What the fuck is going on in society? Everyone hates wageslaving, yet people still passively do it. Yes, work is essential for a society to operate, but wageslaving is just torture and absolutely unnecessary. Why do people not give a shit about this? Why isn't anybody doing anything? If you all hate working 9-5, then why aren't you doing anything about it? Literally protest en masse in the cities, collectively refuse to go to work. Who let morning people decide when the workday starts? Nobody except a minority of people enjoy and are capable of forcing themselves awake at 6am. The workday standard should start at 10 and end at 4. Six hours of work a day is enough for a country to run. Slavery has just become another part of living. If you guys complain about working 9-5 yet support capitalism, you're dumbasses. No Human should be put through 8 hours of work daily just for some greedy bastard who owns some irrelevant company. Work should be focused towards the necessities of survival and growth of a country, not fucking services.
Fuck you all
Didn’t you job to some guy named after a cold cut?
The USA is literally the worst country on Earth. If you removed the US, the world would become a much better place.
First of all, fuck you too. Second, protest? Really, about what? Do something more productive, start a company of your own, build things and sell then. Protesting will achieve nothing, at least in your case, because it's too shallow. Third, go fuck yourself again, nobody owes you jack shit, and what you have is what you deserve. You fucking live better than the collective third world shitholes. Man up and do something.
The worst part is most people don't "complain" because as long as they make sure others are suffering too, then they feel reaffirmed. Weak willed, pathetic creatures that feel content enough as long as everyone is suffering - and if you complain then you're reminding them of their own suffering.
Not complaining is the wagecuck's (often conservative) form of virtue signaling.
What crawled up your ass?
entitled brat need a good spank.
Work is life when you work for yourself.
I never said anyone owed me anything dingling. I am calling people out for being timid little bitches for accepting slavery as life because everyone else does it. The 1st world is so corrupt and greedy
>work is life
Spoken like a true wageslave. Good goy
>I hate something
>My only solution is to complain
People like you have had it to easy. I want you to pick a point in time that average people werent subject to labor. You used to do it all day for your fuedal lord or king and got nothing more than the right to live another day.
My complaint is that we dont draw and quarter worthless layabouts like you and instead actually humour your inane childish ramblings.
I love that the people disagreeing with me just resort to calling me entitled and immature instead of actually criticising my point about wageslaving being immortal. They're in too deep--you can't save them. Work is all they know, they are forced to work to survive because they're weak and they'll just call you weak for speaking out. You've deluded yourselves into thinking working all day is somehow respectable. "haha I worked 10 hours today! How many did you do?" It's like children comparing how many stars they got from a teacher for behaving properly
Jesus fuck, how dense are you? I'm from shithole, my grandad was a peasant, my dad a laborer, and now I have a law degree and a manufacturing company all before 30. I did that because I didn't bitch about "muh inequality" online. The system fucking works. You like the complacent sheep you complain about, are just dregs.
You being stuck in the wageslave cycle is your fucking fault. I started working at 13 selling chocolates I made every night. At 18 I worked 8 hours a day doing tutoring, after my college classes, at 20 I began writing thesis papers for you lazy westerners for 200USD each. I never took a single vacation, I never buy expensive shit (best habit desu), even now I buy top of the line goods e.g. phones but use them for 3 years at least. All that savings I made from 13 to 25 I used in microfinancing and subsequently starting my own company. Well, what did you do?
>My point
You didnt have a point retard. You offerend no alternative and threw up no direction or plan moving forward.
You literally just called on people to spend their time openly whining about it because you dont like it.
>the system works because I behaved in a specific way it wanted me to, and thus it rewarded me
Yeah, no figure. You just look out for yourself. A country is a shithole if not everyone is cared for. It's slavery to be forced to work all day long, and then spend the rest of your hours doing trivial shit. Everyone lives in luxury or fuck the system. My best bet is to automate manufacturing and farming, then give everyone essentials for free. People won't need to work if they don't want to, and if businesses want to run, then only people that want money will need to work.
Why is the human race suffering? JEWS, for fuck sake. They are literally trying to enslave humanity.
what is this pixar wall e teir shit youre talking about trying to make people even lazier and wanting gibs wtf
remove jewish institutions internationally
I agree, and anyone who has worked any job knows that people are only capable of actual productive work for 2-6 hours a day. Most probably falling in the 3-4 hour range.
8-16 hour working shifts only make sense for slaves in factories (e.g. industrial revolution era). In modern society with modern jobs it's just resulting in a lot of people sitting around actually doing nothing while "working". With the exception of manual labor jobs where people instead get overworked to the point of exhaustion.
The hours aren't resulting in quality production, and a reduction to a 4 hour working day would be a huge cost benefit for businesses if they could figure out how to transition their trained monkeys towards actually working for 4 hours instead of bullshitting around doing nothing as is the case right now.
Look just because anything was an upgrade from your shit existence doesn't mean it's good. Just that it was relative.
Typical kike tactic. "You didn't offer an alternative, so your observations don't matter. Cause reasons. Don't look that way, goy. Go back to work"
You are right, less work hours are more efficient and bring about the same result. Sadly, we don't live in society anymore, we live in bubbles. If anyone got beaten in front of you, you would see that very few people would intervene, probably not even yourself. Because of this phenomenon, enough people would still go to work and workers on strike would get punished more than the patrons.
So when the value of your currency begins to inflate because you decided to create an ever expanding welfare pool, while removing the value of industries like housing, clothing, food, etc you know "essentials" and say somewhere like China retains those things, so any business or industry that seeks wealth leaves the nation. You have no workers to build houses or pave sidewalks so you start inflating the currency more to encourage people to join the soon to be mandatory govt workforce. However because you've inflated the currency the price of essentials keeps going up so the amount required does as well.
When that spiral starts and inevitably ends with the nation being beholden to whoever becomes the new economic leader, so your people are living in hell waiting for their daily bread that isnt keeping up because you lack the money, supplies, or workers to maintain automation.
Will you just say its not real socialism and attempt to migrate away from the mess you made?
>No Human should be put through 8 hours of work daily
stfu millennial learn 2 subsistence farm and revisit this communist kvetching
The typical kike tactic is to complain about something even though to have no concrete or effective solution. Then when you get called out on it, you call them a kike for expecting more than just fever dream levels of delusion that we should rally around.
Cause americans are just a bunch of fat, mentally ill chicken shit cowards and the jews know that.
those are npcs. they lack capacity for critical analysis outside of their programming. they are hyper specialized and compartmentalized in thought and action. they do not think outsisde their field of study, programming, because it is their comfort zone where they are the "experts" and have authority. having a general knowledge of many things is outside of their scope.
I have no issue whatsoever with my 10 to 6 factory job. Governments and income tax can go fuck themselves however.
are you not just proving his point ?
based an redpilled
only its kike tactic A1 to kvetch at hysteric levels about anything and everything in society, untill said society is almost collapsing at the sheer weight of emotional complaints, yet simultaneously offer ZERO detailed and realistic solutions that have clear and obtainable waypoints.
This is essentially what the U.S. has become under Jews today. A nation of hyper-intense complaining about everything with zero examination of objective truth or reason regarding causes and solutions.
ik uk. mostly explaining for others.
The fact that you acknowledge what he said by attacking it on the basis that he's shown no alternative, proves that he made a point from the start.
farming is generaly thought of as a no brainer job but it is exactly the opposite. underestimating the difficulty of farming successfully has caused starvation thoughout time. people need to learn to respect the land and those who tend it
He extrapolated his point here
Up until there he had no point outside of vapid complaints about a system he doesnt like. Unsuprisingly his solutions are the all to familiar song of communism.
I agree with other people on this thread that said you can't actually work on your 100% for 8 hours each day. You're forced to find ways to relax and not work hard, since not doing so is simply impossible.
For an office job where you're sitting, it's not a big deal at all, but manual labors will literally kill your soul (and legs, if you're forced to stand). The current work hours don't translate well into all forms of work.
I agree with you, when OP deviates from this valid point, he sounds like Karl Marx on the flesh.
>You used to do it all day for your fuedal lord or king and got nothing more than the right to live another day.
This is purile, you did not "work all day for yout lord or king." It was far more complicated than than that and often seasonal. Farming isn't that hard
>No Human should be put through 8 hours of work daily just for some greedy bastard who owns some irrelevant company.
Shut the fuck up commie