I was born in this country. My grandfather literally helped rebuild this country after the war. German is my mother tongue.
And you tell me I don't belong here? Fuck you.
I was born in this country. My grandfather literally helped rebuild this country after the war. German is my mother tongue.
And you tell me I don't belong here? Fuck you.
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if you wish to rebuild that country then the only proper way to do it is to commit suicide, muhammed
Turkistan has nukes know
>My grandfather literally helped rebuild this country after the war.
Funny, they say the same shit here.
Thank him for his service, he'll have the privilege to go back to Turkey in business class.
>everything is made out of Döner
Turks came in the 70s and 80s
Your grandfather didn't rebuild the country by scrubbing toilets you subhuman cockroach.
Now get the fuck out of Europe and rebuild your shitty 3rd world dump.
We don't want you here, respect our decision.
Factually wrong
Your kind came after the rebuilding of this country and the marshall plan is solely propaganda too
I wish no harm to muslims, but I will not hesitate to wipe you out if you refuse to leave
I belong in Germany more than you ever will and don’t speak a lick of the language. It is in my blood, my family traditions, and my history.
You are nothing but a disgusting Saracen invading Christendom and you WILL be removed from our lands soon enough. Remove yourself before it is too late.
Tamam Brudi, mach dir nichts draus.
>t. alman
Fuck YOU you fucking roach, you and your entire family deserves to boil in shit and piss after being raped by a fuckmashine for an entire week
lol what a sad alman
>I belong in Germany more than you ever will
lol here come the deranged berders
are you a german? if not then you do not belong in germany. its that simple. in fact you yourself would benefit from living in a place that is more suited to your nature and identity.
I live in Göttingen and I am a Muslim from Syria.
best way to help germany is to gtfoh and go back to your desert you brown piece of shit
your grandfather agreed to be a guest worker and we welcomed him.
As thanks he stayed as a de facto illegal migrant, never went home and built Turkish no-go zones in our cities.
>My grandfather literally helped rebuild this country after the war
Bullshit, the first turks came in the late 50s where everything was already done.
What's wrong with you
Must be pretty cold for ya these days
The three generations after him leeching the German welfare system dry are more than adequate reparations for whatever little bit of wrench turning your grand-dad did 30 years ago.
Kanaken raus!
>everything was already done
Ja sehr kalt!
suck my dick and stop bitching faggot,nobody gives a shit about what your grandfather did,he could be queen of UK ,nobody would still give a shit and continue to treat you like a faggot that you are
and yet, you still don't consider yourself German, even after 2 generations, the fault is only on you
You either refuse to acknowledge to see that your people being here is the work of jews and serves their interest, or you're too stupid to see it.
The jews need competing groups to deflect from their fuckery, which is why only ethnostate will prevail. You refusing to leave grants the jews further control of my country. That is not acceptable and you will be dealt with accordingly when the time comes, as the jew golems you choose to be
are you turkish?
You don't belong here. A kitten growing up in a henhouse will never be a chicken.
lol sad and deranged
I made lahmacun with minced pork tonight, how does that make you feel?
siktir git
Say, is there any proper way to make manakish at home with a regular oven?
Another Jew spilling L I E S.
And this is why you'll be exterminated
You're just to stupid to see it. You will never be German and don't belong here, as much as I don't belong to Turkey. Get out, rebuild your country or die as jewish pawns
Mudslime shitskin, you are only there because Germans feel sorry for killing Jews.
>You will never be German and don't belong here
Blood and culture are what matters. You’re obviously an Arab invader. Fuck of to where you belong.
Die Frage ist viel eher OP,
verstehst du warum dich manche nicht als "deutscher" sehen?
Sich durch dich (und Ähnliche) verdrängt fühlen?
Deutsche sich im eigenen Land wie Bürger 2. Klasse benehmen müssen?
Keinen deutschen national Stolz zeigen dürfen - aber alle anderen Nationen, auf unseren Straßen, ihren Stolz zeigen und feiern?
... ach und weitere Fremde im eigenen Land unterbringen müssen, erhöhte Kriminalität, Ghetto & Clanbildung hinnehmen müssen?
OP, eigentlich bist nicht du das Problem, denn du bist (in meinen Augen) ein Deutscher(Muttersprache, Schule, Bildung, kulturelle Werte = alles deutsch).
Allerdings sind die Neuankömmlinge, keine Deutschen, kennen keine deutschen Werte, Regeln, etc.
- und ich vermute die Neuankömmlinge und du OP sehen sich ähnlich.
OP, du wirst nicht gemocht, weil du dich nicht benehmen kannst, sondern weil es andere nicht können, verstehst du dieses größere Bild?
Deshalb, verteidige deutsche Werte, Kultur, diese Land und zeige das dir Deutschland und die Deutschen wichtig sind!
Heh, good one you deranged berder
nothing more hilarious than turdroach incels
>ugly af
>turdroach girls are all over whiteboys and spit on them
>have to settle for village bicycle then go on a knife-killing spree when dumped
>arranged marriage fat cousin imported directly from anatolia who will beat you over the head with a shopping bag for the rest of her life
how do you guys not off yourself lol
lol how pathetic
OP, eigentlich bist nicht du das Problem, denn du bist (in meinen Augen) ein Deutscher(Muttersprache, Schule, Bildung, kulturelle Werte = alles deutsch).
Allerdings sind die Neuankömmlinge, keine Deutschen, kennen keine deutschen Werte, Regeln, etc.
- und ich vermute die Neuankömmlinge und du OP sehen sich ähnlich.
Don't worry, their kids will be german in 20 years just as you described OP.
Don't worry, you are German.
You are right. Germany beglons to Turks and islam. Islam is part of Germany as said great Angela Merkel. Fight with those nazi. Buy weapon and be ready to kill the nazis. Peace brother.
>first turks coming to Germany in 1961 because of booming economy
>this fucking turk thinks Germany was still destroyed in 1960s
How fucking subhumanly stupid can one get if he cant even track history down for the last 100 years ?
You don’t belong here
This. Germans and Ottomans are iconic allies.
The damage is done, and short of an Austrian painter with a funny moustache popping up somewhere, Germany, as we know it, has ended.
>t german angry at muds instead of the eternal ami
lol, get a grip Hans
Every sentence you speak that is not "Ami go home" is a waste
Warum glaubt jeder Türke, dass seine Eltern Deutschland wieder aufgebaut haben? Die sind in den 60ern gekommen, da war Deutschland schon 10 Jahre aufgebaut ihr Vollidioten. Und das Betreiben einer Dönerbude zähle ich nicht zum Wiederaufbau. Das ist eher das Gegenteil.
So your parents migrated here in 1945 - 55?
>you can only be opposed to one thing at a time
lol you jews are shitting on civnats hard as well. You jews shit on muslims anyway, you ridicule civnats and naturally hate ethno nationalists anyway. You're really at odds with the whole world
>expecting historical knowledge from People who cant even read
You should leave before it's too late
i always laugh my ass off when i read suck cuckboy posts like yours
you will end up like us in 20yrs
you already started your first injection by inviting thousands of southeast asians as cheap labor
just wait a few more years and you will wake up to the prayer calls from your local mosque
that your women are desperate as fuck for some muslim cock has been proven in your euroweeks
>you can only be opposed to one thing at a time
Maybe you can, but the sub 130 IQ plebs that make up 99% of every country can't.
Be pragmatic on their behalf - and remind them that the muds did not invite themselves into your lands, someone else did.
The control the ami has on your minds is objectively worse than the control the muds have of your streets.
A nation is an extended family related by blood. You're an invader, Armed, you're serving the Jews. Go back before you get killed.
>1 post by this ID
My great great grandparents lived in that shithole. They paid more taxes than average German goyim.
What did they get? GAS. Fuck all Germans.
you are the problem with this shithole board
you talk about something, then completely discredit yourself by posting some moron macro with that scumfuck musk in it
bye bye pole
Thanks for the wank material mate. Was getting tired of blacked.
your grandpa did shit, germany was rebuilt when you lazy goatfucker of a grandpa came here to work as a factory slave
you dont belong here
why did they not just leave when they had the chance?
your grandfather didnt help rebuild anything, he was brought into the country because of a) NATO rewarding Turkey for entering the treaty, removing their least desirables (your ancestors) and forcing them onto occupied Germany and b) German companies taking advantage of the industrial reserve army (your ancestors) to lower the wages of the ethnic German men. Your grandfather lost his low skill job in the first economic crisis after migrating, and he never found another job. Who could blame him? He couldnt read or write, not in Turkish, let alone German. All he could do was making kids and using the German social system to extract money from the ethnic Germans. There will be a day when you and yours will leave. I hope for both of us that it will be peaceful.
>I don't actually know his grandpa, I just like to fantasize and make shit up about other people's family
You should go back to your desert people
>I didn't read the OP which strongly implies under which circumstances the (probably fictional) Turk came to Germany and I do not know anything about Gastarbeiter so I just assume Turk's grandpa came as highly educated civil engineer who did actually work
You belong in Germany, because you are a German. You were born there, speak the language, you are an Islamist.
Don’t let them tell you, that you are someone else. That you belong in a place you never saw. They will lie every time to make you feel badly. They do it every time. This is what white people do, this is why Allah will get rid of them.
>I just assume Turk's grandpa came as highly educated civil engineer
lol I assume his grandpa was some hick from middle of nowhere Anatolia
I am not telling you that, but soon will the majority opinion shift against immigrants.
In the next financial crisis the Euro will fall apart and we will have a political climate like in the 30s again. Germans will chimp out and some Austrian will come along and promise them order and stability. History always repeats itself.
>feeding some deranged lolposter (you)s
you're mentally retarded, I understand, I assumed the same and you started sperging about me fantasizing.
> rebuild this country after the war
yeah sure, goatfucker, that is even more wrong than you being still in germany
>My grandfather literally helped rebuild this country
kek, fuck off
If you like Germany you could improve it by convincing your entire family to leave together with you. I don't care where you are going to, you don't even have to return to Turkey, just leave.
you seem confused
THAT! we will have a major bloodshed incoming and only the slav countries will survive that, because they do not have a fuckton of degenerates from third world countries inside their border who worship a facistoid deathcult
OP is either Muhammed or a cucked libtard Merkel loving "let them in" s0iboi
Oh, piss off! you do know that Turks are crossbredded semites?! Parasite scum!
>calls himself german
>talks turkish
>has turkish flag on his BMW 3series
>goes to Erdogan rallies
>thinks Bismarck was a classical componist
>doesnt like Beer, Bratwurst or Dackelzucht because hes muslim
>listens to (((deutschrap)))
>"Alter" and "Hurensohn" are the main pillars of his grammar
>Posts Weimar/Turkflag bastard
>never goes Wandern on 1st of May
>never understands my dialekt
Zurück nach Anatolien du Passdeutscher
neden bu pis maymunlarla tartışarak zamanını boşa harcıyorsun?
if you are a member of the German Volk, and you love the German Volk, then please, you're welcome here.
but if you side with muslims or turkey over the German Volk, then piss off goat fucker!
Gay lefty Bavaryan here.
Had I know this would turn out to be such a controversial topic, I would never have started this thread. I am SO sorry, Jow Forums.
Won't happen again. Pinky swear :^)
N Türke in Bayern der schwul ist
>le epic troll :^)
you sure showed everyone, fellow "bavaryan"
>I was born in this country. My grandfather literally helped rebuild this country after the war. German is my mother tongue.
hahaha no nigger
its bait but couldn't resíst
I agree, Germany is for Germans.
Fuck off Mehmet, Germany is Albanian land.
I'm Bavaryan.
Na, I am guessing, if their is a big financial meltdown, autocratic Nations like Russia and Turkey will see their chance and try to annex bordering nations wile western nations are busy with themselves.
So Ukrains, Baltics and Kurds hold your buds.
Mashallah Bruder
you belong here same as everybody else who respects the constitution and rule of law and acts accordingly
Turken wollen etwas das ihren aufenthalt in Deutschland rechtfertigt.