Millennials are a Failed Generation

The Vast majority of Retarted Angry SJWs are Millennials, Millennials are dumb and stupid fucks.

Millennials are an Embarrassment to the US and The Founding Fathers of America.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Millennials got fucked up by boomers who got fucked up by the lack of struggle after WOII. Also the good Y chromosomes were all lost during the Somme, rendering Evopean men into cowards and s o y boys. This era will be our last stand, our Magnum Opus. It's sink or swim, the final challenge is upon us. Such is the fight for survival in this amoral world.

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The only people who voted for Trump are rural and suburban retards.

City people all voted for Hillary.

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You mean Baby Boomers

To get rid of Millennials, Have Trump impose a High Tax on Onions and Avocados

City dwellers suffer the behavioural sink. This was the same during Roman times with the struggle between the Urbs and the countryside. We have already given up the republic and have entered the Caesar era. Winter is coming, read Oswald Spengler if you want to know more about the cycle of Empires.

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I Ment S O Y


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>Embarrassment to the US and The Founding Fathers of America
The founding fathers were satanic masons

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Did The Founding Fathers Worship Saten?

George Washington was a Episcopalian and also a mason

We were given nothing but horrible advice our entire lives.
The few of us that made it though unscathed are going to have a major hate boner for the status quo when we finally take over.
Buckle up faggots

Did he just end saying that the Corporations are going to fix the shortcomings of our parents? if so we are f u c k e d. The only way we can make it is by going back to traditional ways. Tightly knit communities that reject the outside decadence. Though almost every problem we face today is caused by overpopulation and hence a human life isn't worth much at the moment. the world needs another Black death so at least the survivors will thrive again.

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>boomerposting this hard

I'm in Generation Z

Just remember this , OP.

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What do you think about centrism?

Everyone here already knows that.
t. Millennial

centrism is cowardice. better to be angry than apathetic

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Centrism is based on Logic and Reason

You can put your hyper relativism up your ass. That's what got us in this mess in the first place.

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Great. Lock and load kid, it's going to be a rough ride for you.


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>>Only 1% increase
>>Gets between 5-10% less white
Yeah millienials are clearly worse.

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No it's because rural people in America are Poor White Trash (PWT) who are gullible, skilless and pathetic. They deserve scorn and ridicule at all times

I really want the Democratic party to pull a fast one and do what the Republicans do, purge voter lists so that when the PWT tries to vote, they cant

Rural people enjoy the real life while city dwellers have to self medicate just to cope. Fuck off with your mindless assumptions.

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>die standing in one spot while waiting for a lava explosion to kill you

no lol, fuck off with your solider brainwashing shit. when any army you can join in the west is controlled by the enemy of the west being a soldier is the stupidest thing you can do. you are dedicating your existence to weaponizing yourself for your enemy.

Faggots and illegals voted for Hillary.

>there were guns in 349 constantinople
>be impatient and attack people with no strategy
>compromise your position as soon as you become woke

6D propaganda here, feel sorry for those who can't see pas it.

It's ironic that Jow Forums is conversative and it's responsible for trump's rise.

Are Basement-Dwellers Neckbeards Liberal or Conversative?

Any generation who grew up on pop culture and rap culture is destined to fail.
>Rock culture is the only chad choice

You should really not hope for the zoomers to take control and do better. They wont, its really up to the boomers to unfuck everything.

>The only people who supported hillary were niggers , kikes ,illegal alien and some low wage h1b1 pajeets.

With white birthrate falling down every year it's gonna be tough future for you. Just stay strong and let your guard high.

Centrism and lolbertarian are kike ideology

itt brain damaged from screen time zoomers projecting

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what comes after gen z?

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The abyss

yeah but the rest are literal full on neo nazis

Are Basement-Dweller Neckbeards Liberals or Conservatives? This is because Jow Forums is Conservative and Basement-Dweller Neckbeards make up the majority of Jow Forums's User Population

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Gen Alpha. Not kidding.

says the poo

It's the Zionist media turning us into cucks and feminists

Hey, an intelligent post.

Natural selection wasn't fair.

Yes you are a special snowflake too.. dont worry. Being counter culture isn't special to Z, its youth.

Generation Z is going to eat the millennials alive. I work with a lot of Gen Z kids. They’re tough, ruthless, and surprisingly conservative.

It won’t be long before the millennials are taking orders from Gen Z kids. Gen Z will rule the millennials for the rest of their lives.

t. Gen X user.

so sick of hearing about how millienials are pouring more into the system than older generations. Bullshit. 21st century and everyone is a sperg with anxiety about the wind or stepping outside. Show me anything that millenials have done to improve the world, you can't. Stuff your vegan avocado toast up your backsides

>t. Gen X user.

>t. pepsi generation

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gen nig

Masons are descendants of the Knights Templar, AKA the model of ideal Christians. The second Christianity went from "purge the evil" to "accept and love all" was the day all of (((this))) was made possible.

I am a Gen z kid

As a millennial, I concur with everything you just said. Spread the word.

They may be dumb and retarded but they're not wrong about the absolute fucked state of their economic future.

People with 2 and 3 jobs are barely holding it together these days.

Anarcho-Capitalism is based as fuck.

Try to change my mind, but pro tip: you can't.

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They aren't willing to put in the work it takes to actually succeed... that would involve too many nights of working instead of partying and studying to learn a marketable skill set instead of doing whatever they can to get more likes on social media and that... that's simply asking too much. Come on...

Gen Z lurker reporting in

On the contrary, any Ideologies on the edge of the ideology graph are hated by (((them))). This includes Extreme Authoritarian ideologies, and extreme Libertarian ideologies. You-know-who prefers centrist ideologies that bring stagnation, such as Liberalism, Conservatism, and Moderatism. With a Authoritarian government, a leader who catches on ZOD's plan will be able to swiftly dismantle their plans and have them executed, like the old kings of Europe. In a Libertarian society, with a small, decentralized government, there is simple no easy target for subversives to take control of the government, making their plans impossible in the first place, kind of what our Founding Fathers wanted.

I'm Gen z because i was born in 2001

Meant for

Dumb ass nigger dick sucking yankee. City dwellers are usually extremely poor, poorly educated, own zero property or cars. Plus they get cum facials from Jews everyday.

Fucking dumb ass.

I was born in 1990. I have no outstanding debt of any kind, a well paying job with full benefits, and a car. My credit is amazing but I don't have a single credit card, and a retirement fund in a high yield savings account that grows pretty well in a locally owned bank.

I'd say I'm likely doing better than you ever have and ever will.


Lots of millennials aren't SJWs, so just say SJWs are dumb and you're covered.


Ban Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter, and execute all who use them.

Gen !

>execute all who use them
you lost me there.

I fucking love this

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>Did The Founding Fathers Worship Saten?
>Freemasonry in Light of the Bible

Chad is fuckin Avril Lavigne? Huh.

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>We were given nothing but horrible advice our entire lives
and horrible education
public schools in america may as well be nigger cattle prisons for kids

Public schools have always been shit
At least the boomers were smart enough to start homeschooling their own kids unlike their kike loving parents

Top kek, I've heard that a few times, I'd love to see them trying with their spaghetti arms.

Maybe it's just me but why do Millennial in the US seems much more aggressive and stupid? The Antifa had like 20 people here. If you don't count Amsterdam, a lot of students are proudly right winged and the right has a biggest amount of youths being members from right political parties while in the US it seems like right is crippling.

It's true, our generation sucks.

antifa has always been much bigger in yuroland than america

>doesnt blame the generation who raised millenials
who could be behind this post?

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I'd say that you are a faggot.

If an entire generation is like that, it is not that generation's fault, it is the parents of that generation.

Why do think they called them Z? It's the last generation of this civilization. Either we fight or we perish. Deus vult.

Wow, haven't seen this in a while.

How many guns do you own, faggot?

being a soldier is not the point of that post....
the post was about practicing loyalty duty and honor in your everyday life and when it comes time for the end face that end with the same loyalty duty and honor with which you lived your life

in other words dont live a good life just to die a hypocrite

This will change after the war begins. Traitors get the noose first.

They turned the brainwashing up to 11 for us, played the gay card and bombarded us with porn. It's a surprise there are any of us even half decent. All my peers are brainwashed, brain dead morons, no hope whatsoever for millenials, might as well get behind gen z and hope they go full 1488.


>high yield savings

Putting your money in an account that grows slower than the dollar inflates is not winning.

Here's a pro tip from a fellow 1990anon who's doing better than you ever will: keep a few months worth of funds in the high yield savings account and invest the rest in a target date fund.

Only a complete retard with no knowledge of personal finance like yourself would have their fucking retirement fund in a high yield savings account getting maybe 1-2% APY.

>it is better to die than to save yourself so you can continue being around your friends and family and continue helping people
You're right, it's better to be so mindless that you literally don't do anything that your slave masters don't tell you to do (even though they evidently don't give a shit about you).

my generation gen x were severely anti intellectual, if you had an iq over say 120 you were in seriously danger of being bashed

now gen y are the same stupid people pretending to be intellectuals which ironically is worse because it's so cringe and because there is a significant amount of credibility in being anti intellectual, as we've lived, and seen first hand over the last 10-15 years, our elites have been 100% proven to be scum on both sides

Ecclesiastes 9:4 King James Version (KJV)

4 For to him that is joined to all the living there is hope: for a living dog is better than a dead lion.

user this has been going on since the 90s. The boomers and xers are equally to blame. The Xers were the first to spearhead the though police movement.

Children have childish thought.

Millennials are mostly lazy, idiotic, spoiled children with no work ethic or sense of accomplishment. They all decided that going into massive debt to get a degree along with everyone else is a good idea. Then after graduation when they realize that life isnt one big thirsty Thursday, and you cannot just send an email asking for special treatment every time you fail to meet expectations or a deadline, they whine and cry about how adulting is hard. They buy $ 1000 iphones every year, spend $500 to go to festivals and boof drugs, buy over priced designer clothes, all with a fucking useless non STEM B.A. wonding why they cant find a job even though they have spent their whole life avoiding anything of merit or value. I hate my generation, t. 29 year old boomer with a house, wife, kid, and 3 cars.