Is it degenerate?

is a child free life degenerate? why?

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Only 13% of guys should procreate

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Are you white?

Yes because it's a trick to get the white population down.

Why are you worried so much about what other people think? Are you a teenage girl?

>Generate: to produce
>De-: prefix meaning to reverse
>Degenerate: to reverse production
>Not having kids is a failure to generate
I guess it's not degenerate per se, but ungenerate, sure.
Arguably, though, inaction is action.

I don't understand how couples decide to have children when they aren't financially/emotionally prepared to do so.
I'm 28 and many of my friends have kids. All they seem to do is bitch about how broke they are and how hard having kids is.
Who the fuck would do this? I'm not anti-kid but I gotta at least have a million bucks in the bank and a paid-for house before I even consider it.

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It's degenerate if you celebrate it as some lifetime "achievement" (as (((they))) do).

>Have Mill in bank and home paid off
>be 60
> die allone

The good news is you all will get to find out what child-free life is like. Whether you fags want to or not.

Ben Shapiro says you become a better person if you get married and have kids in that order

Your friends are pussies and so are you
kys kike

yes, and i have children, im asking for my dumb ass sister who refuses to have kids with her husband and he is thinking of vasectomy

If they never have kids no, if they decide to have children after their 30s yes. People who want to take their genes out the gene pool are not worth saving let alone having around. If they choose to have children late and not raise them then there is a big problem.

I'd have children if I ever met a woman that made me thing "gee whiz, I'd like to spend more time with this person".

So far no dice.

Do you guys ever get tired of larping? Honest question. Most of you aren't even white by your own standards and I guarantee most of you are in your 20s or older, don't have children and are living as an unemployed NEET.

I love larping

Yes it is degenerate, the strength of the family is the strength of the nation, the strength of the nation is the strength of the family

It's not degenerate, but it encourages people to miss out on one of the most wonderful and fulfilling events of their lives...which is having a family and children...

I wouldn't trade my son for any sunny beach vacation in the world, ever.

The child-free life is for basement dwellers.

Good man

It's the most logical manifestation of the pure materialism, hedonism, lack of discipline and dedication, reliance on immediate gratification, and shortsightedness for which millennials are famous.

It's sad that people make such ignorant decisions so young...but it IS their decision.

based leaf

Shut up retard.

I don't know. It seems to me that there are different classes of people. Breeders and non. Breeders are people who stupidly produce children without thought plus a few smart ones.

non Breeders are people who realize what a shitshow life is, full of assholes and stupidity, and don't want to subject a continuing part of themselves to it.

Not really. It is up to you.

People like Alexander the Great, Achilles and so on managed to get their name passed on for two thousand years. Let's be real, we aren't going to get that. Not even one in a million people alive today will be remembered in the same way. If the odds are stacked against you in that regard, what can you leave behind that will last thousands of years? It won't be memes, but genes. If you're successful like that, you're literally taking a part of you and launching it into the future well past your death.
Metaphysically, one could say that you are your mind, and that might not last beyond death. But one could say that your genetics is what has, in part, caused you to become who you are. If the genes are passed on, then maybe something very similar (but not identical) to you persists, and in that way you might be contributing to a future you want.
This is about spiting death in a very idealistic way, but tell me what will be left behind once you die if you don't have kids? Most people can't even tell you who Plutarch or Cicero was.
Furthermore, the most common argument I hear against having children is the financial argument. But here is the thing, money is literally just an expression of value. It depends solely on where you place your values. If you're a hedonist I can see why children aren't valued. However, in being a hedonist, you are only acting within one framwork of value/virtue because you measure success only on yourself. Far better to widen your horizons and try to excel in every aspect you can, will your life be poorer for it if you try to do good in every way you can? Maybe you can be a good father and still enjoy life. If you get sterilized you will never find out.

t. engaged man

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Lol, this nigger gonna die alone at home. Only noticed as dead when the smell of his decay bugs the neighbors.