Is CNN an arm of the CIA used to run psyops/disinformation experiments on the american people?

is CNN an arm of the CIA used to run psyops/disinformation experiments on the american people?

Attached: cnn.jpg (1622x1080, 90K)

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Yeah probably


>Only CNN
Yeah, no, they all are.

Makes sense. Kinda like how my unit thinks the coast guard is just the CIA as well. I mean have you ever seen a coast guard base? Or seen anyone enter that coastguard office at MEPS? No nobody has

Is the CIA really competent enough to control so many media outlets? Wouldn't it be more efficient to just prop up a single one that gets an overwhelming portion of eyes on it?

We'd never know if it was as you suggest. It makes sense that the old guard would have layers of protection against perceived threats

Welcome to your first day on Jow Forums, to the left you will find the communist, to the right the nazi, if you look way in the back you can almost see the people with a look of shock. Enjoy your stay

Which is CNN... and then they get enough information about how gullible the American people are

Wait then who's saving drunk people falling off boats?

Operation Monarch

It's part of the control scheme.
You don't control 100% as one big chunk; you split it into 50% halves & aim them at one another. Then they aren't focusing on (((You))).
Also, the CIA isn't its own entity anymore; they work under & for Five Eyes.

They have to have some presence but only enough to keep the eyes off em

Their mentality is certainly "how far can we go?" until people realize they are being fooled. Their realization: "there is no limit to human stupidity"


All media is. why else do you think they keep killing the independent journalist off by banning, shadow-banning and or killing irl? Because they know if ordinary people reports the truth. It will make ((((Them)))) come for you.

This; hiding that Obama actually had a husband in plain sight, and the whole Trump campaign & presidency has shown them exactly how low the bar could go.

that would also make sense. it allows them to receive the cocaine and heroin shipments to be distributed to the people

Most Americans are blissfully unaware that during the first world war most media outlets came under military control and have remained so since. The whole aim of domestic news sources is domestic propaganda.

Anderson Cooper's butt plug is up a few gauges and covered with Shepard Smith's diarrhea.

The black budget is so damn massive, it's entirely possible that the most influential media platforms get shoveled money to keep pushing the same narrative. Think about it, they all post the same stories with similar wording around the same time. They push against popular opinion 24/7 and bleed viewers yet never manage to need to do layoffs like smaller outlets like buzzfeed, vice etc. Hell then something like infowars gets absolutely murdered by MSM and big tech companies. Big tech is already known to work with organizations like that for surveillance purposes. So is the CIA capable of that? Yeah because when you have the budget to buy loyalty you don't really have to do much but give a standing order and feed "insider" info.


Then why would CNN have so much anti millitary hating leftists?

Everything you don't like is the CIA. I learned this from an Iranian friend of mine.

the (((intelligence community))) feeds them what to talk about. Atleast the things they repeat and hammer into soft heads.

Because the minute a war goes hot or becomes a national objective they will beat the drum as loud as anyone else. Remember gulf 1 and the fake Iraq news coverage? It's exactly what they will do when required. Lie.

it's an arm of the (((global apparatus))), not really just the CIA

This. Why do you think they're on at every airport?

>a media outlet that isnt...

BuzzFeed, Huffington Post, Vox, Vice.... all CIA players

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CNN yes, and it seems the CIA doesn't like the president of the USA.
I wonder why.
Trump busting the talmud pedophile rings used to blackmail and extort.

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It's a bit suspicious that FOX and CNN have exactly opposing views.
Probably owned by the same company, like arms dealers who profit from both sides.
As long as there's churn, there's profit.

Competence has nothing to do with it. They just mandate certain things are included in ANY media production.

This is why you see decade long propaganda vectors spanning half a century or more with radical uniformity.

not one venezuela general though

Attached: fakenewsmeme1.jpg (1024x739, 219K)

Trump plays his part perfectly.
The right almost universally supports him & the left fucking vitriolically hates him. Anything he "can't" get done is the left's fault; everything wrong with the country is the "right's".
CNN & leftist outlets bash him while Fox & rightist outlets dickride him.

that's crazy. she's on to it.


Why are they bitches starving? They need food not beer.

Don't forget the Washington Post. The CIA contract with Jeff Bezos isn't even a secret.

based nigger

mockingbird tard

One of many

Yes, webm related and their constant teary calls for a no-fly-zone in Syria made it all but obvious.

Attached: moderates2.webm (640x360, 2.74M)

Obama's propaganda money drying up. They'll all be fired soon.

His father was pro Assad.

because the rest of the media tells them if they're not skeletal they're fat. fat acceptance is lip service and virtue signaling, nobody really thinks fat people are attractive, so they starve.

no cnn is a respectable zionist news agency reporting only the truth from the cia and fbi who are also zionist news agencys and very good honest people they are lovely

Have you seen the state of the media?


Also, remember there's no such thing as Wyoming.

No, twitter is.