I do. Fuck muslim sandniggers I hope they all get blown to pieces
Do you love Israel?
Muslims are based
No I hate Israel
I hope you get nuked Israeli
Lol no they are not, Die Ahmed
Ar*b subhuman piece of shit, Ar*b fucking garbage, you will learn your place beneath the audacity of a true man. A JEWISH man. Know that even the lowliest of the JEWS is greater than your greatest ar*b prodigy. A dick numbering 12 inches or more you cannot compete and while you laugh yourself giddy in denial revel in knowing that every single day while you go to work a real man, a JEWISH man, is destroying your gf or wife in your house and on your bed and she will never tell you because she craves what you cannot offer. There is nothing you can do about it. An untamable beast of pure masculinity in comparison to you, you shrivel in cowardice behind your computer screen. Never in your sorry pathetic Ar*b-guilted life will you ever call one of us a "kike" to our faces because you know that you would not escape retribution. Claim your superiority with your guns all you want ar*b children because deep down you know that its a fall-back to mask your incompetence and insecurity over having become worthless in the eyes of those greater than you. Try as you will reality cannot and will not be prevented by the likes of you. You are the minority. We are the majority. We are lord and master - judge and jury. You will not escape the next generation you will be bred out of existence and your children just as your women will bow to us.
Keep it JEWISH
Keep it BIG!
Yeah, they are the true chads
Getting cucked cosntantly for almost 70 years by JEWISH BVLLS
You are just a jealous so.yboy.
The JEWISH man is the epitome of male dominance and masculinity.
Let's start by looking at his body. His body is large. His domineering size makes his presence known without him even needing to point himself out. He is muscular, as a result of his high levels of testosterone. This gives him the appearance of health and strength. He is then covered by his dark skin. This dark skin reminds us of his ruggedness, a feature that developed due to being exposed to the scorching sun of africa, made to withstand such an extreme condition. It also has a psychological effect on the observer. The dark skin reminds us of our dark, deep desires that emerge from our primal subconscious past.
The JEWISH man's demeanor is one of alphaness. He is dominant, assertive, and can be explosively aggressive. His behaviour strikes fear into the more timid, cowardly races of man(ar*b dogs)
The summit of expression of his masculinity on his body is his penis. The JEWISH penis is largest of all the races. As the penis is the penultimate symbol of manhood, this alone would suffice to make the JEWISH man the most masculine of men. This large penis is able fulfill the desire of the neediest of women, being able to more than fill all the recesses of the vagina. Its length ensures that when it ejaculates, the potent jew seed will immediately enter the womb of the woman the JEWISH man impregnates.
In total, the JEWISH man expresses this masculinity in a most exemplary manner in bed. When he fucks, he unleashes the entirety of his lusts and desires upon his partner without any restraint.
All this is the reason why the JEWISH man is the epitome of masculinity.
This is now an Israel redpill thread
>get $38 billion annually from goyim
>build ugliest country in the world
Did a muslim bull rape you or something? It was his right to, you betas exist for them to use.
Sandnigger muslim babies were born to be target practice for JEWISH BVLLS
Those are ar*b ghettos
Put stitches on your asshole and move on already.
t.impotent mudslime sandnigger cuck
No. Just wish you kikes there would get nuked. Tired of you Jewing the world and eating chopped foreskins. Disgusting devils.
You can kill all the Sandnigger you want.
We just want to, and will, cut off all aid to you so that you Jews can prove that your fists are as big as your mouth.
If you get raped then so be it. You owe us billions in money and reparations so you'd be lucky if we don't go to war with your alongside Palestinians.
Its you who I want to see get raped, and inb4 Muslim: I'm White German ethnically. Yes, the whole world hates you.
>Israel kicks palastinian out
>Israeli foreign legion invades Afghanistan and Iraq
>Mossad and CIA ruin Arab countries through coops and rebellions
>Arabs run from these wars to the west
>Arabs ruin the west
How did this happen? It's clearly the Arabs fault and Israel is based
We love Israel, You should die for Israel goy
Ahmed should accept that sexual intercourse for Ar*b women is exclusively reserved for JEWISH Men.
JEWISH Men are superior in "ALL" ways to Ar*b male subhumans.
Ar*b women are turned off by the smell of kebab.
Ar*b women are drawn to and easily excited by the look of a JEWISH Man's body they are always more desirable to look at with their dark chiseled bodies that display a sign of power and dominance.
Ar*b women know that no matter how physically fit a Ar*b male subhuman is, he will lack stamina sexually and almost always ejaculate way to soon to satisfy her.
Ar*b women know that JEWISH Men have the stamina to last hours beyond what it takes to please her.
Ar*b women know that Ar*b male subhumans have small, weak, limp, unattractive penises.
Ar*b women know that JEWISH Men have long, thick, hard, amazing big cocks.
At this point feminine Ar*b men might as well just become traps
I just fapped to that video and came hard
muh ethnic heritage and allies, nah humans suck theres no point picking which sub species to prefer when the entire lot is like comparing soft shit to shit thats slightly harder.
Absolutely BASED
>Meme flag
>pro Jewish
No surprises here.
Why do you love that nation that masterminded the 9/11 False Flag and where Jew pedos flee to so they can avoid prosecution?
>9/11 False Flag
Boomer retard
Ew a jew. Palestine better than goyistan
No such country exists
Let them kill their own jews and the muslims truly deserve each other.
You forgot fact that Egypt re took those lands in 6hours after the war and you still get raped by hamas, so weird flex but ok
I've made it an oath that while I'm alive, I will do everything in my power to make sure that all Jews on this planet get slaughtered in my lifetime.
Do you guys not know what to do with a fucking dead body?
The whole middle East can get glassed for all I care
They were given back as part of a peace treaty. Nice try sandnigger cuck
Whats your endgame?
They will keep reproducing, teach more and more of their kids to hate you. I sense a lot of fear in Jews. The money dries up and your associates don't want to work for free. Things star to break down and more Muslims flood in...
Then you see it. A Hareetz headline: "2 Jewish Women Raped in Broad Day Light in Tel Aviv. Suspects Arrested."
And you think, "this isn't right" "this isn't Germany" "this wasn't supposed to happen here". But it is.
You run to the media, hoping to let the whole world know what is going on to your country. But Americans have moved past that kind of deception. They are fucking tired of war, and tired of fighting for Isreal.
"Solve it yourself" they say.
Then you start to panic.You realize that your going to have to solve this problem yourself. You look in the mirror and see your weak frail little arms. You then peek outside into the street and see those dirty sandniggers, who've been hitting the gym, and are tall and muscular.
You see them slap a Jewish women's ass, and she screams in broad daylight - as you quickly close the blinds before they turn to look at you, leaving you in the darkness of your room. They've climbed over the walls and are moving in. They are going to be staying in their new country. They are angry, and horny, and more than willing to take over your job too.
Why not both? Nuke Jerusalem. Israeli-Palestinian Conflict finally ends with nuclear fallout.
Digits confirm this
Oy Vey
Lol another sandnigger cuck acting tough on the internet
Meanwhile in Gaza
You will cease to be kike. Clean Break memo was clever I’ll give you that. You kikes are very clever. Our Faustian spirit will awaken, and we aryan will reclame Europa. I suggest you keep doing wht you are kike. And btw, our history runs deeper than yours. We will wake from the Jew hypnosis.
>You will cease to be kike. Clean Break memo was clever I’ll give you that. You kikes are very clever. Our Faustian spirit will awaken, and we aryan will reclame Europa. I suggest you keep doing wht you are kike. And btw, our history runs deeper than yours. We will wake from the Jew hypnosis.
You are mistaken that Jow Forums gives a shit about the Palestinians or Jews or the middle east for that matter. We want you people gone does int matter how.