>There are people on Jow Forums, right now, who don't own ANY firearms
Wow, way to plan ahead, user. I'm sure that'll work out great for you.
Firearm Ownership
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I don't live in niggerville, user. What do I want with a gun?
I still don't own a nice semi auto rifle.
I just have a pistol and a shotgun.
And a couple of other old rifles that I wouldn't use in a defense situation.
Get a PSA, then. They're getting hilariously inexpensive.
PSA? I don't know much about the rifles.
But no. I'd save and get something you know, kind of nice.
I wanted some kind of AK varient, because you can toss them in the dirt and they go, but they're not nearly as accurate beyond 300 yards I've heard as a AR-15 kind of weapon.
Maybe one day I'll get one. I looked a bit.
because sometimes niggerville comes to you
Palmetto State Armory.
Their mission statement is to make as many AR-15's as possible so as to make gun control impossible.
LOL I won't live or die based on a personal arms race. I pay shit loads of taxes. As a result, the police come when I call them, faster than your sister on pot.
When seconds count, cops are only minutes away.
Are AR-15s a little more complicated though?
I like simple guns. You know like an AK.
Those things break down pretty simply and you can clean them easy. It's one reason I got a glock. Because I'm a newbie. And I need to keep the things clean and be able to break them down and everything.
Where the fuck do you live that this is a risk, user?
My country's arms laws are fucked.
Fortunately cyber enforcement is still catching up.
Will procure stuff from the deep web.
Its actually hilariously cheaper and easier than i imagined.
You anglos have such liberal gun laws... I wish we had some of them.
foken ell
You weren't asking me but I live in Colorado Springs. They say the police response time in the worst kind of emergency is about 20 min.
I say bullshit. For me they come in about 40 min.
Had a guy breaking in once but I chased him off.
One time my son had a girl up in his room, and she wasn't supposed to be there. She needed to be taken home. I'm not taking her. So I called the cops. They came. 6 hours later.
And took her home to her mom.
I've armed myself like a police officer.
I have a 12 gauge shotgun and a 9mm pistol.
I might get more guns, but I needed some very basic armament to start with.
It's up to me.
That really depends on what you consider "complicated".
Basic upkeep of an AR-15 involves popping one captive pin, pulling out the BCG/Charging handle, spraying bits with a solvent and then applying a small amount of oil.
It's very common for people to assemble their AR-15's from parts and it's honestly the best way to go if you want to know how it works.
Where do you live where there isn't a risk? Has there never been crime, riots or war in your country?
India's laws are weird. They specifically ban .455 caliber. Couldn't go letting people own surplus Webley revolvers, I guess.
Police carry AR's now. Often select-fire, but that's a bit hard to afford even if your state allows NFA items.
>It's very common for people to assemble their AR-15's from parts
Mmmm. You do remind me of that fact. I suppose if I got the kit and put it together and got the thing working I'd know how to break it apart again. Naturally. Yea might do that.
>tfw I have two handguns, two rifles, and my fiance is a reformed anti-gunner who loves going to the range with me
Feels good having Constitutional rights
Cheers, user. They don't call it adult LEGO for nothing.
live by the sword, die by the sword.
also archery > guns in the post apocalypse. Silent.
"Live by the sword" doesn't mean "Have a sword".
If you live by mugging people, THAT would be living by the sword.
That's fucking insane. I would move.
Not near my home, user. I don't have a meteorite shield on the roof for similar reasons. The chances of anything happening to anyone here are so low that it's straight paranoia to arm yourself in personal defense. I had a tree down and I had to call the police, they were outside in maybe five minutes.
>Not near my home, user
jesus look at that boon gorilla monster
>defense situation
>beyond 300 yards
what are you defending?
and yes, you heard right, an ar is accurate up to 550 yards to a point target, you gonna practice that?
The AR-15 is extremely simple to service.
>live by the sword, die by the sword.
Thankfully, these are high calibur firearms, and as we say in the south, " Praise the lord and pass the ammunition. "
Goin down ta river, gonna slap da water, gonna dip my head and praise ol motha laaaaaawd.
>" Praise the lord and pass the ammunition. "
Not religious, but the song is catchy.
Also, AKs are unergonomic trash and it really shows how dated the design is. No bolt hold-open, lever mag release not within easy reach of your firing hand, same thing with the safety/fire selector, iron sights are garbage, no good way to mount optics without drilling and tapping the receiver, etc. Unless you plan on using your rifle as a shovel, you might as well get a more modern design; rifles have come a long way since the 40s.
Mkay. Well that's good to know because the AK stuff is actually kind of expensive and also shit from shit manufacturers. And it can be hard to find a quality one.
So yep. I'll just think about getting an AR kit from Palmetto when I have the motivation.
I just bought my glock. So I'll wait a minute.
>550 yards to a point target
>practice that
Unfortunately the longest range I know of around here is 130 yards.
They've recently modernized the AKM a lot, but it's a moot point in North America. Only Valmet AK's are legal in Canada and the US has a blanket ban on Russian guns on top of 922R compliance bullshit. Then there's the fact that no American company seems to be able to put them together domestically to save their lives.
What model Glock did you get? I kinda want a G17L (Which I plan on mounting a stock and VFG to, just for shiggles).
Why is anyone arguing with a literal no flag shill?
>you don't need to be able to defend yourself, stupid goyim, just move to the city with better response times and surround yourself with potential dangers in a societal collapse.
Fuck you. Fuck the Leaf arguing with you for bumps.
Buy guns. Protest for civilian usage of high explosives and military equipment IE APCs and literal artillery.
Don't forget reloading gear.
That's one area where gun owners love progressives. :)
Historically "societal collapse" only really affects people below a certain income level, user. You're not poor, are you?
30 yards longer than any around here : (
>Implying they don't eat the rich
You're delusional if you think you're not at risk. The police you're trusting with your life have families of their own. You don't think they'll abandon your ass to defend them, do you?
>What model Glock did you get?
The pussy kind! Baby glock 26 9mm.
I mean look, if guy is getting his first handgun, I figure it might be my ONLY handgun. Who knows. Whatever is the case, I wanted something I could conceal, as well as work like a Glock 19. So I got a Glock 19 clip with an X grip modification and so it has 15 rounds for home defense and if I want to put it in my coat pocket I put the 10 round flush clips in and carry it small.
And 9mm I was familiar with as a calibur. Dad had one and I grew up shooting it some.
I'd like to get a 10mm pistol of some kind for camping maybe someday, to put in my pack.
I'm not taking the glock out there with it's fucking window and getting dirt and shit all in it.
Do your research up front though when building an AR. There is a lot of important variation depending on the type of rifle you want to build. The upper is going to make or break the rifles accuracy and dependability, so you’ll need to carefully consider things like twist rate, gas system length, barrel length, BCG type, whether you want a matched BCG/barrel extension, etc. based on what what you want to use the rifle for. Don’t start buying parts until you know exactly what you’re building and for what purpose.
You hate the police because they aren't there to protect you, they're there to protect me, from you. They know how they get paid. You may not.
PSA is awesome. You can build an AR for like 300 bucks.
Twist rate has to match the bullet weight.
yes, criminals always seek out poor people to rob, memeflagfag
>I'm not taking the glock out there with it's fucking window and getting dirt and shit all in it.
What are you even fucking talking about? Spend a couple days learning about guns you moron.
ARs aren't really "more complicated," they have tighter tolerances. That means they're less resistant to dust and mud and grime if it makes its way into the action. The thing is, though...because the AR has such tight tolerances, and because everything is basically sealed off, the kind of stuff that would make it malfunction is the kind of stuff that will kill ANY gun, even the AK. There are a ton of torture test videos on YouTube where ARs actually perform BETTER than AKs when you bury them in mud or dirt.
ARs are actually very simple...the bolt may have a couple more peices than then AK's but overall I think ARs are a lot simpler and easier to break down.
>it's one reason I own a glock
literally every modern striker pistol is just as simple. Hell, most older pistols are just as simple.
You know a magazine.
caliber sorry
>I'm not taking the glock out there with it's fucking window and getting dirt and shit all in it.
Yea the glock window. The spacing on the side of a glock. The crack that often appears between the slide and base of the gun.
Derp derp.
Absolutely, and the purpose of the rifle - varmint build vs cqb hd build vs dmr build - will factor heavily on the type and weight of pill you’re going to be shooting.
>That means they're less resistant to dust and mud and grime
Old fuddlore. The AR-15 is actually more reliable w/ regards to gunk. The BCG vents gas out of the ejection port, clearing some of the gunk. But yeah, having fewer ingress points for gunk in the first place is important. All open actions suffer because of that.
TFW all my 223s have a 1:9 twist and all the match ammo is like 69 or 77 grain.
This, I love my home brew AR, may not maintain tight MOA compared to some of the more expensive stuff but it’ll do the judge at anything sub 400 yards. The important thing is that you have one, there is literally no reason for an American NOT to have an AR or AK in his house
>live by the sword, die by the sword
doesn't mean what you think it does.
If your solution to EVERYTHING is violence and intimidation, eventually someone else will kill you. It doesn't mean you shouldn't defend yourself, and it doesn't mean that you shouldn't be armed and trained in the use of a weapon.
A clip and a magazine are different, even though they are used interchangeably by the layman.
A clip holds bullets together until you load them into a magazine. It's a weight/logistics deal.
Old guns usually had only one magazine that is permanently fixed to the firearm, so you would reload using clips.
Pic related is a kind of clip.
shoot it?
shooting is fun. marksmanship is fun. the continual self-improvement aspect of it is fun. reloading is fun. that the skillset translates over into something that you can make practical use of to save your life with is an added bonus.
Precision shooting is comparable to meditation, desu. Very relaxing.
I did enough of that early on in life, user.
>y-you must be p-poor!
Yes, actually, but god bless the US of fuckin A, because I own both a quality 9mm and AR-15, and am buying combat gear piece by piece. Enough ammo for short term engagements 3-6 months. The Rich go first.
Whatcha got for optics famalam?
I went with 1:7 for my ARs. I still shoot 55gr out of the shorter one with no issues but I like having the ability to stabilize a larger variety of rounds in a shtf situation; I’m sure at longer range it would suffer but I didn’t build the rifle for long range accuracy. The longer rifle exclusively shoots 77gr and is definitely sub minute of dindu even if the shooter isn’t most of the time.
I'm not allowed one, i said "fuck off kike" to a jew once.
at one point in my life I lived on military housing, and it was constantly patrolled by cops. Naturally, that meant that someone tried to break into my house at 4 in the morning. It took those constantly-patrolling cops 15 minutes to show up to my house. all I had was an airsoft gun.
don't say it can't happen to you
reloading is awesome
>saves money on ammo
>lets you customize your ammo
>really shines on manual action firearms
Well fuck me man, this is a big red pill.
>I joined the military and the pentagon treated me like shit
yeah, but what I'm saying is that if fine enough dust or mud or shit gets in the space the bolt reciprocates within, you start to have reliability issues. That moondust in Iraq and AFG was notorious for causing those kind of malfs.
>i had enough wholesome fun early in my life
>no need to keep enjoying it now
you make me sad
wrong coast buddy
People scream while they're dying. That whole thing where you pop someone one time and they spin around and drop like a bag of onions is in movies. It takes ages to die sometimes. You can hear them when it's quiet.
Yeah, I'm sure they will so they can fine you for being as insensitive calling them on a group of muslims
Imagine being such a virgin you get jealous of your own son getting laid so you call the cops because you can't even have authority over a teenage girl
There are Muslims here.
paper targets and steel plates aren't people user
It's okay to not want to be around guns, user.
>a fucking leaf
>the police will get here licketly-split because I pay taxes!
see pic related in trusting the police to get there on time is a retarded meme, probably the most retarded meme
Planning on moving to burgerland after I finish my degree so I can escape this communist fudd shack.
fear of weapons is a sign of retarded sexual and emotional maturity
this leaf is a good one dude
your kind is behind almost every /b/ait post.
Also, my pronouns are faggot/faggot. failure to comply will get you in prison eh
>sub minute of dindu
If you want the police to show up fast in America just tell them somebody is breaking into your house in a very antisemitic fashion.
usually takes them bout 45 seconds
When you reach sexual and emotional maturity you can start judging others, user.
Well, lucky for you there are gun rights orgs specifically for you.
get rid of that DD vert grip, whoever op stole that pic from
those are shit
and fearing eggs?
but but muh the second amendegg
I’m not afraid of weapons, so...
user, what you've just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.
You younger anons are minimalists. So if you think having a gun is like being a big fat boomer with 100 rifles - and no skills for any of them - then you think wrong.
First, it's possible to have 1 handgun and 2 barrels for it. Look up Mech Tech PCC. You can put a handgun frame into this and you have a carbine with more accuracy. Same ammo, same magazines. Good for urban stuff.
A step up would be to get a pistol caliber carbine separately, but one that uses the same magazines as your handgun. This means two guns "fed" from the same ammo boxes and magazine pouches. A lot of pistol-caliber AR-15s are set up to take certain magazines of select handguns. A lot of gun makers also have a carbine that uses the magazines of handguns they produce.
Overall, this was the way of the American west for a time, when rifles and handguns used the same ammo because you never knew what the general store was going to have. This was early on when cartridges were taking over. Rimfire cartridges, for example, were designed for use in "tube magazines" of those old lever and pump guns since a centerfire cartridge could be set off my the nose of the bullet behind it.
A handgun and conversion unit for carbine would be roughly less than 800 bucks. Look to between 800 and 1000 for a combo handgun and pistol-caliber carbine that uses the same magazines. If you don't live outside of urban and suburban areas this is all you need.
If you can't come up with that kind of money in a year then give it up.
when were you diagnosed with autism?
The second amendment doesn't grant the right to self preservation, it affirms it.
Hilarious a canadian is making these threads. Unless you own black market firearms you might as well be a nogunz cuck.
>no conceal carry
>5 round mag limits centerfire rifles
>10 round mag limits for handguns
>felony to buy 80% receivers
>huge laundry list of prohibited guns (b-but muh cheap slavshit!)
>huge laundry list of arbitrarily prohibited modifications, bullpup conversion kits, suppressors
>have to have a license to own a gun, by definition puts you on a list
>need a carry a RCMP cuck pass to take your gun anywhere
>shitty prices
>shitty import laws
>stopping at a mcdonalds on the way to the range is a felony
You're trying to look down on people for not owning a gun but you live in a cucked country with cuck tier gun laws. Meanwhile the Somali nigger gangs are importing full auto machine pistols while Canadians aren't even allowed to defend themselves because no stand your ground laws. Fuck off with your shitty threads.
Is this the new "Every day until you like it"?
I own 3 btw.
They get cheap Chinese M14s tho
you can buy one if you want one. personally I'll pass
>Hilarious a canadian is making these threads
Canada has one of the highest firearm ownership rates in the world. Despite having a population of only 35 million, we're the 2nd largest commercial market for Glock. That's why the new G48 is made to the exact legal requirements of the country.
>no CC
There is such a thing as an Authorization To Carry (ATC). The wilderness carry version is easy enough to get if you work as a geologist, a guide or something of the sort. The other versions are usually out of reach for most.
>5 round mag limits centerfire rifles
No. The 5 round limit applies only to magazines designed and manufactured for a semi-auto centerfire firearms. Manual actions like bolt/lever/pump as well as rimfire rifles (incl. semi) have no capacity limit. It's also worth noting that it's legal to use a 10 round pistol magazine in a rifle (and AR-15 "pistols" do exist) and it's lawful to, for instance, put 5.56x45 into a .458 SOCOM magazine (thereby tripling the capacity).
No such thing in Canada, dumbass.
>have to have a license
Unless you buy antique class firearms.
>need a carry a RCMP cuck pass to take your gun anywhere
>shitty prices
Depends on the gun. Still better than pretty much anywhere other than the US in that regard.
>shitty import laws
>stopping at a mcdonalds on the way to the range is a felony
Again, no such thing as a felony in Canada.
We must defeat gun control and higher ownership rates is how we do it.
Meh. They're okay. I'd rather get an AR-10.
I'd choose a stock SKS over an AK.
These guys are like 20 minutes away from me