Will the the generation born between 2000-2010 lead this country to greatness?
Will the the generation born between 2000-2010 lead this country to greatness?
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sup chicagofagget
how do you know
hello brother
Hopefully.... but ((( they ))) are trying hard to beat them with propaganda. I have two kids under ten and it’s a daily task to combat propaganda
They never knew what greatness was, so how could they bring us there?
Don't remember where it was from, but there was a quote that went something like
>good times create weak men
>weak men create bad times
>bad times create strong men
>strong men create good times
so I'd say because we're in the good times phase right now, most of gen z will turn out weak.
Portillos was far superior before they franchised it. Lous is the true god-tier cuisine of chicongo now.
Lou malnati is fire, but you have to buy a whole pizza. portillos is better to just stop by and grab an italian beef and some decent fries
Have you tried the beef and cheddar croissant from portillos? It's a fucking heart attack in a meal but 100% worth. Would reccomend.
They were until this happened
No I've never even heard of that, is it better than the italian beef or burgers?
What the fuck happened
look at em finna wildin out good whitey
Maximum zoom.
I feel like it depends on your mood, Italian beef is good if you dont want to feel like absolute shit the rest of the day but if you just want some good shit and dont care about how you feel later beef and cheddar is the way to go.
About the question at hand though, considering they're minority white, I doubt it. They might be more woke but that wont do any good unless theirs some significant pressure that affects everyone like an economic collapse. The best we can hope for is some shithead socialist gets elected and fucks everything. When white families have to compete with Tyrone for EBT maybe some separatist movement will form but with already almost 40% of the population nonwhite I doubt America will ever go back to what it once was.
No. only thing these faggots will achieve is a record high amount of mass shootings and unemployment
Fuck you, OP. I miss portillo's.
Portillos is over priced trash. That barely pays it's employees because they use a prison work release program
>20 year old AJ became sick after reheating and consuming spaghetti and tomato sauce he made five days earlier and stored at room temperature.
>implying zoomers are not retarded
With all of us a whole working together can we do this. Rarely can one generation divided agaisnt all other generations succeed.
Fool amerikis
are the schools still full of marxist scum?
A lot of exciting shit happened in the 90's. Sprites to polygons. The internet. Airliners become basic transportation.
2000-present? Absolutely jack shit. The most exciting thing to happen was LTE cellular. Absolutely fuck-all has improved.
That sandwich is fucking sex. Chicago is a great city for eats. A Chicago Hot Dog blows any NYC hot dog out of the water. Pizza wise my vote for deep dish goes to Malnatis.
Based chicago bro