Has There Ever Been a Better Idea?

The simplest and greatest idea ever. Why don't we make this happen? What other simple ideas and we implement?

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Buffett is a fag liar

>pass a law that limits congress

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>president has a super majority in the senate or the house of the opposite party
>refuses to sign a spending bill/sabotages the economy on purpose, creates a deficit
>his opposition is now ineligible for reelection

and this is why billionaires make the worst elected officials, they run corporations which operate like a dictatorship by definition and can't fathom a world where it's more complex than do x or i will take away y

>Why don't we make this happen?
Congress would have to introduce and pass this law. You know, the people who would be negatively impacted by it.

I'm sure your no-kids retarded chemistry teacher is doing a great job importing 3M niggers and arabs. Totally OK.

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When Germany tries to give out advice, you just gotta shake your head. Enjoy your cultural enrichment faggot.

Employ sharp shooters on the southern border (much cheaper than a wall).

Tax rate of imports by the ratio of imports/exports.

Subsidize commodities such as daycares and health care for the working class. This way, they can actually spend more hours at their jobs. But don't give them actual money.

Take away wealthfare from niggers and free loaders who don't deserve it, no matter how small it is.

Take away the carbon tax because that doesn't do anything besides making people's lives harder.

Legalize abortion based on income and other conditional variables.

Subsidize data analysts and collectors as well as information outlets because of fake news.

Set up companies and distribute shares among all citizens. This provides a stronger backbone for the economy and the companies will create value for the country and the government will have a little something something to support their budget. The gov companies will be valued and sold by the people of America thereby an instant civilian based monopoly.

There is something like this here in Monkeyland, it is full of loopholes on purpose and nothing changed.

Warren Buffet was on the board of Coca Cola when it funded deathsquads in Columbia. The old codger runs a great image campaign but is full of shit with his virtue signaling.

He's right though, retard

this is so retarded, probably kikefoolery
deficits are all phony
read MMT

It doesn't limit congress; it limits the people in power from remaining in office if they're inefficient.

I could end the Deficit and end 70% of all Crime in 4 minutes:

... just pass a law that says Blacks and Browns have to work or else get shipped back to country of Origin, no welfare of any kind

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who wants to tell this retard that Congress would have to pass this law?

When there is a major depression revenue falls and it is imperative that the government stimulate and supercharge the economy. With Jimmy Buffetts retarded idea that would be impossible and the economy would have lower life expectancy than a hamburger on Jimmy Buffetts plate, in paradise.

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Nigger what? Most of his party would then be ineligible for reelection. You mean the opposite party had a super majority in Congress? If so, Congress could simply refuse to approve the budget, meaning the government shutdown and spending is drastically lowered. And politicially blame would fall on him.

No president is going to be retarded enough to sabotage the economy. Inb4 Obama.

No he's not, if Congress refuses to sign the government shuts down and spending falls.

>make law killing deficit spending
>go to war
>can't deficit spend
>lose war
>become country of Chinese rape babies

Could be worse desu

The non retarded way of dealing with emergency spending is to create a reserve. The government also has a slew of other fiscal stimulus measures. Interest rates, reserve requirements, printing money et cetera.

Pfft, why so complicated? Just like, pass a law that says it's illegal to have a deficit. Bam! Now your debt will go to jail!

>make law killing deficit spending
>Can't bomb middle east countries to keep Israhell alive
>World saved from kikery forever
This Buffet dude is onto something.

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>Employ sharp shooters on the southern border
we could do that but then limp wristed countries like yours would throw a shitfit and no one would trade with us anymore.

>The non retarded way of dealing with emergency spending is to create a reserve.
Duh but that never happens because politicians want to get stuff done and they want to be reelected.
>Interest rates, reserve requirements, printing money et cetera.
Interest rates are constantly low so there's nowhere to go. Also banking kikes wont lend money in a financial crisis because muh panic and rewarding them for fucking up creates moral hazards and perverse incentives. A strong government is the only actor capable of acting against the trend and righting the ship.

You would need a Constitutional Amendment to make this happen, that's why term limits were thrown out.
Buffet knows this.

>Why don't we make this happen?
Because you're a little bitch with no power.

>What other simple ideas and we implement?
White only nation.
Pro-White nation.

>When Germany tries to give out advice, you just gotta shake your head.
Faggots like you turned Germany into what it is today.

>muh deficit

Who cares? The financial system is make believe.

Dems don't have a supermajority. If they did Trump would sit there whilst dem laws go around him to the supreme court. The only reason his strategy failed was because he forgot that he was dealing with politicians.

>get congressmen to enact a law that stops them from gaming the political system