Beaner Coin

Why don't beaners use this instead of Western Union?

Attached: 740_Ly9jb2ludGVsZWdyYXBoLmNvbS9zdG9yYWdlL3VwbG9hZHMvdmlldy81ZmMwODU5MzFmOGIxMDhhNjI3MDZhOWJiNWQyMWMw (740x493, 103K)

Too dumb. Remember their collective IQ is only slightly better than subsaharan africans

Is it technically legal to exchange bitcoin for pesos in Mexico?

>beaners cash checks using check cashing places that charge 10% fees instead of banks.

>won’t use kiosks at McDonald’s and instead get a cashier to take their order
>pay for everything in cash.

Gee, I wonder why they can’t into bitcoin

fucking beaners have their own line at the supermarket just for western union transfers. if someone needed money from me for an emergency i would have to wait 30 minutes on line to send it to them. then they call the person in tacoland who is receiving the cash and if they didn't get it, they'll cut right back to the front of the line to start yelling in spanish at the cashier.

>won’t use kiosks at McDonald’s and instead get a cashier to take their order

I do this too. The Kiosks are a pain in the ass. The cashier is way easier.

Why are you using western union user?

Western Union doesn't physically carry their cash to Mexico. So why wouldn't small services start up to transfer their money by bitcoin to Mexico?

i don't have a smartphone so i can't download any of those fancy banking apps.

Bitcoin is a pain in the ass.

Kiosk is the whiteman’s Way of customizing his order and seeing the whole menu without having to ask for a double filet of fish.

>i don't have a smartphone
Stop talking to my friends dad!

I already know what I want when I walk in.
the kiosk is just a way to pickup more germs and do shit the cashier gets paid to do
easier to just walk up and use my voice
kiosks are for betas and faggots

>because (((they))) do not like white man’s money (bitcoin). So they put red tape all over it.

>Kiosk is the whiteman’s Way
I wonder how much fecal matter is on that screen.

Because Bitcoin will go down in price by 20% by the time the taco on the other side goes to cash it in

t. Mexican

Can’t into kiosks, can’t into free checking, can’t into financing, pays for shit everything. This can’t into bitcoin.

enjoy being tracked by the NSA every waking moment of your life.

Kek is here. It also can go up 20%

ahahah you wish
free checking is easy and great
financing, that is also easy
bitcoin? I got that
but kiosks are for zoomers and fags, it isn't really a debate lmao

stay assblasted

>making this much of an effort to find a flip phone or similar

Just pointing out obvious reasons why beaners can’t get into complicated things. They are simpletons slightly above blacks.

why should I use a kiosk instead of just saying what I want
why should I have to lift a finger? I don’t work there

To put more niggers out of work. Christ man I thought you were white.

Will Carlos Slim find some way to control beaner coin like he did with all the phone cards?

>To put more niggers out of work.
Great way to lower the crime rate and reduce welfare usage.

If you're not actively mining bitcoin (which is difficult for small players these days), it's difficult and costly to obtain in the US on an exchange without access to a bank account.

Perhaps you could wire money to an exchange, but given the amount of overhead fees, you may as well just wire money to the recipient instead.

> t. boomer

McJobs qualify for welfare use age.

>buy btc
>pay fees
>send it other wallet
>pay fees
>cash out
>pay fees
>btc dumps another 20%
>exchange exit scams
>wallet gets hacked

THIS, based and smartpilled
fuck shitcoins, sage