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Other urls found in this thread: security beneficiaries 2014 by race black hispanic white&source=bl&ots=IMvvS1GlQM&sig=Ry6RF3ZFXZ2lrIirsA2RClYSRE8&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjX6uzqydDMAhVr5oMKHX_JBaQ4ChDoAQg4MAQ#v=onepage&q=Social security beneficiaries 2014 by race black hispanic white&f=false

The government are such liars, just swap the white and hispanic numbers and its much more accurate.

>What is per capita


Who are the other 30% native Americans? Why aren't they included

Oh look 12% of the population consumes a quarter of food stamps. Biggers confirmed as less than useless and actual drain on economy.

We’re done here

No shit the majority of SNAP beneficiaries will be white. There are five times as many white people as black people in the US.

That's why per capita exists. It would be a bigger problem if blacks and Hispanics were the majority of the country.

Came here to say this
Niggers can't into math

Not even.

>Not a literal fucking Indio
>Considered "White"

It's the same for crime stats.


Why is this concept so confusing to normies? This is basic, fundamental statistical thing that dumbasses seem to have a hard time of understanding

>white population cannot keep up with shitskins
>benefits and gibmedats goes up
>white man takes the burden via higher taxes

this country is fucked desu

I lived near a reservation, The amount of money they get is so astronomically disproportionate to every other race it’s fucking unbelievable. I graduated in 2012 and I remember all the native kids getting upwards of $20,000 from the government for doing the same. Literally all of them spent it on cars and drugs.

CNN math... who gets the other 29%

Pole gets it

Who's the rest??

Attached: 1528562745680.jpg (600x550, 94K)

CIA black ops funding


Now compare that to the actual population. Whites and Hispanics are underrepresented and blacks are more than doubled.

Hispanics are actually slightly underrepresented per capita

>take a look at FBI crime list
>98% of the "white" are not white
>60% are mexicans
>30% are niggers
>10% are chinks
>rest are mix
>>whites commit the majority of crime
yeah no

62-3% of population, 35% of food stamps
14% of population 23% of food stamps
Really makes you wonder.

Well blacks cant use food stamps in prison can they now OP?

>35% of food stamp receivers
>61% of citizens
What a crime what a crime

Maybe to illegals whose race isn't recorded for some reason? It's hard to believe that 27% could go to any mixture of people who are neither white, black nor hispanic. Looks like some serious fudging of numbers.
At any rate, whites are under-represented here, even for 56% land.
It's really a no-win scenario as far as debating goes: if whites were shown to use food stamps less, people would just say that it's White Privilege at work that they don't need them.

If this was actually proportionally it would be

56% whites on food stamps
13% blacks
But naaaah

This is called shifting goalposts: conservatives will say blacks cost too much money because they are on welfare, but when its pointed out that whites consume more welfare money, conservatives shift the argument from economic cost, to a social and cultural problem where blacks are bad for being on welfare even though they cost the taxpayer less than whites. They will then refuse to debate the economic conditions in black communities, even though the original argument was about economic cost. Very low-iq and weakminded

>le 56
>le benefit
>le tip
so is this country half white or not?

Here, this one is more accurate.

Attached: Food Stamps Demographics.png (318x534, 17K)

I'm white and I get food stamps.

Is it time for baby's first statistics lesson?

Attached: sklstst.png (600x550, 129K)


>wtf blacks only make up 51% of British teenagers in prison! [despite making up 4% of the population]

Attached: lobster dog.jpg (400x300, 68K)

wtf is this vague 18% "other non-hispanic" group?

White includes muslims

Settle down spic you should see how creative they get when they count "white" and "hispanics"

Some of the Hispanics are undoubtedly lumped in with the whites.

System racist

Attached: ludyulstst.png (600x525, 78K)

Attached: per_capita.gif (350x287, 49K)

Attached: du,kmdusdtsd.png (1024x762, 474K)

>13% of pop is black
>23% of snap benefits goes towards blacks
but its the white man whose using all the gibs right? .... right?

Chinks etc

White == everyone not black or hispanic (and even a good chunk of the hispanics).

In Washington they get 100k from the tribe upon high school graduation, worked with an Indian in construction who was telling me about it. They all spend it on a nice car, cocaine and booze like any 18 year old would do.

nothing biased about a graph from althypothesis, right?

35+15+23=73. Who gets the other 27% of food stamps? Injuns?

Also this.

Asians. Mutts. Maybe some natives.


uh so who takes the other 29%

If you believe that his data is biased, you have to prove it. Otherwise your argument is just althype is wrong cause he has a different opinion than me.

It's not like he made the data himself though. He cites his sources in the article. I just copy and pasted his citations here for you, since you were to lazy to check yourself.

Immigration Impact Meta-Analysis:

Taxes paid by brackets:

Racial groups by income bracket:

Medicaid Enrollment by race, projected from these numbers:

Welfare use by race:

Medicare Enrollment:

Social Security Enrollment by race in 2014: security beneficiaries 2014 by race black hispanic white&source=bl&ots=IMvvS1GlQM&sig=Ry6RF3ZFXZ2lrIirsA2RClYSRE8&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjX6uzqydDMAhVr5oMKHX_JBaQ4ChDoAQg4MAQ#v=onepage&q=Social security beneficiaries 2014 by race black hispanic white&f=false

Total US Government Spending at all levels 2014

Total US Government Revenue of all types and at all levels 2014

>YOU LIED TO ME Jow Forums

Thanks user.
>35% of SNAP is to whites
>most blacks on SNAP

Attached: 1537418039456.jpg (1580x3391, 1011K)

alt hype has a vested interest in presenting blacks as a drain on society because it supports his ideology. Not just a different opinion, but an opinion firmly rooted in misrepresenting and lying about data.

Everyone who can get on food stamps should, abuse it until the system collapses

We do

P.S.: Double white, cut black and hisp in half and there's your U.S. abortion statistics. Fact.
Don't want to face this, do you, Jow Forums
It's true. White babies are aborted most.
White women view the procedure a lot like a mani pedi. Time to correct this.

Jews and (((native americans)))
Living in socal i learned many native americans are just jews playing tricks

And it's true regardless.

>misrepresenting and lying about data.
link to proof?

this is white in america

Attached: 1526494217502.png (560x590, 13K)

Really Finland?? You have the best education system in the world, but you came up with that number.
Are you a refugee?

compare this to white, black, and hispanic population percentages in the us.

>be 60% of population
>receive 35% of the foodstamps
>Lol whites are such welfare queens

>Blacks are 13% of the population
>Receive 23% of the total food stamps
>Not all blacks are on welfare racist

God I hate liberals, they are so stupid

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This was probably intended to be a slide thread, but the redpills are flowing.
backfired, tranny faggot.

Attached: tranny_attention_whore.png (732x721, 198K)

>1 post by this ID
>1 post by this ID
>1 post by this ID
>1 post by this ID
>1 post by this ID

Attached: Wasted image.jpg (400x400, 19K)

American renaissance
a white nationalist magazine
can you use a less biased source?

Attached: ROS_Hydro_logo.png (717x768, 322K)

Can you just kys already?

Attached: welfaredemographic.jpg (673x445, 57K)

Is alt-hype a registered accountant? Looking briefly over the article linked in the original budget impact graph, I see he made a lot of assumptions to get to that conclusion.

First, he includes military spending as a way that whites support the system more than blacks, yet I think most people on this board would disagree that current military spending is essential or helpful to the average American. And especially the idea that military spending is somehow a type of welfare, the government might have programs to enlist black people, but ultimately a recruitment strategy is designed to help the military, not the local population.

Second, he breaks down US tax brackets by race, even though the US government does not actually publish that data. I think its very unreasonable to assume that white people in the top 5% tax bracket are actually paying almost 40% in income. That's another very naive assumption. I can go into more detail if you want.

Blacks are around 13% of the population.

And the other 27%???

>less biased

Are you implying American Renaissance is somehow biased?

12% of population take 23% of welfare. 56% take 35% of welfare. How does this not show blacks are a drain on society?

35% white doesn't mean 35% of white people, user.

23% represented in food stamps of 13% of the population is a fucking massive percentage of nigs on welfare.

i dont know, can someone explain to a brainlet pls

Attached: Born To Jingle.jpg (724x844, 119K)

> trusting the media

This purposely excludes Social security to prove a point.
Are you implying that white people being 35% of food stamp recipients, meaning they’re adults, means white people are the problem?

>Source Center for Immigration Studies/ Survey of Income Program participation, 2012 data.

American Renaissance is merely doing the commentary above and bellow i assume.

I'm sure I had it somewhere in my mess of 4k+ images but more copies literally never hurts ty

61%. Not 56% euros need to stop using this number

>35+15+23=73. Who gets the other 27% of food stamps? Injuns?

T. Le eternal 56% mutt

If any group deserves gibs it's native Americans. There aren't many of them and they mostly keep to themselves

I'm gonna go ahead and give this a save I don't want to hear about Hispanics being leeches anymore looks like we get sucked off a lot too.

That is the average mexican

Social security is not welfare you silly faggot.

Attached: welfarepercapita.jpg (1082x813, 181K)

You have 10 black people and 2 of them collect welfare.
You also have 100 white people and 2 of them collect welfare.
Leftists would say that there are as many black welfare collectors as there are white - 2 of every group.
But the truth is, in this scenario, 2% of whites collect welfare and 20% of blacks collect welfare. This means that blacks are more likely to collect welfare than whites are.
Per capita means dividing something by the number of people. It's useful for counting how likely something is to happen.

how are you defining "drain on society". They might take a larger proportion by race, but in economic terms they are not the most costly group. Do we consider disabled people to be a "drain on society" because they take welfare money and are unable to work. You might say "yes", but that's a moral judgement of the disabled community, because its unreasonable to think disabled people should be contributing as much as an able-bodied person.

It seems like you are trying to use economic data to justify an entirely subjective moral choice that is not universally true or recognized as fact in the same way certain tax data is.

people ask me why i thought alt-hype's graph is false, so I gave my reasoning. thats all

Whites are 56% of the population, why arent they 56% of the foodstamp recipients?

white 35
poc 38

who lied again?

Doesn’t matter too many low IQ whites living off the government it’s really very sad and I think they should be jailed or executed

why would you assume a neo-fascist larp blog is operating in good faith?

thank fren

Attached: Born To Fren.jpg (638x676, 74K)

>how are you defining "drain on society". They might take a larger proportion by race, but in economic terms they are not the most costly group. Do we consider disabled people to be a "drain on society" because they take welfare money and are unable to work. You might say "yes", but that's a moral judgement of the disabled community, because its unreasonable to think disabled people should be contributing as much as an able-bodied person.

Is being a nigger a disability?

100% this


Yes Jared Taylor is trying to prove a fucking point.

White 60% of the population accounts for 35%
Hispanic 20% of the population accounts for 15%
Black 12% of the population accounts for 23%