Israelpedes: how do we save them?

Israel is in big trouble guys! What do we do?

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Open borders will save Israel.

This is it. Time to move to America.


Most American Jews marry non Jews and and far left wing

>aljazebra post

It’s true. Members of the Israeli military were briefed on it.

let it burn

That’s weird. Those people’s lands are full of those people?

Well send you all our Jews.

"Occupied territories"
I'm no shill or jew(and don't give me that's what a shill/jew would say).But this cope and hope from you Americans is the same as the libtards butthurt.

Over 20 percent of Israel not including Palestine is Arab, and the vast majority of them said they’d side with Palestinian Arabs if a war were to break out

Fuck, time to start killing more Palestinian kids.

based and kike pilled

nice get

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Then a win-win situation is to send all the remaining jews in Europe and US back to Israel so tehy can help.

Sounds great doesn't it?

Also to add,we did our part.
Jews are almost non-existent in Romania:)

pls bring burgers

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well, experience has shown me that you need ten arab brains to make a normaly functioning brain, so...

>why do Arabs outnumber us in their lands we just recently annexed reeeee
>*shoots Palestinian child*

Hello vee

Nothing, Israel brought this on to themselves, so let them enjoy their situation.

Kill every last Jew.

Diversity is their greatest strength.
Isreal has always been a multi cultural society.
Isreal IS a country of Immigrants.

No. That's what (((they))) want.

>Every person inside Israel gets one vote
>Israel, the electorate, votes to gas the kikes and have a race war nao

guys guys, I get the whole "gas the kikes" thing and all, but you do realize you are talking about arabs here, right? you, friend; would you cheer the cockroaches for displacing the rats?


Make up your minds burgers.

The Jews drank their own poison.

They should go. Need a Havaara agreement 2.0

what kind of master race can't even survive being outnumbered by their cattle

Diversity and kebabs will save israel.

fuck off we're full

in a heartbeat kek
Muslims themselves are not a problem any Western military couldn't take on, the kike infestation is

It is a huge transformation for Israel to make! They are going into a multicultural mode now.

>What do we do?
Keep shilling #OpenBordersForIsrael

Why kill them when you can work them or sell them for shekels? You call yourself Jewish?

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and how many mexicans to make an arab brain, remembering the one arab that owned like 30% of your economy i'd say several millions

This is great news. Now we see what will happen to Europe in the near future.

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Absolutely nothing

How secularized are the Israelis?

Ashkenazis - very
75 iq brown Mizrahi Jews - not so much

We start by glassing the West Bank and Gaza

>We start by glassing the West Bank and Gaza

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Send in the Asian waifus.

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If the Jews HAD to move to America and if my government were still under ZOG control by the time Palestine was restored back to it's original owners.... Then i guess I'd be okay if you took... Actually no, fuck you. you're moving to Canada.

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pick only 1

>trouble guys! What do we do?
Lets ship about 6 million syrians in there that don't want to leave syria. I'm sure they will fix everything.

Go and laugh at the kike trying to recruit people to save israel.

the comma is in the wrong spot.

>Arabs outnumber kikes,in israeli occupied Palestine.


this is a fantastic meme, may I use it?

Probably blocked in Germany

Encourage immigration, diversity is the only answer to any situation.

Ask Ben Shapiro how he feels about the browning of Israel.

The only way to save Israel is for all US Jews to move there and retake their homeland.

Kill every jew

Diversity is a strength. Diversity for Israel.

we could move all jews from the western world to Israel, so they could be a majority again
They can take Lebanon too

Clearly we need to boost their numbers by sending all our jews.

>how do we save them?
Historically rats always fine a way to survive to spread their plague another day. They need no help.

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>Diversity is a strength. Diversity for Israel.
Hitler AntiRacist pro Diversity
This cartoon is great

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Good kike... better to have you all in one convenient place

This can only be solved with open borders for Israel and the state forcing marriages between Jewish women and Palestinian men.

was it part of his plan

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>What do we do?
We? Nothing. Israelis? Start tossing their globalists over the wall and let the oppressed have their way with them.

>What do we do?
Absolutely nothing.
I'm fully expecting them to ethnically cleanse all the muslims sooner or later. A precedent of that would be nice, because we will need it in Europe as well.

I’m sure trump will send them another 40B, him and his kike family can implement policy quick if it benefits Jews or niggers.

Jews still outnumber Arabs in the country of Israel. This number Aljazeera is using is with the Palestinian territories

At least we’ll have more (((whites)))