>United States armed forces arriving this morning in Colombia on the border with Venezuela, Will this be another Vietnam or worse?
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Give me one reason not to support taking their oil
I hope the Chinese send reinforcements.
OMG 4 helicopters!! QUAGMIRE!
we don't use Hueys anymore. Columbia has black hawks. no evidence those are american troops
its been too long since a real war
This time we’ll use nukes and win. I hope we start winning again like ww2
How could this become a Vietnam or worse?Venezuela is Americas backyard. They have zero supply and no neighbors to back them.
Nothing on the news or tv. No mention in Congress. Who's ordering this shit?
They don't even need to acknowledge it anymore... just fucking go there with guns ready.
American lives are lost serving kikes in DC so they can make infinite wealth on Venezuelan oil.
>will this be another Vietnam or worse
Maduro and his allies are surrounded by hostile states. There is no border to hide behind where they'd be harbored.
That's the fiscally conservative (((republican))) party responsibly using your tax dollars, user.
umm no sweety you won't get oil just venezuelan "refugees'
It will create another mass immigration wave. Hence Trump (after following the Jews' goals) will ironically be the reason for it that Whites will become an even smaller minority in one of their country.
This. Op is a fag.
Can anyone actually confirm if that's legit?
>Jews want to brown USA faster
>destabilize Middle and South America
>10 million refugees come to USA
>4D chess
Is there any evidence besides some video of random helicopters?
10% of Venezuelans have already fled, and the US has experienced no wave. Do you realize how far away Venezuela is from our border? The only countries that will have to deal with their shit are their immediate neighbors
This. No one else is reporting troop movements, and there's no way that the military could enforce a complete media blackout if those were really our choppers flying over cities in broad daylight
>be jew, own oil companies and military industrial complex
>invade country using taxpayer money and enriching military industrial complex
>take oil so your oil companies profit
>get rich af
>ruin country
>refugees welcome, because country ruined ;(
>tank salaries because venezuelans work for $0.10 per hour
They're literally enriching themselves using your tax dollars. Quite literally transferring money from your pocket into their pockets.
trumptards showing their true neocon colors lately. Pottery kino.
>so desperate to hate Trump that you fall for some literal who's Twitter video of Colombian choppers
The number of bonespurs in young wealthy Americans is on the rise.
It looks like Roger Stone violated his bail.
Good luck when those who fled into the neibouring countries will have to flee these countries again because the home countries are sick of the amount of Venezuelan refugees. And do you honestly think a war will only have influence on Venezuela itself?
Guatemala was neither your neighbor country, yet still you had caravans on the your country border thanks to Jewish' NGOs. The same NGOs will motivate the refugees here as well to move to "your" country. It really is a Jewish country to be honest.
That's exactly their plan. Flood America with retarded brown refugees to drown out the white population.
Jewy jewy Jews!!!
It's real, you dumb fuck
BASED Bolton announced this MAGA
Another fake tranny discord thread. These faggots are mad, because Trump won't recognize their mental illness as a gender.
The same American elites who benefited from military coups in South America later became the elites who control control what people think in USA and shilled against Trump in 2016
I never thought about it.
>John "Guardian of Zion" Bolton, pic related
>Will this be another Vietnam or worse?
More like another Grenada.
inb4 more refugees storm the US
You mean MIGA
Dying for Israel is almost as wrong as using a meme flag
Those helicopters are Colombian you stupid fuck.
Why are Russian and Chinese bot threads always so retarded? Is it thinking the rest of the world is as gullible or lacks the basic education just like them?
Guatemala is in Central America. It's a hell of a lot closer that Venezuela, and there's no reason to believe that Venezuelan migrants will travel all the way to the US eventually when 10% of the total population still hasn't. There also isnt any reason to believe that Venezuelan migration will get worse after Maduro is gone. There'll be no war. The military will turn on him the second he cant keep them fed
>army helicopters that the US dont use anymore are actually American because some unrelated American planes landed in Colombia
So this is the average intelligence of a neverTrumper
damn, this brings back memories
Based Bolton supporting America's best ally, nothing wrong with that fellow MAGApede!
Lol all of you thinking Bolton got busted with this shit. Fucking grow up. He did that on purpose you retards.
Wow, big and powerful USA needs to steal from small Latin - American country? This is what your country stands for, Mutts?
>another Vietnam
Spics are not the same quality of opponent as jungle chinks.
Stop posting this fake news twitter account retards
This is bullshit
I have a feeling those are Colombian UH-60s...
Look how shitty they're flying in formation... The U.S. doesn't fly like that ever.
Anyways fuck Venezuela.
Not gonna be Vietnam.
We have land access to Venezuala.
Wtf is this?
What’s the deal with all the fake USA Venezuela shit? What are the Jews up to? What do they think will come of spreading this fake news an actual invasion? Nope never gonna happen hooked nose pricks.
We can only hope.
pls no bully barbara
Yes. But the pot is calling the kettle black.
Just the usual consensus-cracking tactics. Trying to trick anons into thinking that recognizing the opposition is comparable to ousting Assad, that sort of thing
The rules of engagement our soldiers are allowed will be too strict, just like in Vietnam or Iraq actually. Both which could easily be won otherwise. The US has been putting kiddie gloves on since WW2.
China doesn't care about the government also people who compare Vietnam to Venezuela are morons, Maduro is contested by a large majority of the country and by all surrounding countries, Vietnam was supported by Russia and China and the Americans were fought by literally all parts of viet society.
Woot woot. We want some oil, bitches. Hand it over. No one can stop is. Muawahahaha. Muahahahaha.. Eeeeeeviiiill
I'm totally fine with this desu. when countries like Venezuela are oppressing their people, they try to come here. it's much better for us if those countries are doing moderately well. only socialism could run a country like Venezuela into the ground. I wish good luck and godspeed to our Venezuelan Jow Forumslacks.
China won't interfere with military action.
Don't say that already, Brazilians can still join the war.
5 million of them minimum.
it's time again
* "yo no onions" plays *
>countries like Venezuela are oppressing their people
fucking neocon shills man
>fighting for jews and dying for no reason
Tbh at this point the mutt army deserves every misery that incurs them. Literally retarded world police 80 IQ tier.
Literally every Venezuelan that's not a commie wants to get invaded by any first world western country, that's how bad things are over there.
>REEEE! Why is a private company making a profit?
Just claiming all private companies are jewish isn't gonna make Jow Forums support commies. Now fuck off to /leftypol/
funny thing is it might not get better if they are invaded. then what?
Lol all the people you ridicule- even our faggots- are above bosniak mudslime scum.
this guy helos
>siding with literal commies to own the neocons
>fucking neocon shills man
fucking commiejew shills man
In which way you think things might get worse, i'm Venezuelan and i had to endure days in which i had nothing to eat, 10 day intervals of water rationing, faulty electricity services, no internet, mass transportation services completely overwhelmed leaving you on hour-long queues waiting for a bus or taxi, schools and hospitals closed because everything is public, high crime in every sector of my city, etc...
How is an American invasion going to make things worse.
>licking the boots of neocons so venezuelans can buy dragon dildos and dress boys in skirts
Name 1 example of US invading a Latin American country that worked out well for that country.
Based Maduro, he's untouchable for now, let's see what US move next.
>How is an American invasion going to make things worse.
read about the invasion of iraq, dipshit. Americans will depose maduro and leave your country in disaray so a bigger commie becomes dictator, Rinse repeat.
I almost fell out of my chair laughing.
I dunno look at honduras and colombia.
colombia has oil too don't they?
does that look like utopia
Venezuela has more proven oil reserves than any other country, including Saudi Arabia. Venezuela is imploding even if Maduro happens to hang onto his power. He's giving away all the nations gold to Russia to make payment for money they owe them. He re-elected himself to another 6 years in power. Venezuela WILL collapse in that amount of time if things do not change. Venezuela has had more than 3 million people leave already and it's so close to collapsing that millions are likely to flee to neighboring countries.
This is the situation before the United States has even started to intervene.
Venezuela's neighbor countries do not have the capability to defend their border from millions coming in. Its potentially going to be a larger displacement than the Syrian Civil War, which had over 6 million people displaced. This is also in the United States backyard, so I do not see how they wouldn't intervene here. We do not know if Columbia actually asked for our help either.
Pinochet sort of
If america invades Venezuela then they deserve millions of refugees that will make the country nonwhite even sooner. Also I will leave Jow Forums because who gives a fuck about the white race if cheeto jesus is just another neocon shill?
Ironically being able to buy that kinds of stuff means we're better off economically, which is an improvement.
None that i can think of, but an American invasion is the same as pissing in an ocean of piss, better try with that than wait to die of starvation.
>None that i can think of, but an American invasion is the same as pissing in an ocean of piss, better try with that than wait to die of starvation.
My dude, I know Venezuelans must be desperate at this point, but there's a 99,9% chance that mutts will make matters worse for your people.
I guess if you make the poorest 1/3 live in poverty forever some people could be better off
It feels like 1989 in Latin America and it's beautiful. Soon Asia will be next. I'm really excited to witness the end of communism in my lifetime.
Neck yourself discord tranny. The world is waking up.
We don't have talibans nor nukes over here memeflag, Big difference.
Colombia is an Utopia compared to Venezuela.
Israel will get the oil, you'll get the refugees.
So diverse
You're a little baby if you think the US can survive without wars and control over global oil production and shipping.
>checks flag
The only people making gains in Asia are Muslims who just got their autonomous sharia state in the Philippines
chile miracle
40 + years ago
The US are oil autonomous and don't rely on external supply, the only countries that need oil market to survive are SA and the emirates
they probably make more off cocaine than oil
Just look at the history. They'll take the oil, install a right-wing dictator, and simply fuck off. The dictator will end up genociding, starving, and repressing your countrymen. And if you try to move to the US they'll shoot you at the border and complain about brown-skinned immigrants taking their jerbs. Mutts' intentions are not good, they never are. They look after themselves (Israel) and that's about it. You're better off on your own.