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How do you tax dollar bills being mailed back to Mexico?
Fucking Drumphtard.
It’s called a remittance tax.
With a remittance tax retard
Why don't they do this already?
Mexico and China are really ripping us off. And frankly, something has to be done about it. They're living like kings. And we aren't. This is not good. But I'm doing something about. I'm doing big things with regards to trade.
Because Jews
You shouldn’t be allowed to send money to a non-European country in the first place without going on some sort of list
Because it would discourage the brown hordes from coming here in the first place. Unacceptable to our masters.
>"Immigrants are good for teh economy!"
>*immigrants lower the value of labor while sucking billions out of the country and making it less safe*
>"You're a racist if you don't want more immigrants!"
What's going on with Philippines and Nigeria? Do you have big numbers of immigrants or are they just making a lot of dough?
Little of column A and a little of column B
where is Israel?
buy shitcoins before they try to implement such a tax.
>But I'm doing something about.
Such as?
Next to Jordan situated as that northeast part of the Sinai peninsula.
We should take that money and use it to build a giant laser and vaporize everyone who isn't white and / or doesn't like anime
>a stupid mexican or nigger even understanding how to buy or send or sell any cryptocoin
Where are you from Mr. Question-Mark?
honestly I don't know, I try not to think about it
clone island?
What? No, when I consider it, I just come to the conclusion that I am on the internet.
but, he asked you where you are from....
I do not understand.
So, I guess I can count on more "Agents" being hired at the restaurant I work at, now?
Well, you'll have a fun time figuring out who else there is an "Agent" and who isn't....
And now, for something completely different.
You now have a deep and surprising existential crisis on your hands.
so, good luck with that.
see you at the restaurant!
do any of you secret agents know how to work fry side?
CIA gunsmuggling from the flips