Do young zoomer white women in America hate white boys irl as much as they do on twitter?

T. Deeply concerned Bong as all the shit that happens here always comes here a few years later. Yes this is politics as it’s to do with society, fuck off Jannies. Better than 90% of the posts on here. What is America?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Quit posting this thread

Stop posting this ugly jewess

Why did we save england in wwii. We shouldve let it fall the royals are nazis anyway

Jannies fucking took it down for no reason. This is perfectly legitimate to stay on here. I want to know what life is like in your meme country. Spill the beans mutt

It is over.

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Why did you have to join us in fighting Hitler full stop. We would have a better world if the Japs and Nazis controlled everything.

sheltered 19 year old thots? yea they play it risky with minorities

They wise up after a few years and are still salvageable as long as they dont have a niglet

Ya but england shouldve been ruined. Ireland, Scotland and Wales are ok tho



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Get comfy and expand your almond activators
Bellagio Sampler's training is almost complete and his power level is rising rapidly.,..
>to my Legion
Your General returns
>to Our Enemies
The crusade begins soon, God's warriors are coming and ALL you shills will bow down and kiss our feet and declare JESUS IS LORD!
>this terrifies kikes
Fuck Mod, Jannies, Vietnamese , Chinks and commies
Shills stay choking on my cock

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all these bitches are sluts to a white cock off twitter its funny desu


>this thread

hot damn this bitch is fugly

Jannies shoah’d it. It was illegitimate deletion. They should leave it up.
No she’s hot
This isn’t about sex

Only London should be bombed to fuck

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zoomers love me anyway

still, ugly

Are you a zoomer?

Okay I got your thing too.

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Kill yourself ugly somalinigger ayylmao lanket

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Not Somali
Then why do they always shit on you in social media

stop posting this thread you faggot

>they always shit on you in social media
what %

Quit posting all of your stupid fucking variations of this thread. You post with the white supremacy flag and everybody knows it is fucking you. You are not a friend to America. Quit trolling us or get the fuck off of our board. There are better ways to find out what life is like here than harassing and trolling us. Fuck off Moishe

Get a life ayylmao looking light bulb head ugly nigger

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I’m not nigger user.
How can I be trolling when I’m asking a question

Seems like 60

>I’m not nigger user.
We are all niggers in here.

>>Sees flag
Nah it’s just you friend

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>Seems like 60
Well I have never met one so I am going to disagree with that number

You mean you’ve never met one young white woman irl who espouses this sort of rhetoric?

>be mudslime sandnigger paki cuck
>spam threads trying to attack white masculinity because you are a brown midget with inferiority complex
>spend 5 hours every day bumping your own threads
>still only get a couple braindead amerimutts to respond

The state of sandnigger cuckolds

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F off


Go fucking eat something. This board became trash.

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maybe bongland has more of this problem than America

Nah it never happens here. I only know one feminist and she lets her boyfriend rule her life.

No, not even close. Twitter is seriously brainwashing idiots like you. In the real world, hardly anyone gives a single fuck about race.

Well I don’t know, I’m a bong


It really isn't as bad as the media makes it out to be. People still get along decently well in the real world. Our media paints a fucking insane picture and extreme activists have a very loud voice because of social media. If you walk around in shopping centers, movie theaters, theme parks, etc, you will see plenty of white women with white men. The idea that white women are dropping white men at a high rate and getting fucked by treyshawn is subversive shit pushed on social media and pushed by people that drink battery acid.

Yeah basing of what I’ve seen I have no idea why there hasn’t been a race war yet

Many of the insane things you see on social media are literal troll accounts.

You've been fucked by psyops


Eh like 25% of white zoomer women are complete whores the other 75% are either conservative or like white men

>t. a zoomer

There hasn't been a race war because only a handful of people in this country are obsessed with race. Most people seriously don't give a shit and are just trying to live their life.

What percentage hate white men like the memes on here claim?

Women, there's two types you can Fuck. Those that like you and let you know, usually subtly.
Those that like you and act as if they don't. They tell you by criticising you and men in general. It's a test. If you act as if you don't care, humour and mock, turn it into a joke. Their knickers hit the floor with a splat.

There's no way to know. I'd say most likely less than 0.001%% actually HATE white men and are actively trying to breed them out of existence.

you post this daily

sage reports

((((lana del rey))))))

where tf are all these fat jew shites coming outta

aul knackers


It's a loud minority.
Also the ones that are loud about it will still let white dudes fuck them.

She’s not Jewish, she’s just your run of the mill degenerate roastie

Well that’s not so exciting

Women are fucking insane

Thanks user bmnp

That ass is not convincing me that she is beautiful.

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Blimps for incredible interest

What about this one?

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I love Lizzie

God damn I love her. Saw her live last year.

No olvida de contestar con sage
Buenas noches

She’s gr8

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Based and Felipepilled.

Thanks user anymore cute pics ?

Yes. He put his insta on private but people dumped it only still, has videos of talking of his private life too.

Thanks for delivering fren :)


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Damn I guess pretty white girls are all Tyrones property in America


I don’t speak Serbian

The white guy's stronger by the looks of it.

Nah the black guy could take him

you either had extreme mental problems or you're a paid shill, either way fuck off


While the former is true, I still don’t see what your point is

Woman here.

Lol no. Twitter is full of whores who blame men for their problems.

My experience with women online is that they USUALLY have something seriously wrong with them.

But femanon, you’re online right now. So this isn’t typical of young American women then? Honestly I’m kinda disappointed I thought it would be more interesting than this. Internet makes it look cool.

is this the Gillette nonsense?

Most women on social media are attention seeking whores. (People who update daily fishing for attention)

Generally more normal ones don't post on social media at all. If you're not an attention whore, it has no real intrinsic value.

Stop blaming women as a WHOLE, and blame instead women who use social media.

Ok femanon, will do. Thanks for your help on informing me of your strange country.

Take a note who all the white men haters online are dating. They ALL date white men.

this bitch looks so weird but i want to fuck her

Don’t we all user

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I don’t really take notice of that desu


They make a huge noise over how much they hate white men, but who are they always in bed with? White men. Sarah Jeong, though not white, makes a huge stink over how much she hates white men, exclusively dates white men.

If you're an unattractive loser. It's just popular now to hate on white men for social brownie points. I'm the oldest of gen z and I haven't had any problems

women don't know what they want, especially the young ones, especially the western ones
how fucking stupid are you?

Sucks for young zoomer white guys I guess

>Russia flag

you go ahead and salvage them

A fucking memeflag says this to me lmao
I thought I saged this thread why is it in my favorites anyways
fucking dollchan script

You’re one of the shithole countries Trump warned us about.

You first

No. Unsurprisingly, people on the internet act differently than they do in real life.