Why is the white race dying?
Why is the white race dying?
Answer: jews.
Now end this thread we had it many times.
I love that photo. Could be any comfy Friday night town or city in Britain.
They have lost their core mythologies. No divine origin to boast of; no shared destiny to reach. The here-and-now of base animal pleasures is all there is left to sanctify, until they enter the grave.
I will always believe that this is the greatest photo ever taken
But it is a question we must ask ourselves all the time.
That's just Manchester on a Friday night mate
Because most of them refuse to not be a victim.
E.g. not packing heat for self defense and going out to stupid places at stupid times
What isn’t our divine origin user? Does it stem from Vedic beliefs? I’ve always wondered about the relation of Persians, Indians and Europeans. Is Iranian/Persian paganism our origin?
Fuck off, you big girl.
Real answer: Whites.
The merchat sells, the goyim buys. Before we can defeat international jew, we must firstly defeat jew in our hearts and minds
You're edomites, not kidding read your bible.
Or just google "who is esau"
because nobody is watering the flowers
if this is Well Streed how does a bad one look like?
That would require dignity and integrity. ACTUAL dignity.
Birth-controll leaking into water supply
Microplastic in everything
Electromagnetic radiation sabotaging Leydig cell
This and probably much more, natural sabotage leading to low t/infertility
Add cultural cuckoldry by giving women and minorities a microphone
And a subverted culture that makes anything non-white glorious and anything white evil and disposable and you got the perfect storm for sending us back into the stone age
School shooters
Damn thanks user I’m going to look into that
i agree with lolek here, seeing the jew as the answer to every question is classical reductio ad absurdum.
This. Death but a thousand cuts on a thousand fronts
Everyone dies, it doesn't matter what race. I will die and so will you. Get over it.
(((School shooters)))
Ftfy kike
This. No cultural identity. It has been destroyed
The roman empire died but the whites didn't go with it. The western world is going to die soon but the whites are going to go extinct.
>Why is the white race dying?
Demonstrate that there are not more white people on earth than ever before, before you spread your demoralizing kike lies, you disgusting inbred fucking kike.
poultry seasoning.
Whites will not go extinct. The left and center whites will die as will their kike handsets, which will leave the far right. The far right will cleanse the earth of shitskins and kikes.
>Whites will not go extinct.
no we won't
400 million guns behind every blade of grass
Whew, sounds like the winning team to be honest.
Quite simply because nobody is having children.
Remember, it's important. During the Obama years white Americans purchased more firearms than world military forces combined.
Entirely demoralised. Whites view themselves as individuals in a mosaic of other races, and they don't realize that's a lie programmed into them. Like the Africans, without heritage we are controllable
>400 million guns in the hands of the moderate and far right behind every blade of grass
Stop please, I can only get so erect
and they are weak from too much comfort
This is why they hate us
This is the greatest time boys. The great turning point and awakening and we are in the thick of it.
correct bro.
the good news is, for some reason, they have severely underestimated the white people, and for that I think the kikes will all be killed
Non-whites and liberal elites want the white race to disappear. Whites are complying by not having any white babies
>We can do it we can win
>armed to the teeth
>afraid to take the rabbi's dick out of its mouth
just think of a triangle of nature, everyone want to be at the top and knock off the people on the top to get to it, its just nature really
You just KNOW this is the UK, even if you don't notice Greggs or the police hats. Sad.
lol quite true, I think the wrath of several million white men together in unison will frighten most blacks, kikes, muslims away
infestations and parasites
cuz they are beta cucks
Yeah you'd think that, but nothing has happened. It seems as though whites are complacent with 2nd place in their own countries. You act as the Jew's golem/attack dog but in return you sacrifice your ability to lead. All the guns in the world yet everyone's a pussy.
Because social-political ideology is genetic.
Because of that image. Most people are just lower class filth
when the food sources are low, then they will fight, only at last resort will they engage, and then when they engage, it will be like hellfire. good days to come!
You sound like a commie, whites hate commies. But seriously, the frogs getting boiled alive slowly, you're waiting on the edge of your seat for a crash and your handlers know this. Politics have taken center-stage to make sure you stay docile, to make sure you think its HAPPENING.
jewish women are always the worst, sarah silverman, i want them fucking dead.
have copypasta
"On the topic of Sarah Silverman's mental instability, "Jewish domination always ends with the decline of all culture and ultimately the insanity of the Jew himself. Because he is a parasite on the peoples, and his victory means his own end just as much as much as the death of his victim".
no its being killed
Subscription to Judeo-Christianity
Nice painting. Have you drawn it yourself or did a software do it?
Because of modern technology it makes people week
>Muh guns
Where were your guns when the government forced you to let nigger into your school and neighbourhoods?
Why is the guy on this poster smiling?
Shut your month!
Quick somebody help that man, he must get his beer back.
> priorities, pol, priorities.
software you fucking idiot, most likely Topaz studio
race is a social construct, moron
Because any higher race of mammals rather die out than become prisoner in the enemy's system. When it sense it's no longer free, no longer in charge of it's life.Why be used to serve their system? Many of the higher mammals do the same, and often become depressed and refuse to reproduce in captivity.
These fucking rats deserve no mercy.
You should better keep a low profile, the only thing distinguishing you from a jew is the uncut penis.
Damn I didn't even know y'all got a flag.
Do you know the Beegees?
How many times do I have to type this? It's feminism, which is enabled and purported by female behavior, which is enabled and purported by their desires, which is enabled and purported by their genetics. Things will NOT change until men make it change.
I REPEAT, things will NOT change until men MAKE it change.
Jews. Of course they aren't all in agreement on method. Half of the yids want whites dead and gone over the whole Jesus thing that made them look stupid, and the other half of jews want more white babies they can kill off in wars against their fellow sand nigger countries in the ME. When ever you see a thread telling white people to have more babies you can be sure it's some faggot kike who knows niggers and wetbacks can't win wars.It a lose-lose situation either way at this point short of a miracle or unforseen catastrophe. The white man will have his revenge from beyond the grave. Jews are like niggers in the fact that their can't maintain civilization any better than their arab cousins can. (hence the US giving soviet Israel a welfare check) You have to remember a jew is just another type of dune coon that fucks little kids instead of goats.
No one accepted Europeans because they thought they were the master race dipshit, they accepted us because you kind of have to if they're ruling over you. Jews don't give a shit about achievements, why? Because to take credit for things you have not done is retarded. The same logic for not being responsible for slavery applies to your ancestor's past achievements. Now, Jews, actually thinking straight, merely see us only as a barrier to power and nothing else. Everything else is just a tool. Most Jews are mostly European, they just don't care. They are technically race traitors, but they deserve to win in my eyes because they're smarter than us and have been kikeing us for a millennia at this point. Does this mean I'm giving up? No, I'm just saying they're a formidable opponent and if we do lose, I'm not going to be angry. Let go of your false sense of pride and focus on reality. All of this LARPing just makes you look like edgy teenagers.
I wish we had chav girls in Germany, would love to fuck one.
You are wrong. A British noble in 1800 would behave in a way completely foreign to a germanic warlord or Roman senator.
Because whites hate themselves, think internet activism works and try to change a totalitarian system within the system's rules.
Spout hate against white women? You're part of the problem.
Spout hate against "normies"? You're part of the problem.
Try to fight western culture, eg. Christianity, traditional food, western sexual morals? You're part of the problem.
Spend your days arguing with strangers on the net? You're part of the problem.
Don't want kids? You're part of the problem.
Going to vote? You're part of the problem.
>kike handsets
>A British noble in 1800 would behave in a way completely foreign to a germanic warlord or Roman senator.
Not really. But all of them would be considered bluepilled normies by you.
Having guns doesn't suffice, you must also be willing to shoot.
I meant, if he wrote a program that's edited the picture automatically or if he's shopped the picture manually. Thanks for the info, tho.
It’s not
Its weird how the perspective and all the stuff going on makes that area look a lot bigger than it actually.
Because of your degenerate virtue signalling, loose behaviour, lack of discipline and inability to take responsibility for you actions instead of blaming meme Jews.