When did u first

Realize pizzagate was a meme and you wasted 4 years, $3000 to go to comet ping pong, and it was all a giant larp LOLOLOLOLOLOL THE STATE OF Jow Forums HAHAHAHAHA

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Lmao I read some spooky shit about pizzagate, came over here for some entertainment. Any more stuff?


Maybe because the Washington D.C. police refused to "Investigate" it....
Not saying theyre "Protecting" their Democratic Masters but....

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>if murder is real, why arnt all murderers in jail
kill yourself fucking retard

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Wasn't Canada pretty deep in it? Any info?

I think there's a "location" in BC, maybe it'd called "the farm", I seem to remember there's some film industry connection and it was mentioned in some of those emails

"the farm" isnt a C_A training camp?

>Jimmy Savile never went to jail so obviously he never did anything!
>George Bush never went to jail and died peacefully so he was a good boy
imagine being this fucking stupid

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No its unrelated stfu

>Stalin never went to jail
>Gulags didn't exist

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I always fucking hated muppets ever since I was a child. Thanks for giving me more of a reason to hate them, OP.

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Yep, Moloch is an abstract concept not unlike how God is abstract as an idea, but is also as real as God is - it's just these energetic consciousnesses are purely metaphysical

God would never let a monster like Moloch actually come alive within the holographic universe because he's back enough socially engineering retards into becoming pedos

... Are you for real mate

Trips of Truth, and Trump is too much of a Coward to drain the swamp.

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You guys know anything about Anna Marie Goralczyk? Or the "orangemen"? I

What does stalin have to do with pizzagate?

Interview with the Hacker who Broke into Comet Ping Pong and Found CP - #PizzaGate

BC resident here. Complete bullshit, britcunt.

Now, excuse me while I go feed dead child sex slave to my pigs for my old drinking buddy friend of Bill Clinton Frank Giustra

Why take it so personally user?

How about:

No fucking secret hidden bunker. pizzagate has to be one of the CRAZIEST piles of steaming shit to appear on the internet.

I love all these computer keyboard investigators who think they've found some deep secret.

They have the same level of expertise I would give to a archeologist who never went to any digs, None at all.

Actually though, someone IS in jail over this:

That weak-minded fuckface who went in there with a fucking gun, demanding to see the secret bunker. You can't make this shit up. that guy must feel pretty stupid right now, unless he is so mentally ill, he has no concept of reality