguez
You are violently mad about an adults sex life. I dont condone the acts of public sex freaks, pedos, rapists etc. No one does. The reason is to keep people reproducing.
I think it would be better, and you would agree, if I, the raging fag with mental issues, stayed gay and didnt fake it with a woman reproducing.
Evan Torres
Wtf I love Muslims now
Caleb Miller
Islam is the true blackpill and the only way to curb degeneracy in the west. The actual battle will be wresting control back from the muzzies when they're done demonstrating the gays.
Blake Ward
oh the irony
Nathaniel Thomas
Fuck the goat fuckers.
Jace Jackson
you missed the point, they are going to fuck over everywhere.
why am I responding to a memeflag, why arnt you people banned automatically.
Grayson Ortiz
Which side yoy think, big brain academy
Spent my whole childhood in an extreme conservative christian family and area. They are the only ones who tantrum about two men hugging or the public school teaching about stds and other religions.
Nathan Ross
Theyre all Globalists user
Anthony Stewart