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Jesus this is epic.

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HAHAHA thanks for the link my man. love this guy. he keeps busting those lies of the mainstream media. - Honestly thought it was super chill he was sitting there with a beer. and she calls him a fucking alcoholic? please.

If the left were a little more like that wall street and neocon puppet donald trump would be a nothing. All wall street has is the (engineered) weakness of the left.

Found a couple new YouTube subs. OP was not a Faggot today

I love Jimmy Dore


Wow, some hope in NYC!


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Horseshoe theory in action, Jow Forums agreeing with a literal card carrying self professed communist LMAO.
I follow his stuff too, he is anti-capitalist and anti-war, and a pretty alright comedian. I just wish he wasn't so protective of and apologetic for Russia, Syria and Venezuela and the likes. Just because the USA is shafting them, doesn't mean they aren't bad actors as well.

user, he's a comedian. who gives a fuck if he votes for che, sensitive much?

His comedy routine is very political though, you can't separate his views from his jokes.

Jimmy should unironically run for president

>lmao, fuck off

No, hear me out. He should run for president on a populist-progressive platform. He could seriously win. People are desperate for an anti-establishment candidate. Both the left and the right like Jimmy. He's smart, quick on his feet, funny as fuck -- would obliterate everyone in the debates. Think about it. If Trump, a low IQ boomer Zionist shill, managed to win, then Jimmy can too.

Sodomites and kikes are still not welcome.

Jimmy Dore is a scumbag and a crypto right winger. Fuck him.

Fascist or Communist, we can all agree we need to kill the Jewish corporatist banking overlords. Nothing hard to understand.

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suck a dick

He's not even close to a communist. I'm convinced he doesn't know what communism is.

He is a social democrat, he just sypmathizes with anti capitalist causes But his anti war and anti censorship stances make me like him very much.

At least he has principles unlike Cenk or Ana.

He is genuinely delusional enough he can unite right wingers and left wingers because he's that fucking stupid. He doesn't understand that beyond muh mainstream meteor and muh anti-war stance these people are still at polar opposites to one another and wanna claw each others throats out. And he's an opportunistic as fuck too. Just a fucking empty headed asshole.

Don't worry commie. Theres no uniting with degenerate lunatics like you. The only thing you deserve is a bullet.

>He's not even close to a communist. I'm convinced he doesn't know what communism is.
A system based on artificial (((revolutionaries))) propped up by engineered social structures and media manipulation capitalizing on friction points within a society with the end goal of large-scale (((theft))), sex slave procurement, and genocide of Christians? Are you fucking retarded?

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Replace social structures(which is just lmao) with the ruling class and you just described fascism. Communism has historically ALWAYS been opposed by the people in power. Fascism has ALWAYS been propped up by capitalist shitheads seeking to escape the latest crash with as little money lost as possible.

Don't "no, u" me with whataboutism. There are 50 different types of Socialism. Why don't you explain yourself, because it's disgusting.

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I'm surprised he didn't use his secret move.

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Holy shit a picture of two people together that is clearly well after the communist revolution happened in china. Just stop. Fascism is capitalism is fascism is capitalism. They are two sides of the same coin. Communism has always been predominantly a people's movement.

>ruling class
WW1 vets? Ok...

Fuck off you psuedointellectual little fag, knee deep in a NatSoc board because you're so much better than everyone. German fascism was wartime fascism. 99% approval-rating of a war hero fascism. The Bolsheviks were the ones funded by the American Elite Ruling class of kikes like Jacob Schiff. You are a hypocritical mess.

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>the only major communist revolutions that were successful were orchestrated by elites lying to the public Lenin style
>it's a people's movement tho

Don't even get me started on you. Unironically dumber than Commies.

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>German fascism was wartime fascism.
There was no war tho. And he wasn't elected by the people. NatSoc is as big a meme as you can have.

>there was no war
My sweet summerchild.

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The NSDAP was made the biggest party by the people, and Hitler was appointed chancellor as a result. Communists eternally mad that the people chose us as a revolution against liberal capitalism instead of them.

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Sounds like libertarian utopia. Still not a reason to declare war on everyone else.

>Unironically dumber than Commies.
On that I can agree with nazi larpers and commies - ancaps are the worst.

When Pilsudski died, the freshly exiled Rothschild was free to fund the anti-German movement in Poland.

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>invent imaginary war to justify repression
>claim all the people you don't like are actually weak and deserve to be repressed
>lose war and immediately blame all the weak people who never would have been your enemy if you hadn't started the war in the first place
what did natsoc mean by this?

>whining about Pinochet
>whining about plans to BTFO Maduro

I thought he was a bit harsh, even if he was right.

That's what they always do and always will do. And we'll always be there to stomp them.

>believes pinochet, an american puppet who raped his nation for multinational corporations, was good just because he gassed a few commies
>cheering on americans launching another zion coup in vuvuzuela

Yep, it's a boomer alright

Who's more of a radical extreme centrist, Jimmy Dore or Tim Pool?

Communist anti-white cuck is /ourguy/

>invent imaginary war to justify repression
That's right, goy. Some Serb and reactive Europeans caused WW1. All gentiles.
>claim all the people you don't like are actually weak and deserve to be repressed
Which people were those? The countries Hitler begged to join him?
>lose war and immediately blame all the weak people who never would have been your enemy if you hadn't started the war in the first place

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>pinochet, an american puppet who raped his nation for multinational corporations
>raped his nation
>Today Chile is the only OECD country in all of South America
>Pinochet's Constitution is still in effect in almost its entirety and is clearly one of the primary contributors to Chile's massive economic success
Meanwhile Cuba and Venezuela are doing fantastic, right user?

Maybe some of you tranny discord xirs/xers are more visual learners:

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The left is eating itself

>massive success
absolutely no evidence of this. despite massive us backing and propping still pretty much in line with every other latin american country.

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Well, the western world has an artificial left and an artificial right. It might be how "democracy" was designed.

You're right, Pinochet turning Chile into still the richest and best off South American country was really super bad.

Thats a wig lol .

jimmy dore is a faggot .

>The young turds vs New York Turds

fuck the media

Who fucking cares what spicks do in their own shitty countries? You want americans to go fucking die for Exxon or the International Monetary Fund? Fucking retard.

>Top 10 most competitive economies in Latin America and the Caribbean
Who is number one on this list, user?

>You want americans to go fucking die for Exxon or the International Monetary Fund? Fucking retard.
Did Americans go and die during Pinochet's 1973 coup, you absolute caved skull retard?

who gives a shit about this meme garbage? their gdp growth is pretty much in line with every other latin american country. by all means there is nothing special about them, just that the us propped them up for a while.

>Jow Forums agreeing
>falling for shilling
Just look at the sheer amount of memeflaggots in this thread. Get your shit together, famalam.

Jimmy Dore spit on AJ then ran away like a coward

fuck is wrong with his eye lol

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I was referring to Maduro if we have a war and all the other regime change wars we have fought for the same retarded reasons all over the world.

Get the fucking CIA dicks out of your throat for a second and realize all the regime changes have nothing to do with communism or democracy but getting resources for Banks and the energy companies the bankers own.

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don't make fun of people for their disabilities and physical problems, asshole.

The Jewess cries out “you’re an alcoholic” as she strikes you.

You have a lazy eye too you little bitch?
Post a photo and I'll laugh.

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calm downie

>I was referring to Maduro
I know you were. And if you are so stupid that you think we can't orchestrate a coup in Venezuela without sending in our own armed forces, you should probably just kill yourself at this point.

fucking scumbags

awww, did i hurt your wittle feewings? :'(

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Yeah thats why US troops are landing in Colombia right now. Its not worth a single fucking dollar of taxes to pay for the CIA to destabilize a country which will probably result in millions of south american refugees moving to the US. At the very best we can create a civil war in Venezuela which will fucking FLOOD north america with millions of refugees just like the Syrian war did to Europe. But I bet you think the Syrian war was a good idea huh?

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Report this for Toxic Masculinity

the kike lover AIU is SEETHING whenever he sees him btw and he milked this event so much
instantly pivots to ad-hominems whenever Jimmy brings up this shady shit the state does

I sure as shit enjoyed the bants from the OP video

The difference is that Venezuela is within range of America. Russia and China have been influencing the country for a long time and russian forces have already been deployed to Venezuela. The last time russian forces were this close to the USA, the Cuban Missile Crisis happened.
The USA shouldn't destabilize and invade countries, especially if they're half a world away, but stability in your neighbours is important for national defense

>stability in your neighbours is important for national defense
I agree and a civil war in Venezuela is bad for stability.

Good post until Jimmy sarcastically says 'Wait, you're telling me the mainstream news lies about all the wars?' And then the other guy un-sarcastically says, 'Yeah, they haven't since the 1950's'.

Um, yeah no, try the 1920's. But a guess beggars can't be choosers...

A coup is not a civil war. Are you a nigger or do you just think like one?

Jimmy Dore is a cock suckin leftist scumbag. The fact that he receives even the slightest bit of praise from some of the pollacks on here leaves me feeling disgusted and quite honestly ashamed to even be associated with you. The man has an infantile view of the world and can't into geopolitics. You should hear the way he vehemently attacks the nation state of Israel. Ask yourself why is this piece of shit so head strong when it comes to a right wing conservative juggernaut in the middle east (Israel) and basically bends over for terrorists? That's all I need to know about Jimmy BORE, guy fuckin sucks end of discussion.

This guy was on Joe Rogan's podcast, ever since then I've been a fan. The guy is redpilled at fuck. I'm no Democrat but Jimmy is one of the few Democrats to speak out against the left and Hillary Clinton. He's what leftists should strive to be like


>spotted the glow in the dark
>I'm no democrat for real
can you feel the noose tightening tranny?

He's actually the only leftist I like because he doesn't buy into the usual russia and other leftist nonsense. Spitting on Alex Jones was retarded tho.

>You should hear the way he vehemently attacks the nation state of Israel

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>A coup is not a civil war.
>a war between a faction that controls the Venezuelan military and a faction that is funded armed and trained by the CIA is not a civil war
>two Venezuelan factions fighting each other is not a civil war
You dumb nigger.

you are definitely mentally retarded


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Repent sodomite or burn like those before you as GOD slaughters all your vile perverted abominable kind like spit roasted chicken on a BBQ oven.

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>defends the CIA
>defends regime change wars
>thinks people are dumb for not wanting to use billions of tax dollars sending US military/intelligence all over the world like a collection agency for the Bankers slaughtering millions of people directly and indirectly

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Who is this jew and why should I waste my life watching him?

Dude bump

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He came along way since then. Got into a huge fight with TYT owners over the banning of Alex Jones.