Jared Taylor appreciation thread


Is this the best red pilling interview ever? Jared dismantles so much shit arguments in this video that I think it can be a great introduction for normies. Would you show this video to your peers? Is it too heavy?

Really can't understand why pol doesn't follow Taylor much, this guy is the epitome of great debate and optics. Much better than fuckers like Shapiro, Molyneux and Spencer.

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he's getting his mug blasted onto Mt. Rushmore at some point. the dude is a complete badass.

Not sure if srs.
The guy nothing but a shill much of the likes as Jordan Peterson, Ben Shapiro, Alex Jones, Richard spencer , milo and other faggots.

They always speak out some truth, but never name the Jew.

The best way to control the opposition is to lead it ourselves.

Eat your monkeysoup and shut your gob you mutt nazi

he's said before that he leaves that to others.

JT is getting closer to acknowledging the JQ all the time.
I have a feeling you're just another one of the edgy LARPers here who go "NOOO! He's not right-wing enough!" no matter who the fuck we're talking about. You will never be satisfied because you're a crying little baby. Feel free sit on your fat ass and wait for someone better than Taylor while the rest of us move on, though.

It seems the kike got triggered he’s been exposed and his little sneaky tricky sham.

Thank you Mr. Taylor. Hopefully schools will be named after you someday


Gullible fool.

Keep falling for the same age old tricks.
They mostly act as a barrier for Normies to know the truth. Always speaking some truths, but never acknowledging the real issue.

Not saying his red pilling in race reality isn’t useful though. But don’t be fooled, he isn’t a threat to the ZOG, most likely he works for them.

Has Peterson written all over it.

He's also said that he believes Jews are white and that he thinks that they'd be wonderful additions to our movement and that we should do more to welcome them. Just go watch the AmRen conference video where David Duke gets booed off stage. At least 70% of the audience is Jewish. People like Taylor are fifth column shills.

great purity spiralling, faggot

He knows about the jew son. He just chooses to not address so it doesn't alienate his listeners.

Optics are important Marcelo.

You talk about the JQ and you get shut down faster than you can say Jerusalem.

I really don't think he can have interviews like this (youtube.com/watch?v=i-iYBt9P6uo) and not already be redpilled on them. But to start addressing it means you are mudding your simple message of the importance of race in society. The strength of Jared comes from his sympathy, class and lack of common right wing outbursts about the jews.

Peterson was good until he realized a large chunk of his audience was poltards so he counter signaled and looked like and dishonest fag

I want to visit your reality where normies are listening to Jared Taylor. Sounds nice.

>Talking about race AND NOT going out of your way to demonize people further to your right is controlled op
You're a total fucking retard. The difference between Peterson and Taylor is that what Taylor says is extremely important and on top of that isn't packaged with a bunch of anti-identitarian bullshit. He doesn't attack people for addressing the JQ or demonize people like Kevin MacDonald.
Ashkenazi Jews genetically are half Levantine/Caucasian and half European. They're "Caucasian" even if they aren't white. Frankly we'd have a lot fewer problems if Jews were obviously not white. The Jewish issue stems not from a massive genetic difference, but a massive difference in identity, and the perception of what policies advance a white vs. Jewish identity (infinite tolerance, even of the most disgusting shit, benefits Jews, who therefore live in a culture of inclusion and won't be singled out).

Shame that he never gets interviewed anymore.

Sites like The Daily Stormer are far more popular than AmRen, which just goes to show that optics mean very little.

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You can't show a normal conservative a Daily Stormer article without risking them getting extremely pissed, if I linked them The Color of Crime PDF if they tabbed off of it and read some other shit they wouldn't see the outlandish stuff on the DS. DS is hilarious but I suspect it is overwhelmingly browsed by people already on our side, which is fine, good even, but it's not really a tool of conversion, in most cases. How many people say their first redpill is someone reading about Anglin saying women should be slaves or that niggers are subhuman?

Meh, you have a point.

Can’t say I’m not jaded and suspect any cunt who takes right wing/nationalist flags to represent and never name the cause of what they claim they’re fighting.

But yes, naming the Jew would be suicide.

Hopefully, only for now.

You can't show a normal conservative a Daily Stormer article without risking them getting extremely pissed, if I linked them The Color of Crime PDF if they tabbed off of it and read some other shit they wouldn't see the outlandish stuff on the DS. DS is hilarious but I suspect it is overwhelmingly browsed by people already on our side, which is fine, good even, but it's not really a tool of conversion, in most cases. How many people say their first redpill is someone reading about Anglin saying women should be slaves or that niggers are subhuman?
Also Jared Taylor has 5 videos on YouTube with ~400,000 views, which is great.
As I've said Taylor doesn't ever express the view that people who discuss the JQ sensibly are evil, he expresses the view that if he were to discuss it openly it would make the rest of his views more fringe by association. It's not a good thing for us to put all of our eggs in one basket, we don't need every single person who discusses race in a way we view as positive to be a vocal holocaust revisionist etc. because the people who are necessarily turned off by that aren't necessarily turned off by race realism.

>honest and unfiltered
>whines like a bitch for an hour dishing out strawmans and nonsensical devils advocate arguments
Ethnicity of the interviewer?

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If only we had more Jared Taylor’s and not hateful incels like Anglin and TRS

Taylor is far and away the best option us Yanks will ever have for a leader

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I'm not sure whether /leftypol/ got better at larping or our guys are getting dumber by the week.