The crowd of yellow vests greatly outnumber the police at this point. They have the police surrounded and the cops are nearly out of ammo for their suppressor weapons. Why doesn't the crowd just charge them and break them all up?????
Parker Rodriguez
THIS IS A PSYOPS! REPEAT: THIS IS A PSYOPS! If this were a real revolution, we would have seen real measures taken by now.
Hudson Rogers
cant you make it look more pleasing? like remove half the shit too, here have a necromancer.
don't trust their reporting but the livestream speaks for itself
John Bennett
Ai-je bien entendu ? Le mec n'aurait-il pas dit "Suce ma bite" ?
Jaxson Barnes
Too bad Rebel Media only covered the firsts weeks. The guys were in the heart of it.
Isaiah Wood
are cops guarding the precious-trash fire?
Ayden Hill
they're just recording it, nothing untrustworthy about that
as far as their other news, yeah it's controlled by the kremlin
Levi Baker
It's because a new law has been voted making it illegal to protest with your face covered, the very existence of antifas is at risk. Also this is essentially a protest against cop violence so wit ha huge ressentment against cops. And it is taking place in République Square, a place infamous for antifas and radical left protests.
I should have predicted it... wether they join and win with us or stand by and die, the violence will be on another level compared to everything until now.
Kevin Price
GJs outnumber to thugs. Rush them.
Adam Davis
real meassures like sending in 100.000 police, secret police, other types of robocops and EU army vehicles along with armed personal which we've seen carrying assault rifles and snipers in open public?
Get comfy and expand your almond activators CHN IS COMING BACK SOON Bellagio Sampler's training is almost complete and his power level is rising rapidly.,.. >to my Legion Your General returns >to Our Enemies The crusade begins soon, God's warriors are coming and ALL you shills will bow down and kiss our feet and declare JESUS IS LORD! >this terrifies kikes Fuck Mod, Jannies, Vietnamese , Chinks and commies
This is getting BLM tier. I thought the French had something. Their population is weaker than I thought. This isn't a revolution. This is whining at this point. They had a great cause, but playing weekend warrior isn't going to cut it. La révolution est morte.
David Rivera
you know these protests really changed how i view french people
i used to think they were weak, boot licking cucks
These protests are stupid and ineffectual. They should protest outside the homes of the pigs. If they dare to tear gas or beat them, everyone will know where their family's sleep at night. And when police decide to stay home rather than go to work, then the system cannot function.
Says it's better now, he got eye drops or something. He says there are different kinds of tear gas, there's a kind that's much more powerful and sticks to clothing.
Hunter Stewart
Stupid question, probably: protestors in black are likely antifa, yes?
Henry Butler
So police have tactically withdrawn or was that all to move that guy who was arrested?
CRS are the worse ones right? Are there any stats published on this?
Carter Taylor
If I were Italian or Swiss I would be funneling arms to the Gilet Jaune. Salvini should be doing this, US won't do shit because RINO faggots would never drone strike a NATO ally.
Gast, het zijn niet "de Joden". Die heb je aan beide kanten (links en rechts).
Landon Parker
>be the change you want to see
Josiah Torres
Why? He's small time. Some faggot with a keyboard isn't your enemy. He's a stooge, a joke That's why it's BLM tier faggotry. This clown didn't allow the kikes to control their country, that was macron and his party. It's the EU and their unelected officials. Vive la révolution.
Gabriel Powell
zero IQ
Isaac Reyes
Nah BAC are the worst. CRS are second. Police and Gendarme are usually less hated.
Nicholas Edwards
Thanks, good stuff.
...was some fucker seriously just shouting snackbar shit?
Christian Turner
CRS are the ones with the heavy shields and pads, BAC makes the arrests and are more mobile and a lot more violent.
Lincoln Garcia
Dat is wat ze altijd al hebben gedaan, ze bespelen beide kanten om zo nooit compleet vernietigd te worden.
Tuurlijk weet ik dat er een klein groepje elite bloedlijn achter alles zit, die de Joodse religie toepassen om hun doelen te bereiken, maar door hun slaafjes te vergassen nemen we hun grootste overmacht weg.
Isaac Ward
the dude running around with his plank must be a charpenter