Women like men who treat them like shit

>Women like men who treat them like shit
>Incels treat women like shit
>Women hate incels
Well, which one is it?

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What are you talking about? Incels don’t even talk to women, so how could they treat them like shit

> women like attractive men ...
> unattractive men ...
> women hate unattractive men

>Women like men
>Women hate incels
I don't see the contradiction

women like good looking guys the rest is just pretense

Insulting women is more art than science. A lot of people forget that.


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You're leaving out the key to the equation:
>Women like Chads who treat them like shit

>Incels treat women like shit
they don't

Women like guys who are good looking and confident.

They don't treat them 'like shit' as in actively bad, they just don't particularly give a fuck what women think and are also handsome.

Incels are usually ugly, and also don't understand the difference between treating someone like you don't give a shit about them vs treating them like you actively hate them.

Women don't want you to treat them like shit. They want you to be a man. Men aren't afraid to do what they want and to tell a woman what is what. Men lead and make decisions. Men aren't gaining all over them all the time and trying to be their best girlfriend.

Get out animenigger.

If a guy is 8/10 he can literally rape children and still be attractive. All that matters is if you are hot or not, the whole "virgin/loser/incel" thing is actually pretty sad because, usually it's society shitting on someone because they were born unattractive, poor circumstances most of the time.

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Without saying that "All women only go for attractive men" trope I'll explain how I see it.
Non-incels treat women like shit through dominance and confidence. That confidence and forcefulness is attractive to most women.

Incels treat women like perfect dolls on a pedastol to idolize which leads to anger when they are rejected. Incels have no confidence, no dominant input, and for the most part no personality that can attract people.

Even average or even unattractive men can get women, typically through a cult of personality, or from being funny. Humor can make even the mundane moments in life spark to life for a woman. Remember that women go from moment to moment in life, and humor is a perfect tool for attracting.

Incels, however, are just bitter and normally unfunny. They lack basic understanding of social cues and fumble at communication. These are massive turn offs to women because they are social creatures.

Overall: Incels greatest enemy is themselves. They blame the world around them for what is their own mistake. You can learn to be a better communicator. You can practice at being funnier. You can focus on your health and fitness to be more attractive, but the incel will never change himself because he believes that there is nothing wrong with himself.

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>Incels treat women like shit

women like Chads who treat them like children
dominate them, provide for them, keep them in line
they don't like ugly betas screeching autistically in their general direction

This. Thinking someone is shit and treating them like shit are two very different things.

Women like when men treat them like women which is to treat them as inferior and like a subservient. Incels treat women like they're programmed machines incapable of qualifying as a person. One reminds them of their place which is hot while the other is over compensating, bitter, and lacking any form of self-confidence.

You're also forgetting how much of absolute betas incels are physically, mentally, and emotionally.

Another thing to note is that incels are like entitled women. They believe that they deserve more than they are worth, and never compromise for something lesser than ideal. If you can't get a Stacy then how about you try a Bertha?

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women don't like assholes, they like confident and attractive people. incels are neither

incels are the most "m'lady, women first" white knights cucks

Women don't like men that treat them like shit. This is the kind of bullshit mentality that makes you an incel. Women will 99% like good-looking men that treat them well.

hating women on the internet =/= treating women like shit

>women are logically consistent

First of all, most incels dont even interact with any women they arent related to

I showed this to my fiance. She was impressed and said it's pretty accurate (with a few exceptions in her particular case, but even then she said those would likely be true for most others).

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>Women like attractive men who treat them like shit
>Women are disgusted just by being around unattractive men and if they treat women bad its rape
Fixed that for you

>women like humor
I don't fucking get this though. I'm the funniest guy in all my male friend groups, always get tons of laughs. Feel like I got the irl post-irony down to an art by now, but I guess women don't like that shit? What kind of humor works for them?

This. I can't believe people are still arguing about outdated concepts propagated by PUA scammers so they can sell their useless books to desperate ugly men thinking that acting like a jerk will suddently make you attractive. Imagine being such a brainlet that you fall for that stuff.


Being handsome automatically makes you funny it has nothing to do with actually being funny.

The humor has to be aimed at them. Men, on average, enjoy cynical humor styles that pokes fun at the bleakness of reality. We like the moral quandary that is being mocked in a sense.

Women are generally dislike this style of humor because women, on average, don't like to discuss these topics. This causes the humor to not land as much.

Humor that women do like is very surface level. Play on words, pop culture references, and some dark humor depending on the girl. Think of what would make a child laugh, and use that on women and it will more than likely work.

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The real problem is in how did these men become "incels" to begin with? We should be focusing on the source of the problem. Instead of just berating them infinitly.

Fucking based and red pilled. Women will find anything an attractive man says funny/intresting, if they are into a guy nothing they say or do matters, fucking end of story. All these word salad niggers in this thread acting like women are completed and shit, if you are hot and available you get bitches,90% of the story.

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Even if you're hot and unavailable. I've noticed more women being flirty with me since I got married and started wearing a ring

Their fathers are faggots

Lol nope, men will just keep beating on men till they are dead,it's what they are programed to do. Just like in the gulags, men are more than willing to keep shitting on men till they are dead, all the while telling them that if they had just worked harder been more of a "man" , then i wouldn't be beating you to death right now.

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>women like men who treat them like shit
No. Women like men who take control of them, and treat them like women. Women are basically children and need you to be their stern and capable father figure.
>incels treat women like shit
Exactly. Incels lie to them, give them a feeling of false empowerment, and then usually try to tape them. No body wants this.

Women want a daddy mc long cock to pin them down and fuck the crazy out of then. They don't want to be manipulated and abused by what basically amounts to another woman.

False. Women will date ugly men if they actually act like men and provide the woman with a feeling of safety by being strong and fatherly.


>Incels are usually ugly, and also don't understand the difference between treating someone like you don't give a shit about them vs treating them like you actively hate them
Huh, it's almost like we hate all of you...hmmm...this is a real head scratcher.

if u cant socialize then u need to force urself. get a job at a hospitality.
also. a conversation is shit like ice cream is the best. not the downfall of anime came i the bla h blah. or some stupid shit u read online. learn to shoot the shit

Yeah but nowadays it's hip to get fucked by Chad and Tyrone and live on the dole payed by taxpayers

This is true, women don't like wimps.

Yeah, woman like men who treat them like shit
The problem those mans who do that, play acoustic guitar
The incels play a cello
Understand? they play the same music, but its not the same instrument, so woman dont react the same way. If incels use a more emotional less logical analitical views, ways and methos of express those disrespect and hate for woman, they would love.

Lol retard
That is only for initial attraction and they like men with confidence not those who treat them like shit.

Hey princess come sit on my huge cock.

“You are a piece of shit”

Fml so dumb user

Yes and no. If you are a strong and charismatic man with a will to power and the ability to dominate and control your surroundings then you just need to find a young naive girl who doesn't have daddy issues.

you are a retarded boomer

This, women are only fond of men who exceed a specific looks threshold. Your behavioral archetype literally means fuck all to them, except in the case when they're thirsty for financial stability.

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The men who 'treat them like shit' can do so because they are in-demand for various reasons. They don't have to beg women to tolerate their presence.
The "incel" is not so he simply comes across as pathetic when lashing out at women.

In reality tho, the 'treating women like shit' thing is usually just the rationalising of a worthless bastard who thinks anything less than worshipping vagina is maltreatment and therefore he is the better man.

Because Bertha is 365lb and is a flaming feminists while I'm neither you dumb like.

The problem is that the diseased society we all live in prevents us from doing that and just promotes mediocrity and low class breeders

Ha. K.
>beta Male calling me a boomer
>mfw boomers are the most beta male "yes dear" generation ever

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This is what I get for phoneposting.

It doesn't prevent it, but society does definitely make it hard to find a nondamaged QT. But they exist. They work at Chik-fil-a and shit.

I've never seen so much bullshit condensed into one post, Lol. If you think this compilation of verbal diarrhea is in any way indicative of real life. Then you need to get your brain assessed for chronic retardation.

See this for a more thorough refutation: m.youtube.com/watch?v=EFnJMPQow7A

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Women like men who treat them well, but will settle for ones who treat them like shit if the men are good looking or rich.

>force yourself
Yeah not happening "bro" I hate socializing and I will do my best to not only not socialize, but outright find ways of actively not doing it as well. Eat shit normie.

Generalizing is retarded to begin with.

No. Women actually compromise a lot believe it or not. It's just that they compromise especially in the case of Chad, but that is a self selecting and propagating issue which is worsened by today's society. A Bertha nowadays isnt that homely next door type of girl you may think. It's a fatass feminist with 3 abortions who chad and tyrone ran trains on when she wasnt a huge lardwhale.

You are just a bitter incel lol.

Even worse, the things that women find attractive cannot be fixed easily even with surgery

he's right though

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>thoughts like assholes
>incels are faggots
>women hate beta males
Be a strong man and don't go for thots.

>1 Post by this ID
Slide thread

You literally posted a pic of a site where only degenerates go. So I don't see what you are trying to prove.

You call people incels on an anonymous board and get pissed when we call out women on being dumb roasties. Oy vey...

Are you BasedUnPerdedor from .is? It's the only Somalian user on the Internet that I know.
Btw your formatting is appalling to the eye.

do you really think women everywhere aren't like that you stupid ass boomer?

you can be a guy that rapes and murders kids and it won't matter if you're tall with a pretty face

lol forgot about the word filter

Where did I get pissed? Unlike you I'm not generalizing.

Yes, unlike you I'm not a bitter incel, simple. You did not get pussy so the only thing that remains for you is to talk shit about all women, you are the male version of the radical feminists.

>Incels treat women like shit
They don't. They talk that they should but never do. And when they do, attitude changes radically. Know how many bitches are in Elliot Rogers fan club?
Ironically Jow Forums users and people who fuck lot of bitches share absolutely identical opinion on f*male, latter are just in position to make use of them.

You are literally a boomer or a roastie or a shill. Any sane man who has spent time womanizing dislikes women

>who has spent time womanizing dislikes women
Maybe because womanizing ends up with finding you whores instead of proper women? You are Greek, you should be ashamed, I bet you have turkic genes.

What does me being greek have to do with anything? All women are like that. (awalt)

the only people who say stupid shit like that are boomers not even roasties, roasties think it's beneath them and shills don't actually care about Jow Forums

Greek women are the same as Nordic women. Ok you are a shill. You are probably a turk as well.

I'm young.

>1 post by this ID
>Hurr durrrr incels

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>Incels treat women like shit
No they don't. They just ignore them. Ignoring women is not treating them like shit.

Women don't like men, they like themselves. They like themselves more when they're being treated poorly because of some kind of emotional feedback loop. People in danger usually get more sympathy, especially if these people are beautiful women. Many great figures throughout history have been martyrs: Christ, Gandhi, MLK, etc. Their martyrdom makes them more attractive.

Similarly, death and love combined make for a stronger form of love called lovesickness, the kind Romeo and Juliet died for. Bi-polar people (aka women) enjoy these combo-emotions because normal emotions are boring for them. To engineer lovesickness and obsessive attraction ala Dante for Beatrice, they assert themselves as victims/martyrs. After Beatrice died, Dante's lovesickness only grew stronger, whereas if he married Beatrice and had marital arguments and farted around her and had her fart around him, both his love and sickness would dissipate, leaving him at his luckiest with a lasting, dull, familial type of love.

Of course, this lasting love, this Happiness, is despised by modern women, who reject the comfortability of modernity for "exploring" and BDSM.

To answer YOUR question, those incels aren't attractive. Only women are attractive to women. The basis of all sex is gynocentric. Women moan during sex for their own pleasure. Women encourage violence against themselves for their own autoerotic sadistic satisfaction. Men are merely tools.

Women like dominance and self-confidence in a man. They also love to conform (follow) in that same vein of thought (fashions, trends). Conforming, in this day and age however, means conforming to mainstream black/non-white culture since it's so dominant & pervasive.

It's evolution and biology, man. Humans are animals, and women value strength and resolve (and money/resources).

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if you're over 35 you're not young

if you're actually under than then you're just retarded

You argue like an Italian version of ikibey lol. maybe ancap is right though and you are just an old boomer or a zoomer trying to act like a boomer

>lasting, dull, familial type of love.
Familial love is never dull.

Incels aren't men

They don't ignore them, women ignore them, that's the other way around, that's why they are called incels in the first place.

>I don't like your opinion so you are retarded
You are pitiful.

So you are a turk after all uh?

Absolutely based and redpilled. Men are just dildos and cash dispensers for women in their eyes. NEVER EVER forget that folks

>People are (insert generic equivalent to nigger) if they disagree with me
Yeah ok Mario w/e

It is compared to lovesickness, which is perhaps the greatest hyperstimuli in man's consciousness.

>women like hot men
>will except any shit to be with them
OP is ugly person

Incel is just a label women use for men that are not in the top 80% of men, a metric determined by women, and regardless if it's their fault they're there or not.

Yeah well you are doing the same by calling me a boomer. So I don't see your point.

I don't care what it is compared to, familial love is the purest form of love.

>I don't care what it is compared to,
That's why you don't understand my post and why you're shitting on me for no reason.

>Calling out inexperienced boy or larping boomer is the same as random genetic ad hominem.



>by being strong and fatherly towards children from good inseminator
>I bet you have turkic genes
t. Nafri & Sephardic genes: the flag

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You said that familial love is dull, that is enough for me to understand that you probably despise it.

Nope, do not confuse calling out for ad hominem, because that's what you are doing.

It's not literal treating them like shit as if you were a pigeon, but being an alpha and not caring about the lesser's lesser opinions

And being compassionate while youre at it